Tradition in India – Start the Day with Divine Name Chanting !

Is is indeed ausp;icious to hear,
The Morning Hymn, Good Morning to Deity !
Did   She not say  I am ALL, This Multiverse,
Sarvam Khalu Idam eva Aham

This Divine Conscious Force,
Is Immanent in all as Energy, Shakti.
It is She in Her Four Great Aspects,
Showering Grace on Mankind.

Her Wealth Aspect is Lakshmi, Juno,
Her Wisdom Aspect is Saraswati, Pallas Athene,
She is Parvati, Diana, Luna, Hecate,
Deveem Tri Loka Jananeem Sharanyam Prapadye.

She holds the Golden Key to both worlds,
The Spiritual & the Material,
She gives millions to the men with business knack,
And Self Actualisation to the deserving !

Bless us,  O Mighty Mother,
Bless  us with Thy Grace,
It is Thy    Grace which has brought us thus far,
And Thy Grace will lead us home !

Devi Prapannarthi Hare Praseeda,
Prasseda Mathar Jagatokhilasya
Praseeda Visvarani Pahi VIswam,
Tvameeshwari Devi Chara charasya.


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