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  •                                                     A haven for Bridal Mystics,  Guruvayur is known for its legends and its ability to generate blissful experiences. This is where the great poet Melpathur wrote a Treatise on the Lord ( the Narayaneeyam ). Guruvayur was also adorned by the Poet Laureate, Poontanam, who composed  the Jnanapana, a great poem in Malayalam. 
    The Condensed Absolut Being, Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Bliss is the Lord, who sports in the garden of the Upanishads !
    His Destructive Form as Time Eternal, as the Zodiac, was defined by the poet thus  
  • In ignorance I have defined Thy Glory 
    Forgive this transgression of mine !
    I defined the Indefinable
    I spoke about the Ineffable
  • Devotion impelled, I described,
    The Indescribable Thee !
    The Limitless &     Indefinable,
    Forgive my mistakes, O Great One !
  • Earlier,    the master epic Poet, Vyasa,
    Had commited mistakes same,
    As the Absolute Being transcends,
    Our  spatio-temporal language ! 
  • https://www.youtube.com/embed/kMNLTlRJw20
    I have spoken about Thy Plays,
    In Narayaneeyam, Ode to Thee ,
    Hearing Thy Plays are enough,
    For Self Realisation divine !

       ( Ajnathva The Mahatvam yadi ha nigadhitham Vishwanatha kshamedha ………..)  

  • Thy Captivating Form
    Which Thou revealed to me
    That Form is more lovable
    Than even Thy Form Unmanifest !   
  • ( Avyaktam The Swaroopam……   ) 
  • Another poet beloved to the Lord was Jayadeva. His Ashtapadi, 24* 8 lines, starts with a Hymn to the Ten Incarnations, which is given in the video above ( Dasavatara). It is said that Ashtapadi was written partly by Jayadeva and partly by the Lord Himself !


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