Another Triune Unity, Diana, Luna & Hecate !

Anaxagoras in Goethe, prays to the Triune Deity, when confronted by Drought !

O Thou aloft ! With Grace and Vigor Vernal,
Tri named, Tri featured  and Eternal,
With all my people's woe, I cry to Thee,
Diana, Luna, Hecate !

Shakespeare refers to Hecate, when King Lear curses his daughter.

By all the sacred radiance of the   Sun,
The mysteries of Hecate and the night,,
By all the operations of the orbs,
By whom we doth exist and cease to be !

Similar prayers were addressed to Durga-Lakshmy, Saraswati

Thou art of reddish hue, when Thou imparteth Prosperiity,
As fair as Luna in Autumn, when Thou bestoweth Wisdom,
Of bluish hue,, when Thou destroyest the vicious,
O Generatrix of Relative States Triune,,we bow!

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