SET safe off
set talk off
use rahu
store rise to risex
store set to setx
store day to mday
ddur = (setx+720) – risex
?”Dayduration “, ddur
rdur = ddur/8
risex = risex /100
xyz = risex – int(risex)
risez = int(risex)60 + xyz100
?”Rise”, risex
?”Rise in Mins “, risez
do case
case mday = ‘Monday’
store risez + rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Saturday’
store risez + 2*rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Friday’
store risez + 3*rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Wednesday’
store risez + 4*rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Thursday’
store risez + 5*rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Tuesday’
store risez + 6*rdur to rkstart
case mday = ‘Sunday’
store risez + 7*rdur to rkstart
rkstart = rkstart/60
n1 = int(rkstart)
z1 = (rkstart-n1)*60
n2 = int(z1)
if n2 = 60
n2 = 0
n1 = n1 +1
set alter to rahukal.txt
set alter on
? ‘RahuKala starts from’, n1, n2,”for a duration of”, rdur
close alter
rdurx = rdur/60
m1 = int(rdurx)
x1 = (rdurx-m1)*60
m2 = int(x1)
if n2 = 60
n2 = 0
n1 = n1 +1
rkend = n1+1
x2 = n1 +1
if n2+int(x1)>= 60
x2 = x2+1
set alter to ra.txt
set alter on
?”Rahu Kala”
? n1,n2, “to”,x2,(n2+int(x1))%60
close alter
use rahu
repl starthours with n1
repl startmins with n2
repl endhours with x2
repl endmins with (n2+int(x1))%60