Free Source Codes for Computing Abhijith

The Auspicious Abhijit Muhurta

Abhijith is the 28th constellation and is considered male-
in contrast to the 27 wives of the Moon- the 27 constellations
which tenant the Ecliptic,which are considered female.

Mythology has it that Moon used to stay with his 27 wives
and loved Rohini more. He is exalted in Taurus. Abhijith
starts from 6 deg 40 minutes in Sidereal Capricorn and
extends upto 10 deg 53 min 40 seconds in that Sign.

A Muhurta is 48 minutes or 2 Nadis ( 2* 24 minutes ). Diurnal
or nocturnal duration is divided by 12 and we get 15 Muhurtas
in a day. The 8th Muhurtha occurring in a day is the auspicious
Abhijith Muhurtha.

Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for this Electional Hour.


store rise to risex
store set to setx
store day to mday

ddur = (setx+720) – risex

risex = risex /100

xyz = risex – int(risex)
risez = int(risex)60 + xyz100

?”Sunrise”, round(risex,2)
?”Sunrise in Mins “, round(risez,2)

?”Dayduration “, round(ddur,2)

adur = ddur/15


abhi = risez + (7*adur )

?”Abhijit Start”, round(abhi,2)

abhiend = abhi + adur

?”Abhijit End”, round(abhiend,2)

abhi = abhi/60


n1 = int(abhi)
z1 = (abhi-n1)*60
n2 = int(z1)

if n2 = 60
n2 = 0
n1 = n1 +1

abhiend = abhiend/60

m1 = int(abhiend)
z1 = (abhiend-m1)*60
m2 = int(z1)

if m2 = 60
m2 = 0
m1 = m1 +1

?”Abhijit starts from”,n1,n2, “to”,m1,m2

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