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Under Thee, is the Divine Court of Justice !

This Multiverse is only an insigniificant expression of Thyself,
O Cause of the Universes, multiverses and Galaxies !
Even the Triune Diety know Thy Movements not,
O Substratum, O Base of All , O Prakriti of Moola Prakriti !


Hetu Samastha Jagatam Tri gunabhi devyai
Na jnayase Hari Haradhinhi Apyapara
Sarva sraya khila Jagat Jagat Amsa Bhoota,
Avyakrita hi Parama, Prakritisthum Adya.

Thou art the Primal  Universal Force,
The Primordial Power which willed all to become.
Thou exist alwyas as Primeval Energy,
Hence known as the Primal, as Adya, the First !

Thou rulest the Universal Court of Justice,
We mean the Heavenly Court Above,
Jupiter and Venus donning the garb of Lawyers,
And the fiery ones, Saturn, Mars et al as Punishers !

Poetic Justice is ascribed to Thee !
Thou art extolled as the Greatest Poet,
Great Geometer & Great Artist,
As the heavens shocks one with Celestial Geometry !

Aswini, Magha and Moola,
Constitutte an 120 degree Triangle,
The Path of the Earth around Sun,
Is an ellipse of 360 circumference !

Sciientists Newton, Laplace & La Grange,
Say the solar system is Chaos,
And will destroy itself,
Due to perturbations and pulls.

Look at Moon ! Earth's gravitational pull,
And Sun's gravitational pull is too much
Let alone the pulls of Jupiter and Saturn,
Venus, Mars, Mercury et al.

Thou becamest the Solar System and Planets,
To dispense Karma to human beings 1
Thou art Mathematical Harmony.
As Above so Below ! As Microcosm, so Macrocosm.

We will worship Thee entirely,
Knowing that Thou art Kundaliini coiled,
Which rises to the Sahasrara, the Thousand Petalled,
And grants Cosmic Consciouness to native !

What is Cosmic Consciousness ? 
In the void of Mind involute,
Universe rises and floats ,
And sinks back into the current I.

Mannilla, Vinnilla, Sasankanilla,
Kunnilla, Kundilla, Grahangal illa,
Ellam Chidananda Mahamburasi
Mukkikalanjittu Mudinjupoyi 

The Cosmic Dance, of Sub Atomic Matter,
Is noting but the Dancing Purusha & Prakriti !
Their Dance as Being, Knowledge & Bliss,
The Eternal Triad which Universe & we are.


The Evolution of Consciousness Hypothesis

Pointing to the picture of the Ten Incarnations,
One of his friends asked my well read Uncle
"Do you know the esoteric meaning
Behind the Ten Incarnations Theory ?"

My Uncle shook his head. Friend continued
" It is allegorical, it is symbolic
Of the Evolution of Consciousness,
Behind the Evolution of Species !"

The First Incarnation. the Fish Incarnation,
Indicates that Life came from the sea
And our primordial ancestors were aquatic.
With consciousness of a sea organism.

The Final Incarnation, Buddha
Indicates that Enlightenment
Is the Evolutionary Goal of Life,
And can be attained by anyone. "

The living organism evolves and evolves,
Till it reaches Brahman, the Absolute.
From the micro Consciousness of amoeba
To the Macro Consciousness of Buddha !

The Kantian Definition of Enlightenment,
Differs from the Indian.
Enlightenment is the Release of Man,
From his self incurred tutelage, said Kant.

According to divine Philosophia Indica,
Enlightenment is the Release of Man,
From the Cycle of Eternal Recurrence,
The Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth.

No punarapi jananam, punarapi maranam,
No punarapi jananee jadare sayanam
For the eternally liberated ! And the babe soul rests,
On the bosom of Existence, Consciousness & Beatitude !

How the Darwins were inspired
By this Theory, read on at


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30 Muhurtas



Solar Ingress in Aries characterise Chaitra,                                                  
In Vaishakha, Taurus, Jyeshta , Gemini. 
Cancer Solstice in Lunar Aashada ,
And initiates Dakshinayana, Southern Solstice.

- Read More in Hindu Calendar

Astrologers consider only effects of planetary transits through Zodiacal Signs. Here we take into account their transits through the constellations.

We give below their transits through the constellations. We use the Fourth and the Fifth Systems of Prediction, Planetary Hours and Constellational or Sidereal or Stellar Transit ! My experience recently - In the WTC,  Moon was transiting an adverse star, adverse for Pushya, India' star. India lost. Moon was transiting a Positive Star, during the Asia Cup final. India won !




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Who called it a Pancha Anga ? It is a Saptanga, with Abda & Ahargana added
1871743 5125 Thu PRITI Kazhutha ANIZHAM SHASHTI

We have developed an Ephemeris Daily Software as well as an Ephemeris Generator Software, ePanchang 8.0. We  have done Sayana Software, & Panchang..



Sun               Mon    Tue       Wed         Thu     Fri          Saty
SUN           MOO      MAR      MER       JUP     VEN       SAT
VEN           SAT     SUN      MO0       MAR      MER       JUP
MER           JUP     VEN      SAT      SUN      MOO       MAR
MOO           MAR      MER      JUP      VEN      SAT      SUN
SAT           SUN      MOO      MAR       NER      JUP      VEN
JUP           VEN      SAT     SUN       MOO      MAR       MER
MAR           MER      JUP     VEN       SAT     SUN       MOO
SUN           MOO      MAR      MER       JUP     VEN       SAT
VEN           SAT     SUN      MO0       MAR      MER       JUP
MER           JUP     VEN      SAT      SUN      MOO       MAR
MOO           MAR      MER      JUP      VEN      SAT      SUN
SAT           SUN      MOO      MAR       NER      JUP      VEN
JUP           VEN      SAT     SUN       MOO      MAR       MER
MAR           MER      JUP     VEN       SAT     SUN       MOO
SUN           MOO      MAR      MER       JUP     VEN       SAT
VEN           SAT     SUN      MO0       MAR      MER       JUP
MER           JUP     VEN      SAT      SUN      MOO       MAR
MOO           MAR      MER      JUP      VEN      SAT      SUN
SAT           SUN      MOO      MAR       NER      JUP      VEN
JUP           VEN      SAT     SUN       MOO      MAR       MER
MAR           MER      JUP     VEN       SAT     SUN       MOO
SUN           MOO      MAR      MER       JUP     VEN       SAT
VEN           SAT     SUN      MO0       MAR      MER       JUP


The Absolute  marries  the Relative here ,

Marriage of Being and Becoming 



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