
Affliction – A planet that is aspected by or is associated with malefics is said to be afflicted. 

Ahargana –  No  of  days elapsed from the beginning of Kali Era which started from 3102 BC as per the Vedic Calender. Used in Astrology Vedic. 

Almanac – A book or table which contains astronomical data including a calender for evey day.  The most outstanding almanac was made by Nostradamus in the Middle Ages. In India, vedic astrologers use these almanacs to generate birth charts vedic. 

Amavasya  –  New Moon.  Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, so vitally important in Astrology Vedic.

Amavasi Yoga –  Conjunction of Sun and Moon. Mental strength of the native will be weak as  Moon becomes weak in digit strength. 

Angles – 1,4,7,10 houses. Angular ownership means the lordship of 1,4,7,10 houses. Also known as Quadrants or Kendras in Vedic Astrology. 

Anujanma – The tenth and the nineteenth stars from the birth star. The star owned by the constellational lord. 

Apahara or Bhukthi –  Sub -period  of a planet. In a ruling Dasa there will be sub-periods of other planets.

Aphelion – Away from the Sun. (  Ap – away and Helios – Sun )

More at https://www.eastrovedica.com/html/astrodictionary.htm

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