Blogs & Sites are ennobling in both the abstract & the concrete

There is a saying ” That which is ennobling in the abstract is damaging in the concrete”

Jesus said ” Ye cannot serve two Masters, God & Mammon” !

But we find that blogs and sites are ennobling in both the abstract and the concrete. Your reputation will increase due to blogs and sites as you gain more global exposure. And when you get the checks from Google, Adbrite, Amazon etc, you will be ennobled in the concrete !

Recently the trend is to make enough blogs so as to make income from home itself. More professionals and housewives are involved in home business. I am sure by the end of this year there will be a quantum jump in the blogosphere. 100,000 blogs are created every day. There are 60 million websites and 70 million blogs in Cyberspace. So this is not a funny business. Dont hesitate ! start making blogs and sites now itself !

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