Alice Ann Bailey – The Mother of the New Age Movement

Alice Ann Bailey was initially a Christian worker. She came under the influence of her philosopher-husband, Foster Bailey, and founded the Arcane School. She is regarded as the foundational apostle of the New Age Movement.

She had written master treatises on Esoteric Philosophy & Esoteric Astrology. This is an excerpt from Esoteric Astrology ” The Zodiac & The Rays “


What I have to say first on this subject is entirely of a preliminary nature. I seek to lay the ground for a somewhat new approach – a far more esoteric approach – to the science of astrology. Certain things I may say will probably be regarded by the academic and uninspired astrologer as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as improbable or unprovable. As yet, however, astrology has not really proved itself to the world of thought and science, in spite of many definitely demonstrable successes. I would ask all of you, therefore, who read and study this section of A Treatise on the Seven Rays to bear in mind the above comments and to preserve a willingness to consider hypotheses and to make an effort to weigh a theory or suggestion and to test out conclusions over the course of a few years. If you can do this, there may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world. It is intuitional astrology which must eventually supersede what is today called astrology, thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic [4] interrelations which govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds.

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