One of the greatest Philosophers, He knew the Total Universal Energy, By which all worlds are made, Is an Absolute Unity whch changeth not ! This immutably homogenous Infnite, The Absolute of Hegelian Dialectic, And the Groundlessness of Boehme, He called it by the Sanskrit term, Brahman ! Brahman has two aspects, Absolute and Relative Para Brahman and Apara Brahman Purusha and Prakriit ! Entire Universe is He and She, The One and the Innumerable Infinite and Finite, Absolute and Relative. One became Two| And then Many, It is the Many which is potentially One, And the One which is actually Many. Summum Genus cannot be defined. As it has no proximate genus ! This Universe, suspended in Space and TIme, Was defined by Him as Indefinable ! Sankara, caught in between world phenomenal, And the Ultimate Transcendent Realtiy, Came to the conclusion, that, as Supracosmic Transcendence is suprarational, Realisable only through intuitive experience So, too, the Mystery of the Universe, Must ultimately be supra ratioanal ! Mahatbudha Anirvachaneeya Roopa !