Do You Have an Emergency Contact for Your Blog?

Written by Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs on December 9, 2007 | 3 Comments

This week at Performancing, I asked “What will happen to your blogs if something happens to you?” Stuff happens and we need to be prepared. While I won’t rehash the whole piece, I will ask another question. “Who will you entrust your blog to if something happens?” For some the answer is simple, while others have to think long and hard of someone they can trust to see out their visions.

Who Shares Your Vision?

If you care about what happens to your blog in the event of illness…or worse, you’ll want to seriously consider your replacement. When I was getting my blogging affairs in order a couple of months ago, I wondered how many people I knew who would continue to keep Freelance Writing Jobs going as the active writers’ community it is today if I found myself in the hospital or bedridden. I came up with two people, both regular contributors. They both know how I feel about FWJ and also have the same passion for writing, community building and blogging. I also gave my passwords to my oldest sister who I knew could convey to my readers what happened, and how much my blogs meant to me, if it came to that.

Get Your Affairs in Order

It may sound silly to worry about something like this, but all business owners take the necessary precautions, and blogging is my business. Besides, blogging is my life. Do I want to see my blogs:

Languish in cyberspace, collecting dust like an old car in someone’s garage?
In the hands of someone who is only interested in making money, and cares nothing about my community?
Run by someone who knows nothing about writing?
If I was no longer of this world, I’d want my family to sell my blogs, but hopefully to someone equally as passionate. I have a list of bloggers to approach first.

If you haven’t already, I recommend you:

Prepare your blog for any eventuality. Store all of your passwords and logins on a disc and put them in a fireproof box or safe deposit box.
Advise a trusted family member of what you would like done in your absence.
Appoint a guardian for your blog until you’re ready to take over again, or your family is ready to sell or pass on the torch

Knowing a trusted colleague or relative will handle things in my absence gives me peace of mind. Who will take care of your blogs if something happens to you?

Posted by Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs

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