The Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy

The Law of Conservation of Mass Energy states that Truth ( Mass Energy ) can neither be created nor destroyed.

The sum total energy in the Universe is an absolute constant. This Total Mass Energy was what the ancient Seer Poets called as the Indestructible Reality ( Avinashi thu tadvidhhi yena sarvam idam tatam ).

Our bodies belong to the universal sea of Matter. Our minds to the sea of Universal Mind. The conserved Mass Energy is the same ( Samam Brahma ).

If the total energy is not Kshara or destructible, then it is Indestructible or Akshara ( Aksharam Brahma ).

The ancient Seer Poets spoke of Reality negatively, initially. They said It is not this, It is not that ( as this is finite and that is finite, whereas Reality in Infinite ). At the same time they spoke of it positively, they said It is this, It is that, It is all ( sarvam brahmamayam ). Because they were first indicating that the Absolute is non-relative or the Infinite is non-finite. Then they said the Absolute is that which includes all relatives ! Brahman, the Absolute, they said, is Matter, is Life, is Mind, is Supermind, is Cosmic Delight, is Existence- Consciounsess – Beatitude !

The modern physicist, if he were to speak of the Total Mass Energy in the Universe, will say the same thing. That Reality or Mass Energy is this, It is that, It is all !

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