The Universe as a Wave Function?

Matter, then, has dual properties. Is both Particle and Wave. The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics ( Copenhagen is the place where Niels Bohr came from )in 1927 accepted the dual properties of the Electron !

Does that mean that the ocean of Matter which we see around us, is only solid, particle like?

Or does that mean it is only Wave like ?

The De Broglie Hypothesis and the Shroedinger Wave Equation says that Matter has both properties – it has wave like properties and at the same time it has particle like properties !

If Matter be Truth or Reality, will we not pray to Matter thus

O Matter ! thou art both Particle and Wave !

The ancient Seer-Poets spoke the same mystic language, the language of Transcendental Physics !

Thou art Being, which turns into Becoming but is always other than its Becomings,

Thou art the Indeterminate, which teems with mutations and differntiae

Thou art the Universal, who individualises itself
Thou art the Individual, who universalises itself

Thou art the One, which turns into an innumerable multitude

Reality and Unrealty, both are Thee !

I desire nothing from Thee
I desire only Thee !

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