Forever Newly Created Reality !

Gary Zukav says in his magnum opus, the Dancing Wu Li Masters, that in the realm of particle physics, forever newly created realities are formed !

For instance, when a pi meson interacts with a proton, a neutral meson is produced. ( Meson – medium weight particle ) and a Lamda particle

Pi + p = K + L

Also formed is a pi meson and a proton !

Pi + p = K + L + Pi + p

So in the subatomic realm, newly created realities are formed.

Particle Physics explains this formation of Pi meson and proton from the interaction, as products of Kinetic Energy !

The subatomic world is characterised by an continual process of creation, transformation and annhihilation of particles, where mass is converted into energy and energy is converted into mass. Newly created realities are formed.

The quantum physicists have reached the mystics who proclaimed that all this is the Cosmic Dance, the dance of subatomic matter, symbolised in Eastern Literature as the Dance of Lord Shiva, the lord of the dancers worshipped by the Indians !

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