Sexagesimal, Base 60, Number System is as important as the Decimal , Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal Number Systems !

In Astronomy and in the Computation of Time. the Sexagesimal System is used

Base60 – The Old Shashtiamsa Method

IN Computation of Time

Base 60 – 60 seconds make 1 minute, 60 minutes maketh an hour.

In Astroomy

A Circle or an Ellipse is 360 degrees.

60 seconds of arc make 1 minute, 60 minutes maketh a degree. 30 degrees

maketh a Zodiacal Sign, Rasi and 360 degrees of Arc maketh the Zodiac !

The Sexagesimal Division of a Day.

In Indian Astronomy & Maths, a day is divided by 60 parts.

Each part is called a Nadi or Nazhika.

Sign Deg Min Sec are known is Sanskrit as





60 vikalas , secs, maketh a Kala, 1 minute of Arc/

60 Kalas, mins, maketh a Bhaga, one Degree of Arc

30 Bhagas, degrees maketh a Sign.

12 Bhagas constitute the Zodiac, the Bha Chakra, the Jyotis Chakra, the Kala Chakra

Divisions of the Zodiac

360/12 = 30 = Rasi

30/2 = 15 = Hora

30/3 = 10, Drekkana, Decanate

30/8 = 3.75 , Akshamsa

30/9 = 3.33, Navamsa

30/10, = Dasamsa

30/12 = Dwadasama

30/16 = Shodasamsa

30/30 = Trimsamsa

30/60 = Shashtiamsa

Our Western talks in millons. The Oriental talks in lakhs and crores.

Million uses the Base 1000.

1 million = 1000 * 1000 = 1000 ^2

1 billion = 1000^ 3

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