This world is in love with its own Ignorance !

We find that all Redeemers were treated badly by the world. Jesus, Socrates, Mansoor, Bruno etc. Why is it so?

Aurobindo answers

Hard is the World Redeemer’s heavy task
The whole world becomes his adversary.
Those whom he came to save are his enemies
Those he would redeems are his adversaries

This world is in love with its own ignorance
Its darkness moves away from the Saviour Light
It gives the Cross in payment for the Crown !

( Savitri – The Book of the Redeemer)

This is a benighted humanity or an ignorant race !

A man who was about to become the Redeemer aks Heaven

Why should I throw my arms against the shut Heavens
Or struggle against a mute inevitable Fate
Or hope in vain to uplift an ignorant race
Who hugs their lot and mocks the Saviour Light ? !

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