set cent on
set date brit
use ahas
loca for myear = year
store ahargana to ah1
store ahargana to ah2
use long20
loca for ahargana > ah1 .and. ahargana< ah2 .and. lsun > 65.6666 .and. lsun < 80
store date to string
?”Date”, string
HIndu Astrology Consultancy Research & Software
Science of the Albsolute and other Liberating Arts & Sciences Eighteen
set cent on
set date brit
use ahas
loca for myear = year
store ahargana to ah1
store ahargana to ah2
use long20
loca for ahargana > ah1 .and. ahargana< ah2 .and. lsun > 65.6666 .and. lsun < 80
store date to string
?”Date”, string