Right Hemisphere of the brain given its due !

Left Hemisphere of the brain deals with the Scientific, the Analytic

Right Hemisphere deals with the synthetic, the philosophic, the poetic.

Man has two types of Mind, Rational Mind, the scientific and the Intuitive Mind, the Philosophic.

So far, before the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics ( 1927), Physical Science had ignored the right hemisphere and had given priority to the Left Hemisphere. It is only after the quantum revolution initiated by Max Planck, De Broglie, Schroedinger, Heisenber, Pauli, David Bohm and others, that the New Physics gave the right hemisphere its due.

“Poetry should initiate us unto Philosophy ” said Plutarch. The great poets of yore indulged in Mystic Symbolism.

Dante’s Divina Commedia or Goethe’ Faust, or Tagore ” Geetanjali” or Aurobindo’s ” Savitri”, were the product of the Intuitive Mind or the right Hemisphere.

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Newton’s Laws of Motion or Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, were the product of the Rational Mind or the left Hemisphere.

Poetry is divine. It is the center and the circumference of all knowledge and it comprehends all science !

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