Cosmic Romance between the Absolute and the Relative. And the Universe sprang into being !

My mother is  Prakriti,
Father being Purusha,
My relatives, all devotees ,
And Mother Earth, my home !

Like Word and Meaning,
Are They inextricable.
Their Cosmic Dance,
The Dance of sub-atomic Matter !

Mata me Parvathi Devi,
Pitha Devo Maheswara,
Bandhava Siva Bhaktascha
Sareero Bhuvana trayam !

Vagartha eva Samprukthau,
Vagartha Pratipathaye,
Jagata Pitharau Vande,
Parvathi Parameswarau !

This is equivalent to the Western Prayer,

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want !

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