What is the esoteric.
Meaning of the above words,
Uttered by the divine Aurobindo,
Founder of Integral Yoga ?
“Transcend Thyself,
Become Thyself !
Become Thyself !
True nature of Man
Is to be more than himself !
Man is a political animal,
He is influenced by factors five,
Education, Environment,
Exposure, Experience and the Genetic.
” These are the five intervening variables,
Which intermediate in the causal equation”,
Averred the great Tolman,
Father of Motivational Psychology !
Transcend thyself means,
To transcend thy political self,
Political self is Mr Hyde or Diti,
As all men are Machiavellis !
Become Thyself means,
To become thy true self,
Self aligned to Conscience,
Self which is wholly Positive !
The whole nature of Man,
Is to be more than himself,
Evolution is forward oriented
From amoeba to Man Divine !
Man carries cultural baggage,
Ruled as he is by the ego function
Ego is Msn’s weakness.
And the imperfect term in him !
Evil continues to be a formidable force,
In Man. Until Evil is destroyed,
And Light invades the inconscient base,
He will have to battle it out within himself !
Evil is the hidden foe lodged in humans,
Man has to overcome this mighty adversary,
Or miss his Fate Divine,
This is the inner war ineluctable !
Never think the Way is easy,
Long, difficult, dangerous it is !
Thou shalt be tested,
By both Heaven and Earth !
Heaven will subject thee,
To pitiless trials and tribulations.
Hell will open its mouth,
To threaten and wound thee !
Spirituality develops only,
Under peculiar adversity
It seems He polishes his jewels
With the diamond dust of Adversity !
Like an Aurobindo having Universal Vision,
In the confinesof a jail !
Or like Jesus crying out loud,
” Father, why has thou forsaken me ?”
Or like, Melpathur, unable to move,
When he worked on his magnum opus.
Or like, Poonthanam writing Jnanappana,
After the death of his son !
Or like Dante, disappointed in love,
When he composed Divina Comedia !
When he composed Divina Comedia !
Or like the great TIlak,
When he composed Gita Rahasya in jail !
Shloka, verse, arises from Shoka, sorrow,
Tasso’s was a sorrowful life.
So was Keats’ and all the greats,
Suffered more than commoners !
Wise Poets defined it as the Razor’s Edge,
Maugham wrote a book about it !
We have to walk on Razor’s Edge alone,
Lean is the path and way unknown !
Enlightenment is Release,
From Ego’s tutelage !
This can only be effected,
By aligning with Self Divine
Divine alchemy is Yoga,
Human is transmuted to Divine
From Animal Man to Human Man
And finally to Divine Man.