Sangeetha Saastra can generate Extropy !
What is Entropy?
Entropy is the state of Disorder in any system.
What is Extropy ?
The element of Order in the system.
Mind should not be sad or depressed. So I listen to Perennial
Music for 6 hours a day. Extropy can be felt !
Knowing the psychotherapeutic effects,
Of Music, the Seer Poets recommended,
Music Sacred as a form of Therapy,
An integral part of the Eternal Law.
By Heaven of Mars, Dante meant Music,
Music in its role as Psycho Therapy,
This tradition has existed in India always,
As Bhajans, associated with Bhakti Yoga.
Classical Dances are called Saastreeya Nrithya in Sanskrit and the main treatise dealing with them is the Natya Saastra, compiled by Bharata Muni. It has 36 chapters and 6000 verses. Abhinava Bharati is a lovely commentary on Natya Saastra.
Pls join FB Group, Eternal Music or Sanatan Sangeeth at
More such world class mp4s at and
Poetry is Kavya Yoga, Music is Nada Yoga and Dance, Natya Yoga.