The Emblem of Ego is Ravana. This world is the world of Egoism, Ahamkara vritam sarvam jagat sthavara jangamam ! The Ego has ten vices- Lust, anger, avarice, pride, jealousy, processing mind, intellect, ahamkara, mind et al. Dassera means the Destruction of the Ten Evils by Meditation and Prayer to gain Enlightenment ! To expedite evolution, the NInefold Deity is invoked. She who is Shailaputri in Mooladhara, Brahmacharini in Swadhistana, Chandra Ghanta in Manipura, Khoosmanda in the Anahata, Skanda Mata in Vishuddhi, Katyayani in Ajna and Ma Kalaratri in Sahasrara and the Supramental Shakti converts our mortality into her supramentality and She remains united with her husband, Lord Shiva, in the Sahasrara, sahasrare chakre saha rahasi patya viharase, She who is Kundalini Shakti in the microcosmic !