Astro Cycles Theory.. Add all digits and you get Fadic No 9 !

Not only in Philosophy, but also in Maths

Circumference+ 360 degrees = 2 Pi R
Radius - 360/2*3.14 or 180 /pi = 57.324 degrees
       = 3438 mins
       = 206280 seconds 
Fadic No 9 !

Age Cycle                               ( 72*30)                     =            2160 years
Precessional Cycle            (72*360)                    =            25920 years ( as the Zodiac is 360 degrees )
Equinoctial Cycle              (2000*2160)             =              43,20000 years
Cosmological Cycle          ( 2 million * 2160 ) =              4.32 billion years
One Cycle of Brahma      = 100 Brahma years

One Day of Brahma         = 4.32 billion years

Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or 

Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 311.04 trillion years  

One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one
Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be
one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand
Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles!

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