Millionaires do not use Astrology ; billionaires do    - J P Morgan 

                                  Monthly Forecast  based on Moon Sign For MAR 2025


VEN  RahMoo Mer  



SAT Sun           Rasi   




Please click on your Sidereal Moon Sign & know what this month holds for you.  


Aries ( Mesha )   Taurus ( Vrishabha )  Gemini(Midhuna) 
Cancer    ( Kataka )   Leo ( Simha )  Virgo ( Kanya ) 
Libra     (Thula )   Scorpio ( Vrischika)  Sagittarius (Dhanus )
Capricorn ( Makara)         Aquarius ( Kumbha )  Pisces ( Meena ) 

Mysteries Revealed 

Of the Divine Quartenary, Matha Pitha Guru Daivam, why is it said that Guru is the most important ?

The Exoteric is known to all. Who has not heard the stories of Rama, Jesus, Krishna et al ? The Esoteric is Mystery ! There is only one Man who can impart Esoteric Knowledge and that is the Guru, tasmad sastrasya siddhanto brahma daye guru para !

Secrets of the Code of the Heavens, 
The Codes of Liberation, 
Codes of Poetry, Astrology & Philosophy revealed. 

Actually 4th mistake we are committing here, as these sciences can only be imparted to suitable and worthy men, as the misuse of it or of the powers arising from it, is conducive to general and personal Evil. 

Na deyam Para shishyaya
Nasthikaya shadaya cha
Datteyam pratidinam dukham
Jeevithe Natra Samsaya !

The other 3 Mistakes are

O Indefinable, we defined Thee !
O Indescribable, we described Thee
O Illimitable ! we limited Thee within 4 walls of a divine sanctuary.

So we pray to the All Puissant, the All Ruler and Self Ruler to pardon these transgressions of ours !


More comprehensive reports are available at                                                                                                           

Moon Sign - Otherwise known as the Lunar Ascendant, this Sign is the Sign where the Moon is posited in  your sidereal horoscope.( If you dont know your Moon Sign, please submit your time, place and date of birth at  and know ). Email to

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In the Transit Report you may find contradictory results but you have to understand that transit of some planets are positive and some negative. You will be experiencing both  positive and  negative effects, as Life is a commingling of the positive and the negative. As Hegel pointed out "Truth, like the atom, is the organic Unity of opposed parts"!





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