Google Adsense Websites – Make Passive Income Without Clicks

By: Chuck J Anderson

That is a pretty amazing statement! Just how can your adsense websites make you any money “Before” you get any clicks?

Google themselves have not decided to put on a halo and cough up for impressions rather than clicks I am sorry to say

But hang on for some really good news anyhow…

Something even bigger and better has been quietly coming together to give people a really great alternative, or complimentary income to adsense, where you will make money regardless if your ads are clicked or not.

Everyone is just going crazy over this new concept. It is everything any website owner could have hoped for. It means reliable money in the bank, and isn’t that what you hoped for in the beginning?

The concept is revolved around adding 5 seconds of audio to any web page within your website. This ads plays automatically as the traffic logs onto your site. It never plays for more than 5 seconds and it will never repeat itself. Ever page is treated individually. 5 seconds has been tested to satisfy the advertiser, but to not peave off the visitor. So you can now profit from this system.

You may have already heard of this concept, but if you have not, expect it to be a very hot topic through 2008 and beyond. Google adsense will soon be a sideliner once the members of pay per play start receiving their income from this system.

Pay per play is growing, growing, growing. There is no stopping the word now. Within a very short time people are going to be loyal followers and will be dedicating themselves to it. That’s what they did when adsense was created. With the potential financial rewards of every visitor meaning profit, there is going to be a lot of love in the air for this company.

For the website builder and owner this company could offer you automatic passive income. Your websites are built. Your traffic is naturally building. The hard work is done. Just apply the code to your site and watch the money roll in. The longer you wait, the more money you are missing out on.

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If you desire 2008 Success then you must join the adsense alternative opportunity at Chuck J Anderson and many others are looking towards a year where ever visitor to their website will put cash in their pockets. Are Your Visitors Doing The Same?

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