Using Ayurvedic Principles In Your Daily Diet
The ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda believes that what you eat is equally important as what your body does with the food you just ate. This combination and not just the food alone, is what really shapes your health and well-being.
First, it is suggested that you add the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon
to a hot cup of water or add lemon zest to your herbal tea. This should be
drunk first thing in the morning before breakfast. This warm lemon juice is
good for all body types because it aids intestinal cleansing by slowing the
growth of disease-causing bacteria in the digestive system. It enhances
digestion and helps reduce bloating while stimulating the digestive juices.
This juice also helps in elimination so your tummy is naturally flushed clear
in the morning. Lemon juice is also an antioxidant that helps fight other
disease-causing free radicals in the body while keeping your skin clear.
Third, eat slowly and mindfully. Try to present food beautifully.
Well-presented food can engage all your other senses that will later aid in
digestion. Eating should be a delightful and creative experience, with aromas,
colors and flavors blending and coming together for your full enjoyment. Your
dining area should be clean and free of clutter. Nothing else but food should
be on the table during mealtimes. Try to eat in a peaceful and happy
atmosphere as much as you can.
Fourth, eat lunch properly. Most of us skip lunch or just grab a bite because
we're too busy. In Ayurveda, lunch is THE most important meal of the day.
Mid-day is the time when digestion is at its natural peak for your body to
complete the digestion process fully. A heavy meal at night is discouraged
because eating a heavy dinner results in a lot of undigested food that gets
clogged in your system. It's harder to fall asleep after a heavy dinner.
Weight gain can also be inevitable. After eating a full lunch, it is suggested
that you take time to relax and sit quietly. This gives your body a chance to
digest well before you resume your daily activities.
Fifth, drink lots of water. The Ayurvedic beverage of choice is pure, lukewarm
water. Water is important for digestion and absorption of nutrients. It helps
flush out toxins and prevents bloating and constipation. Water also helps
carry nutrients to all the cells and tissues and breaks down fat. Clear and
fresh vegetable broths are also good for detoxification.
Michael Russell Your Independent Alternative guide.
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