Indestructible is Being, Aksharam Brahma !

Destructible Being - Apara Brahman
Indestructible Being - Para Brahman

In Hegel,

Relative Being = Destructible Being, Apara Brahman
Absolute Being - Indestructible, Para Brahman

In Hegel,

Being determined, Being conditioned = Relative Being = Becoming
Being Absolute = Being.

These definitions of two great terms, Being and Becoming,  used in Wisdom should be known to every student.

This verse from the many, millions of transcendental verses, confirm above

Dwavumau Purushau Loke
Kshara Akshara eva cha
Kshara Sarvani Bhootani,
Koodasthokshara Uchyate.

           -- The Song Celestial, Geeta 
Sir Edwin Arnold, Knight Commander of the British Empire, averred,

So have I writ its Wisdom here,
Its hidden Mystery,
For England ! O our India,
As dear to me as She !

Peace be upon him !

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