Western Philosophy is made
up of seven sciences-
Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology, Aesthetics,
Ethics, Logic & Politics
a As the earth sphere is divided into the Western
& the Eastern hemispheres by the Prime Meridien ( the Greenwich Meridien ) so is the Celestial
Sphere divided into two parts by the Celestial Meridian. Equator.
In Astronomy the Eastern Horizon is called the Ascendant. 180 degrees from
it is the Western Horizon called as the Descendant. The intersecting point
where the Ecliptic cuts the Celestial Meridien is called the Meridien Cusp( M C ) and 180 degrees from it is called the Imum Coeli ( I C ).
![]() SiteMap. Blog Url - https://www.eastrovedica.com/wordpress The Science of Time, Hora Sastra
Incredible it is to
That there is a
Government in the heavens,
A Universal Court of
Justice above,
Structured by the
Great Geometer !
In this Government
Sun is the King and
Moon, Queen.
Mars the Defence Minister,
And Mercury, the
Prince !
Ministers are disseminators of Wisdom,
Divine Wisdom is signified
by Jove
Wordly Wisdom by
poetic Venus,
And the messenger is
lame Saturn.
Rajanau Ravi sheetagu, Kshiti
suto neta
Kumaro budha Soorirdanava poojithascha sachivau Prekshya Sahasramshuja.
Sun represents Soul
of Cosmic Man,
Moon, His Mind;
Mercury, academic Knowledge.
Mars, physical
strength; Jove, Wisdom Divine,
Venus, libidinal
energy and Saturn, sorrow !
Kalatma Dinakrit,
manasthu hinagu
Satvam Kujo Jne Vacho
The Lord did not create the Universe,
He became this
manifold Universe !
He became all this
that IS,
galaxies and planets !
Jeevanam Karma
Graha roopi
Men consider Destiny
is Man himself who
is cruel,
We transgress
natural, eternal laws,
And wonder when penalties are exacted !
Destiny is Universal Will, Absolute,
Karma shapes Destiny
What one sows, one
And this becomes one's
Fate !
Self is non
For the Ego's plight.
Ego has sown both
good and evil,
Self merely
witnesseth all !
The All
Knowledgeable, the All wise,
Assumed the role of
To dispense the
fruits of Karma,
To humanity
Hindu concept of Time,
Stems from phenomenon
Of Rotation &
Revolution, which cause,
Spheres, Ecliptic
& Celestial !
It is He, Time Personified,
Who lies as the 360
degrees Zodiac!
As Zodiacs, both
Tropical & Sidereal,
With Aries as His
head and Pisces, Feet !
Astrology is too
vast, mathematically,
And philosophically,
to be grasped,
Except by builders in
Men of profound wisdom.
Man has not yet paid
To this glorious
Science of Time,
Nor understood her
As forewarned is
forearmed !
Was not Julius
Warned about the Ides
of March, Mars ?
Was not Tipu Sultan,
Warned about his
impending death ?
Did not the Sage
Indicate Descent of
the Avatar,
Due mighty 4 planets
in Aries,
At time of Buddha's Nativity ?
Is not Jove angular
In charts of British
Rising or
culminating, King maker he is,
And the pivot of all
Napolean was lowly
ranked ,
When period of North
Node started.
And when that period
He was an illustrious Emperor.
When Jove's period
He fell, and was at
So planets can make
or break you,
During their periods
and subperiods.
Exalted Jupiter rose
with Ascendant,
At the time of
Aurobindo's birth.
Conjunction of Mars
& exalted Jove,
Made him one of the
Jupiter, Saturn and
Were exalted at Augustus's
Jupiter exalted with
Cancer ascending,
Made him a great
philosopher- King.
Moon, Saturn and
Were in Pisces, at
Jesus' birth.
He declared Aham
Ego sum Alpha
et Omega !
One of the greatest
poets, Dante,
Hailed it as the
noblest science !
This is in line with
Vedic Seer Poets,