Code for Computing the Nine Nights, Nava Ratri

use lephe

loca for lsun > 150 .and. lsun < 180 .and. thidhi=”AMAVAS” .and. year(DATE)= year(date())
store date to dt

Today is Black Moon. Also known as New Moon . Amavasua.

Nava Ratri is celebrated on Nine Nights, on the Nine Lunations, after New Moon. In Shukla Paksha or Bright Fortnight. Mark the presence of Fadic No 8, which is 3^3 in all such endevours, Three being the mystical Number of Deity !

Today is Amavasi and this Grand Festival of Nine Nights will start tomorrow. Bengal is Shakteya, TN is Kaumara, Maha is Ganapatya and Kerala is mxed !

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