Evolution is from Becoming to Being, She in search of Him, To find in HIm a supernal fulfillment, The All Embrace of Being - Knowledge- Bliss !
Wherein everything is involved, In a state of Involution, containing everything, And manifesting Nothing, Is the state of Involution !
Devolution is the exact reverse, Of Evolution, from Being to Becoming , Everthing devolves from the Pole of Being To its dialectical opposite, Matter
Evolution starts with the great Thought, May I become Two and Many The One Universal Substance, Splits Itself to the Absolure Real and Ideal Absolute !
Like Uranium splitting itself into Barium and Krypton, Critical Mass and worldwide destruction, But this splitting up into Purusha and Prakriti, Is for Mass Creation ! Parallel Universes and Mutiverses, Are created by this Cosmic Romance ! It is Consciousness and Force, That had become the Universe ! But why ? What for ? Why do we play games ? For Rasa, for Self Delight, Raso Vai Sah , He is Rasa ! It is the joy of the Magician's The joy of the Dreamers, Creating and recreating Himself in HImself, For the Sheer bliss of that self creation ! Himself the Play, Himself the Player, Himself the Playground, He cannot play with anybody else, As He is Absolute and Alone !