Poets are Trikala Jnanis, Trikala Vakyam Kavee !

Question – Are Poets incorrigible liars ?

Answer – They are the true men of Truth. The ancient Romans used to used to call them Vates, diviners, or Tri Kala Jnanis. So heavely a title did those excellent people bestow upon that heart ravishing knowledge, viz, Poetry.

In the great Vedic tradtion, they are defined as Trikala Jnanis, knowers of Past, Present and Future – Tri Kala Vakyam Kavee. Also as Philosophers, Rishies ( Na Rishi Kavih ), as Knowers of the Celestial Diameter ( Kavih Kranta Darsi ) and as survivors of Cosmological Cycles ( Kavyam Kalpantara Sthayee ).

The scientific concept of aeroplanes was there in the Poetic Mind as Pushpaka Vimana. The ballistic and cruise missiles today resemble the Agneyastra.

As there is no new thing upon the earth, all novelty is oblivion !

The Electronic Information in Computers is represented as 0 and 1 in the binary format. 1 is ON and 0 OFF. Without 0 and 1, Binary cannot exist and the discoveries 0, 1, Infinity and the Decimal system are all Indian in Origin ! Laplaced averred , ” The Origin of Zero and Decimal System is Hindu” !

The Geo of Geometry derives from the Sanskrit Jya, which is 5 degrees of the MIghty Circle of the Ecliptic, used by the great Brahmagupta, in his mathematical treatise, Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta !

All hath been revealed in the West, though Hesiod and Homer. All hath been revealed as 18 sciences & 18 arts in the Indian, through Poetry.

Ultimately all will have to agree with Shelley that poetry is the greatest science.

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