By: Lee Coppin

With the news full of problems being experienced by social networking sites are we seeing the beginning of the end for Blogs and Social networking. My Space have just closed 29,000 profiles of know child offenders and Facebook’s owner is in court fighting to stop a rival closing him down.

Can it be that the bubble is about burst and we are all about to see the fallout of closer regulation on line relating to the freedom of content and speech for our online world?

The massive growth of blogging and social networking has been possible due to the ability of users to practise freedom of speech at the speed of typing. In a flash we can update our blogs and profiles online with little or no thought.

I am a blog author and as such I am concerned that there will be a slow creep of offical regulations and rules which determine the content and its tone. Bad press is just the catalyst the control freaks need to get their teeth in to the Blogosphere.

We all have a moral and social responsibility to manage or little bits of internet real estate in an acceptable way. Too often I see people online who forget that it is the World Wide Web and post stuff that they would not be happy for there mom to see.

I am not sure where all this will end but are we about to see another dot com crash and the fall incomes from online businesses through our own greed and miss management of the power of the internet.

These small events can become major issues online in a matter of hours. This can result in the world we live in looking very different over night. It is up to us bloggers to show we can be trusted.

I doubt my small voice will be heard over the top of all the others who are shouting in the blogosphere. All I can hope for is the big boys and girls out there set the right example and promote professional blogging and shun those who abuse the power.

This just could be a flash in the pan but that was said about blogs and social networking in the past and look at what they have become. Lets not give the powers that be an excuse to meddle in the blogosphere.

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