Jove is derived from the Sanskrit Jyok

We have written in our columns how many Sankrit words percolated into Englsh. Mount Meru became Mount Moriah and Guru or Goros occurs in such names as Anaxagorus, Protagoras & Pythagors. Pythagorus is Pita Guru itself.

There is a phrase "By Jove". It is derived from Jove or Jupiter.

Father of all climes,
In every Age adored,
By Saint, by Savage and by Sage,
Jove, Jehovah or Lord.

Jove is derived from Jyok, one of the synonyms of Jupiter. Jeeva, Angiras, Sura Guru, Vachaspati et al are his other synonyms-  Jeevengira Suru Gurur Vachasampatis jyok !

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