Pranic Therarapy Part II

Pranic Therapy Part II

All the four forces in the Universe – weak nuclear force, strong nuclear
force, electricity & magnetism -are but different manifestations of
that Unitary Power which the Vedists call Prana. Using this Vital Energy
to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This article is a continuation of the
earlier article Pranic Therapy Part I.

Application of Chaos Theory in the field of Medicine

Another breathtaking development in medicine is the application of Chaos
Theory. Chaos theory,advanced by Mendelbrot, is a mathematical theory
applied to non-linear and random events. It sees order in chaos. Most of
ordinary phenomena in the world such as changes of weather, the
behaviour of cancer cells, occurrence of heart attack, movement of
electrons etc, do not seem to follow any regular & recurrent pattern &
are unpredictable on the basis of linear mathematics . Though it
contradicts Laplace, its positive aspect is that is sees Cosmos ( order )
in Chaos.

Chaos theory of maths tries to find a more meaningful correlation &
behavioural pattern in such systems. One of the most fundamental
properties of an organism is Homeostasis, the maintenance of a
fixed internal milieu, especially with regard to body temperature, BP,
pH etc.The earlier school of thought regarded homeostasis as health,
( Walter Cannon called it “the wisdom of the body” ) & any deviation
from it was disease. But Chaos theory revolutionised this thinking &
pointed out that health is the flexibility of an organism to respond to
any changing environment.Our lungs, heart, liver etc are all designed
to deal with frequent changes & health is the flexibility or capacity
to maintain this state of chaos at the maximal level of efficiency.

Holistic health does not reject the Western system of medicine in toto.
In the case of infectious diseases, nutritional & hormonal deficiencies
and bodily defects which need surgical intervention, it follows the Western
system. Psychosomatic diseases such as hypertension, peptic ulcer,
allergic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome etc
can be treated by Holistic Medicine, it averrs. Holistic health provides
a way of life which prevents the reccurrence of some of these ailments.
It is more prophylactic, preventive, curative & restorative.

Integral Life

Integral Life is an ancient Vedic ideal. The ancient Rishies ( Seers )
believed in the fulness of Life – 100 % materialism & 100% spirituality.
They actualised the Unity of Life first – long before they realized the
Unity of Consciousness. The unitary principle of life is known as Prana,
the Vital Energy. Cosmic Prana is a major topic of discussion in the
Upanishads. This Universal Vital Energy flows through invisible
channels in the human body known as Nadis. The Brhadaranyaka
Upanishad describes Prana as Truth and Brahman as the Truth
of Truths. It was during this period ( around 500 B C ) that India
developed the Science of Life known as Ayurveda.

An integral view of life far more comprehensive than that of any school
of Vedanta was developed by Tantras which arose between the 6th &
9th centuries AD. The Ultimate Reality is conceived of as Chit-Shakti,
Consciousness-Force. Matter, Mind & Self are all regarded as mani-
festations of this Universal Power which is personified as the Divine
Mother. All activities are carried on by the Consciousness -Force
( The Universe is the play and display of Consciousness-Force) &
all we have to do is to open ourselves to Her Power through self-surrender
and aspiration. This master science was revived by modern Masters
like Aurobindo and Ramakrishna.

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from
The programme for activating the body’s own self-renewal processes
is called holistic health programme. It may take months or years
for the body to learn new patterns of response and renew itself.
And this programme succeeds only when certain conditions are fulfilled.

A site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine

Awakening to a New Holistic Health Awareness

Only after undergoing an inner conversion do people start on a holistic
health programme. This conversion may come naturally in the fulness of time
or by coming into contact with a holistic health adept or Yoga teacher. But
more commonly, the inner transformation takes place only when people have
reached the limits of suffering or when the shadow of some terminal illness
looms large on the horizon. Fear, they say, is the beginning of wisdom.

Pain is the first born of the Inconscience
And thy body’s dumb original base !

Whatever way the change occurs, it takes the form of two inner processes;
a new attitude towards one’s body and a feeling of responsibility for one’s
own health.

Man’s greatest enemy – Thanatos ( Death-instinct )

The notion that what a person loves most is his own body has been
proved erroneous by Freud. Freud, who declared that pleasure
seeking ( hedonism ) was the basic instinct in man, modified his view
later. He came to the conclusion that along with Life-instinct ( known
as Eros ) man had apparently a powerful Death-instinct ( known as
Thanatos ) which manifested itself as Self-hate & aggressive
behaviour. He showed that not all accidents were really accidents.
The accident-proneness of the victims produced by the unconscious
death wish they had cherished was the cause behind some accidents.
Research has indicated enough evidence for vicious & insidious
forms of self-hate in man. We can understand how self-hate operates
on the level of the Unconscious if we observe the way many people
abuse their own stomachs, lungs & other vital organs, and the way
some people bring ruin upon themselves by yielding to drug addiction
& alcoholism. This self-hate acts as an inhibiting factor for most
individuals. Success can be achieved, said Dr Maxwell Maltz,
if this inhibitive factor is removed from the mind. Most people
are unaware of it & drift through life unaware of the self- harm they
do. Some of them wake up from this unconscious drifting and
begin to have a new attitude – an attitude of love, friendliness
and peace towards themselves & their brethren.It actually indicates
the dawn of true love for one’s higher Self known as the Atman.

Thanatos was known in Vedanta as Thamas ( the destructive
element in man ). Thamas is destructive and self-destructive.
By yogic sadhana alone can this Thamas or Thanatos be

Yet till evil is slain in its own home
And light invades the world’s inconscient base
And perished is the Adversary force
He ( the Saviour ) must still labour on, his work halfdone! ( Aurobindo )

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

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