Origin of Maths

Laplace opined that the Decimal System, Base 10, originated in India.

Binary, Base 2, is the language of Computer. The Computer is a Western invention. Charles Babbage is known as the Father of the Computer !

Winten Surf and other millenial scientists developed the Internet, another Western invention.

Astronomy and the Sexagesimal Number system, Base 60, originated in India

1 Hour = *60 mins = *60 secs

Same in Arc

1 Degree = *60 mins = *60 secs

We do not know the origins of the Octal, Base 8, Binary 2 or Hexadecimal Number Systems Origin. May be the West.

Shashtiamsa means Sexagesimal., 1/60

The Sexagesimal Division of Time, involved in Astronomy

1 Asu = 4 secs

6 Asus = 24 secs

= = I Vinazhika

60 Vinazhikas = 1 Nazhika, 24 minutes

60 Nazhikas – 24 hours

The Circumference of Ecliptic, Zodiac = 360

Twelvefold Division = 360/ 12 = Rasi = 2 Hours

24 fold Divisin = 360/24 = 15 degrees = One Hour

15 fold Divison = 360/15 = 24 hours , HORA, 24 Horas

1/36 = 360/36, Drekkana, Decanate

360/72 = Jya

360/144 = Dwadasamsa

30 /9 = Navamsa

30/8 = Ashtamsa = 3.75

30/30 = Trimsamsa

30/16 = Shodasamsa

30/10 = Dasamsa

30/5 = Pratibhams

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