Power is divine and worth using

It is a mistake of the religious and ethical mind to condemn power and to demonise power. ( Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely )

On the contrary , Power is divine and put here for a divine use.

A Power to call Eternity into Time
And makes the body's joy as vivid as the Soul's

Power, Shakti, is the mover of the worlds. She is beginningless because of her structural inherence in the phenomenal worlds. Yes, we are talking about She who is all this and the entire story of Evolution is the Story of Her who redisovers Him and tries to reincarnate Him everywhere.

She flings forth from Him in an outburst of joy, only to find Him playing in Time, She and He, Two in one, the inseparable Purusha and Prakriti !

Machiavelli averred that armed prophets have succeeded, where the unarmed had failed. 

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