And what is the discriminative intellect ? It is Prajna, that which discriminates between the Real and the Unreal.
Atma Anatma Vivekam ithi Prajna
That which differentiates between the Self and the Non- Self is Prajna.
And what is the Self ?
Nirguno Nishkriyo Nithyo
Nirvikalpo Niranjanah
Nirvikaro Nirakaro
Nithyor Mukthosmi Nirmalah !
He who Attributeless, Actionless, Eternal, Formless and ever liberated, the divine component in us !
And what is the Non Self ?
Dehendriya Prana sukhonamadya
Sarve Vikara Vishaya Sukhadaya
Vyomahi Bhootani Akhilam cha Visvam
Avyakta Payanta midham Hya Anatma
From the Macrocosm to the Microcosm, from Universe to Man, all emotions, all enjoyments, all this is Non- Self !
May the Discriminative Intellect, the Arjuna in us, obey the Divine Self in us, the Lord Krishna in us and may we experience Bliss !
And let us say like Bhagavan Sankara
By Whose Grace I know that I am the Absolute Self and all this is verily a superimposition upon Me, the Transcendent Reality !
Yasya prasadath Aham eva Vishnu
Mayyeva Sarvam parikalpitham cha