Quantum Physics talks mystic language !

The quintessence of the De Broglie Hypothesis , that Matter has dual properties, wave and particle properties, was taken up by Erwin Schroedinger. Electrons are standing waves ! The Electron is both a particle and a wave.

Modern Physics therefore has reached Transcendental Physics or the philosophia prima which used a dual language when it described Absolute Reality.

The Absolute is Being
The Absolute is Becoming
The Absolute is Non Being

How can the Absolute be both Being and Non Being? The first definition of Absolute is that which is non relative; the latter definition includes the relative. When we say Absolute Being, we are talking about an Absolute which takes relativity in its embrace !

The Seer-Poets of the Vedas , used a mystic language when they described the Absolute

The One Thou Art; the Many also Thou Art

The Absolute Self was defined as subtler than the subtlest and greater than the greatest. ( Anor aneeyan and Mahato Maheeyan ).

The Seer Poets extolled Absolute Truth thus

Our mother Thou art; also our Father
Thou art our close relative; also our beloved consort !
Thou art Wisdom, Thou art also Wealth
Thou art our all in all, O Beloved Divine!

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