Matter, a derivative of Consciousness

” Matter is a derivative of Consciousness ” said Prof De Broglie. “I regard Consciousness as fundamental” said Prof Erwin Schroedinger.

Truth is that, on the subatomic level, Science is not exact ! The Old Physics of Newton does not apply to the subatomic realm. The New Physics states that electrons are standing waves and Matter exhibits two properties – that of a particle and a Wave. Prof Shroedinger was sure that electrons are standing waves. Something was standing and he called it the Psi function or rather the Wave Function.

There is no such thing as Space and Time, as Newton thought. There is only an inseparable SpaceTime and we live in a four dimensional Space-Time Continuum. Fritjof Capra had voiced the same truth earlier. The dance of sub atomic matter, the galaxies, the black holes and of the Universe is Poetry in motion, is the Cosmic Dance & is symbolised in Oriental Philosophies as the Dance of Siva, the Lord of the Dancers worshipped by the Indians !


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