The 10 Most Important Things to Know About Aura

– By: Rose Rosetree, 2008-03-18

Whether you are a sophisticated aura reader or simply curious, have I got a list for you! After you go through these 10 most important things, count up how many are new to you. This short list could change your life.

1. Not Just Color

How often have you heard misleading phrases like, “See auras” and “See the colors”? I’ve successfully taught aura reading to thousands of people, on three continents, and I’m here to tell you that many folks never see colors at all. Nevertheless, they can become superb aura readers.

When people do see colors, it is usually only a small part of the information that they receive. Not so for some really famous aura readers, like Sylvia Browne, Doreen Virtue, and Barbara Brennan — but maybe one reason they are so famous is that their gift sets match what people expect.

Ladies, do you believe that there is only one way for you to be beautiful? Where is it written that nobody will look at you twice unless you are tall and skinny, blonde and busty? That kind of myth helps nobody.

Guys, you get your share of pressures, too. Does your value in life depend on how close you can come to looking like Swooney Clooney? There’s just one George Clooney, and he isn’t you. (Somehow you have managed to get over this. I just know it.)

Well, there are plenty of ways to be gorgeous–and powerful—as an aura reader. A good teacher will help you to read auras as yourself, not trying to copy anyone else.

2. Not Just Vibe

Is it aura reading when you get “good vibrations” about somebody? Sure, it’s a start. However, vibe-reading isn’t quite the same thing as literacy.

Back in the day, before you could read words on a page, you could look at somebody’s handwritten note and decide if it looked good or bad or pretty or scary. In a way that’s informative, but why stop there?

Unless you developed more literacy than that, you wouldn’t be able to read the words here. Think for a moment about the difference between getting a vague impression versus actually reading. So much knowledge comes to you because you learned how to read words. If you can do that, you can learn this other kind of literacy. You can learn to read auras in depth and detail.

3. Real Bodies

Your physical body is surrounded by layers of subtle body, made of electromagnetic energy and full of information. I like to say that, having all these layers, you are just like an onion… only you smell better. These energy layers make up your aura, so it is physical, only in a metaphysical way.

Once you appreciate that auras are 3-D energy bodies, you’ll understand why it’s so limiting to think of them just as colors. How would you feel if someone came into the room where you are right now, looked you up and down, and saw only colors? Sure, there are colors in your skin, hair, and eyes, but do you want to be judged only by that?

3. Hundreds of Databanks

Ever hear that an aura contains chakras? Its true. Spiritually literate people have been reading chakras for 10,000 years. In fact the word “chakra” comes from ancient Sanskrit. and it means that every human aura contains major and minor data centers, like the heart chakra, the throat chakra, etc.

A recent discovery about chakras is reported in my latest how-to book, “Cut Cords of Attachment.” Every major chakra contains 50 different databanks of information.

Yes, that’s a lot of data, isn’t it? Whatever your curiosity, certain databanks can give you really practical, accurate information — whether you want to learn about character, emotions, health, consumer concerns, or more.

Reading these databanks in auras isn’t weird or other-worldly. It’s a vital survival skill for the 21st century. Once you find a teacher who can help you to find your way in to this information, reading auras is easy and fun. Sometimes even funny!

4. Hidden Gifts

Every databank in your aura contains two types of information: gifts and “stuff.”

For instance, you have a databank in your solar plexus chakra (at your ribcage) that I call “Personal Power When It Counts.” When you’re emotionally invested in a relationship, how do you handle conflict? That’s different from your solar plexus databank about “Power When at Work.”

In each databank, you have a gift of your soul. This is permanent, like a fingerprint. It’s validating to learn about your gifts. Do you tend to be fair, kind, forgiving, or naturally assertive? Building from your strengths is smart. By learning about your innate gifts, you can find enormous validation for your natural way of doing things.

5. Stuff

Yes, that’s one of my technical terms. “Stuff” means things that distort the gifts of your soul. “Stuff” could be dysfunctional patterns learned in childhood, coping mechanisms of all kinds, stuck fear or pain, even things added into your aura like mix-in’s put into ice cream at some dessert restaurants. Instead of M&Ms or cashews, your aura could contain cords of attachment, negative thought forms, or other forms of astral debris.

But here’s the important part. Stuff can always be released. Always! I say this as someone who regularly does phone sessions of Energy Spirituality, moving out stuff permanently. And I’m hardly the only healer in the world. Speaking of which…

6. Smart Consumers Read Auras

Have you ever gone to a non-doctor doctor? In America, appointments to holistic healers began to outnumber physician visits in 1997, well before the start of this millennium. Your favorite healer might do chiropractic, Healing Touch, Reiki, massage, shiatsu – anything from acupuncture to z-cupuncture (okay, I made that one up).

What do all these healing methods have in common? They mostly align your aura. All the benefits to your body are a kind of mind-body-spirit side effect.

So many doctors, so little time… How can you tell which practitioner really helps you? Read your own aura before and after the treatment. This is just one way that aura reading is indispensable for a consumer.

Reading auras, you can taste fruit before you buy it. And never again will you buy those pricey roses that droop once you bring them home. Flowers like that may look pretty on the surface, but their auras are puny. That’s why they die so fast. Get your money’s worth.
For the same price, you could buy flowers that are aurically radiant.

7. Your Perfect Gift Set

Ever since you’ve been born, you have owned a perfect set of gifts for reading auras. That probably isn’t 100% about seeing colors.

No problem! You don’t have to be visual in a particular way to succeed as an aura reader. And I’d urge you to strongly question any “teacher” who has led you to believe that success requires that you be anything other than who you naturally are. Having to “work at” aura reading is a pathetic misunderstanding. A teacher who asks you to work hard in order to read auras… has failed you.

Also, if you have been waiting to get rid of a “block” that keeps you from seeing auras, consider that you don’t have any block at all. Learn techniques that use the gifts you have. In “Aura Reading Through All Your Senses,” I list a whole table of techniques at the front because the book contains over a hundred of them.

However you approach auras, give yourself the benefit of a variety of techniques. Even talented people need this. Practical techniques have helped you to read, and write, to play any sport or musical instrument, to use a spoon, to shampoo your hair. Why should aura reading be any different?

8. Regular Photos Are Fine

Have you ever seen colorful aura photos? They’re sold at psychic fairs. Some people say that you need a photo like this to read an aura. Ridiculous!

I can teach you to read auras from regular photos, Internet photos, cell phone photos. You can read auras when you watch TV or movies. (Finally, the mystery of screen chemistry solved!) Read auras whenever and wherever you like. It isn’t rocket science, trust me.

Because aura reading is so portable and practical, it may be the most useful hologram of the soul that you can read. For astrology, you need a birth time. For handwriting analysis, you must have a written sample. For face reading (another of my specialties, something I dearly love doing), you need a decent frontal photo. Just yesterday, a reporter sent me a celebrity photo to read and the guy’s face was almost completely covered by a football helmet. Sure, I could have read his aura, but for a face reading I had to beg her to supply a different picture.

Once you find your way in, you’ll be amazed how much you can learn by reading auras from photographs.

9. Practical Insights

Just how practical is the information from reading auras? It could save your life.

Sometimes companies hire me to do personnel profiles. I’ll point out when a job applicant’s aura shows a tendency to deception, cruelty, even violence.

Reading auras, in person or from photos, you can do three different lie detector tests. Might there be a problem with alcohol or drugs? That shows clearly in an aura, too. What else? You can even preview a lover sexually.

This is accurate information, folks. And those who scoff just don’t get it.

10. Glorious Service

Whatever kind of work you do, you can help people more by reading their auras. Use any aura reading technique that works for you.

For some people, aura reading is about psychic flash, but it doesn’t have to be. Personally, I use aura reading as a technique for spiritual development. When you can read people deeper, don’t you think that might change the way you relate to their Source?

It’s glorious, too, reading your own aura. You discover your own gifts of the soul. (Just because you have them doesn’t mean that you’ve known about them consciously.)

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering personal sessions of Cutting Cords of Attachment, Aura Transformation, Regression Therapy, and Face Reading. Rose teaches workshops internationally. Order Rose’s books, join her e-zine newsletter or blog, etc, by visiting Rose-Rosetree or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

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