Divine Court of Justice Above with Jupiter as Defence Counsel, Venus as the Prosecutor and with Sun , Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn as Officiating Jury, under Her, Who is the Dispensatrix, who became the celestial objects to disseminate the Fruits of Karma !

Matter was studied and pursued, till, one day,, it vanished into Energy. So, this Universal Sea of Matter which we see, is nothing but a Universal Sea of energy ! As per the Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy, It can neither by created nor destroyed !

Scientifically speaking, the Sum Totality of Univerrsal Enegry is conserved and knoweth no change ! And this Primodrial Cosmic Energy was called by the ancient as Adi ( Primordial ) Para ( Cosmic ) Shakti ( Energy ) in Sanskrit.

Thou art the Judge Divine who decrees,
Also the Defence Counsel who defends !
Vidhichidum Nyaya Pathadhipan Nee,
Mathicha Vada prativadiyum Nee !

This Primal Universal Energy,
Became celestial objects to disribute,
The fruits of Karma to all !
Jeevanam Karma Phalada Graha Roopi Adya !

Adya means the First,
Primal, Primordial or Primeval,
Derived from Prathama, Prima,
Meaning the First Principle.

All defintions by Savants,
Fit  this Primal Energy,
It is Self Contained Existence,
And Proof of Itself !

It is That which Is,
It is the All in Al,l,
Yet which transcends the All,
Which exceeds the All

That Art Thou,
Tat Tvam Asi !
I am also That,
Sivoham, Sivoham,

It is all Becomings,
And which exceeds all Becomings,
It is Space, Time and Causality
As well as being Timeless and Spaceless !

It is an impartial Mother,
In Gita's mighty term Samam Brahma,
The Groundlessness of Boehme,
Also Jove, Jehova or Lord,

The Absolute of Hegel,
The Creative Evolution of Bergson,
The Life Force of Shaw,
And Self of the Philosophers !

The Absolute Maximum of Cusanus,
The Para or Moola Prakriti of India,
Natura Naturans of Spinoza,
And the Zero of the Buddhists !

Diana, Luna, Hecate,

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