All wars are won in the mind !

All except Augustus Caesar , amongst the two  Triumvirates, died by the sword.

Julius was assasinated, Crassus died in battle, and Pompey lost his head.
Lepidus perished and Marc Antony commited suicide.

Octavian became Augustus Caesar, Revered Emperor, after the battle of Actium.
He died a natural death/

He was born with exalted Saturn in the Ascendant and exalted Jupiter in Mid Heaven, causing Sasa and Hamsa Yogas. Like those ancient Philosopher Kings, Raja Rishies, he had consecrated all his endeavors to the welfare of his subjects. His reign was known as the Golden Age of Rome.

Due to the divine nature of Jove, who had caused Hamsa. he had the confidence that every step is divinely ordained.

All the qualities of Hamsa Yoga shone in his horoscope.

Artha Dharma Sukhabhak
Nripa Poojya shleshmalo
GUru Dwija Bhakyadi tad Yoga Phalam

Su swara Prathitha keertir udara,
Hamsaja sukha chiras chira jeevi !

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