The Absolute is everywhere, Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma !

Think of the Law of Conservation of Matter, think of the Total Universal Energy ( which cannpt be created nor destroyed) and you will reach the State of the Upanishadic Seers, who proclaimed that there is a Bliss Absolute at the base ( which we are not experiencing, because our Self Analysis is immature, as it cannot contain all that immensity ) and our Spiritual Evolution is not yet over, and who declared that all this is the Dance of Being, and That is all this that is, Sarvam Brahma Mayam !

IF the entire Universe is nothing but the Universal Substance manifested, it implies that I AM THAT ( Aham Brahmasmi ), THAT ART THOU ( Tat Twam Asi ) and this is THAT ( Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma !

This Law of Conservation of Energy / Matter was known to the Rishies, that Energy is conserved and that Being is unchanging and Indestructible, Avinsai tu tad viddhi, yena

sarvam idam tatam !

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