The Law of Complementarity !

Niels Bohr conceived the principle of Complementarity – that items have contradictory properties. The photon, for instance, is both a particle and a wave, two apparently mutually contradictory properties. One of his famous students was Heisenberg, who bequethed to the scientific world the Uncertainty Principle.
In Eastern philosophies, Reality was defined as an Indeterminate which include contradictory properties. Opposites coexist in Realty. The Absolute Being contains both the finite and the Infinite. The Law of Complementarity, discovered by Bohr, was not altogether new to the ancient mystics, the Seer Poets !
The Absolute Brahman was defined by them as both Impersonal and Personal, Nirguna and Saguna. It is both Being & Non-Being, The Absolute & Relative, the One and the Innumerable, the Formless and the delirium of forms. It is the Being which turns into Becoming but is always itself and other than its becomings !

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