Vedic Foods

Vedic Foods

( The Recommended Diet by Ayurveda, the Science of Life )

The Scientific Aspect

Vedic Foods means high octane fuels like clean water fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, herbs and their teas, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes and plain white yogurt without fruit or sweeteners. Foods not okayed by Ayurveda include low octane fuels – all sugars,excess oils,alcohols, stimulants such as narcotics, tea and coffee, white breads, candies,carbonated soft drinks and sweetened fruit juices.

Modern scientific research has found out the presence of “Phytochemicals” ( “phyto” is a Greek term meaning “plant derived”) that are disease preventing ( cancer preventing ) substances in all fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of coloured fruits & vegetables to get a full range of phytochemicals. One should favour the consumption of less animal protein foods or dairy.

The Solar Ingress into Capricorn and the six months following that Ingress are known as Uttarayana ( The Northern progress of the Sun, Declination North ). This time is known as Adana and we have to eat seasonal fruits like Pomegranate, Water Melon, Orange, Grapes, Tender Coconut and its water, carrot juice etc. The Solar Ingress into Cancer and six months following that are known as Visarga or Dakshinayana ( The Southern progress of the Sun, Declination South ) and we are instructed to eat bittergoud, kovai fruit, guava etc.

Acid-Alkaline Balance – Key Indicator of Health

Foods either leave an acid ash or an alkaline ash. Maximum health is in an alkaline body. The average 20th century diet, stress, pace, lifestyle & environment produce far more acid than is healthy. The human body is alkaline by design & acidic by function, which means that your body’s health is dependent upon it being alkaline.

The original source of stress is known as a stressor. Most of the stressors in todays’ society ( cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress itself, bad diet, coffee, sodas, pharmaceuticals) all produce an acid state in the body. All cancerous states are acid states of long duration.

Research indicates that 90% of our general population is far too acidic, which leads to a variety of negative health effects. Over time, being acidic is the main cause of degenerative diseases & aging. If you have an acidic body, you become energyless, exhausted physically & mentally and you lose the radiance and shine of skin & hair. Grains,sugar, dairy, animal or vegetarian protein & oils yield an acid ash while fruits, sea vegetables, quality water & herbs yield an alkaline ash You should consume 20% of your food daily, by weight from the acid ash-forming foods & 80% , from the alkaline ash-forming foods.

pH ( standing for ‘potential of Hydrogen’ ) is a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The scale of pH ranges from 1 to 14. 14 is totally alkaline and zero is acidic. The middle of this line is 7, neutral. Quality water has a Ph of 7 and you should maintain this level.

It is ideal to incorporate 2 glasses of lime juice along with the 8-12 glasses of water which is taken daily . A diet of 80% alkaline ash foods is ideal. We have to maintain this ratio – 80 % alkalinity & 20% acidity for optimum health.

The effects of having an alkaline body

1) we are calm & collected
2) we have high energy level
3) our sleep patterns are deep
4) we have less colds and flus than normal
5) the immune system is fortified
6) the body has good absorption/assimilation/digestion.

One of the Ten Commandments of Hygiea ( the Greek Goddess of Health is that “Thou shalt eat pure, unprocessed, living natural food”. This means we have to eat more natural foods & less processed foods ( which are more or less acidic ). Truly speaking, processed foods,even though they taste well, are robbers as they rob us of our natural, vibrant health. We are, indeed, indebted to Mother Nature for giving us these natural foods or to the Divine Blueprint who created these powerful, natural foods.

The Philosophic aspect

The Vedas averr that the Sun causeth vegetation and from vegetation cometh all food and that the earth is the storehouse of all enery. The food that we consume helps us to tap the negative or positive earth energies. Food influences the mind. We are what we eat. Our present and future are influenced by our thoughts. What you think, you become.

The Vedic food perspective is multi-dimensional.

Cancer, allergies, Alzheimer’s disease,pollution of the blood, Stress & depression are all caused by the consumption of red meat, beef & cow meat. Not only that, it will disturb your electromagnetic energy.

The Seers declared that you can stay with lower consciouness animals till your consciousness grows, if you crave meat. Man is basically a fruitarian.

The Five Scientifc Reasons behind Vegetarianism

The key to good health & happiness is Vegetarianism. The Vedic perspective, which is multidimensional includes the medical, ecological & spiritual viewpoints. These are the major reasons

I) The Ethical Law of Reason

Love in Action is Non-violence & because of this noble passion, ethically one desists from killing animals. Inflciting pain is Sin.

II) The Consequences of the Law of Karma

The Law of Cause & Effect, of Action & Reaction & the Grand Law of Causation is known as the Law of Karma.

Divine Merit & Sin have been defined in transcendental literature thus.

Helping others is divine merit.
Inflicting pain is sin.

All actions have reactions, physical & karmic.By involving in inflicting pain to others ( animals included ), one must in the future, experience an equal measure of the suffering caused.

III) Medical Reason

Fruits and vegetables are alkaline by nature and by consuming them we keep our 80-20 percent ratio of alkalinity & acidity.

Vegetarian diet is easier to digest, imposes fewer toxins on the body & provides a wide range of nutrients. Vegetarians are less susceptible to major diseases ( because they are more alkaline than acidic ) and thus live longer. They have smaller medical bills, fewer physical complaints & less frequent visits to the doctor. Their immune system is stronger, bodies purer & skin more glamorous because of natural foods.

IV) The Spiritual Reason

While the Occidental perspective is to consume food which will bring out aggression & dynamism, the Oriental perspective is to consume food which will bring out the latent divinity in man.

Food is the source of the body’s chemistry & the subtle essence of food becomes the mind. What we ingest, affects our Consciousness, emotions and experiential patterns. One should abstain from meat, fish & eggs if one wants to live in higher states of Consciousness. By ingesting the grosser characteristics of animal foods, one introduces in to the mind lust, greed, anger, jealousy, anxiety, suspicion, fear etc all of which are locked into the flesh of the butchered animals. For these reasons, vegetarians live in higher consciousness & non-vegetarians abide in lower states of Consciousness.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be
had from

V) The Ecological Reason

As our Mother Earth is suffering, we have to understand that Meat is the cause of the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rain foreststo create pasture lands for livestock, loss of topsoils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution. Hence by renouncing meat, we save our Planet Earth.

Here we give below foods for the tripod of Body, Mind & Self

Food for Self

Ghee ( Indian Clarified Butter ) & Water energized with Mantra

Food For for Mind

Fruits ( sweet ), Green Vegetables, Coconut, Yogurt, Sugar, Walnuts. Rice ( basmati)

Food For Body

Fruits ( citric ), Vegetables which grow under the earth, Milk, Proteins, Wheat, Corn, Barley etc
Lentils & Spices

Foods to be generally avoided

Eggs ( Can cause ulcers, Heart & kidney problems )
Coffee ( Can cause BP, Arthritis, Nervousness )
Red Meat ( Can cause Cholesterol related diseases )
Old Chocolate ( Can cause Leukemia )
Pound Cakes ( Stagnation of digestive system)
Refrigerated Food.

May I finish my article with a quotation from the Philosopher-King Parikshith ” The animal killer cannot relish the message of Absolute Truth ” !

Holistic Health

Health is defined by the WHO as ‘a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely an absence of diseases or infirmity’. Flexible adjustment to the changing demands of environment is health and it is not a state.

Genuine health is the perfect functioning of the tripod of Body, Mind & Soul.

Holistic healthcare recognises the effect of sociological, psychological, economic, ecological and even political influences on health.

Before 1960, only Allopathic medicine was considered ‘scientific’ and other indigenous systems, though based on empirical knowledge, were labelled as ‘quackery’. Due to scramble for ‘appropriate technologies’, ideas have changed. Interest in Alternative Medicine is on the rise in America and other Western countries.

There are more than 180 systems of Alternative Medicine. Ayurveda is being studied deeply. Homeopathy is already being practised even by Allopathic doctors. Psychotherapy, hypnotism, Yoga Therapy, Yogic Pranayama are vying for their own place. Everything seems to be tending towards Holistic medicine in accordance with the concept of holistic health.

Physical, mental, vital, intellectual and spiritual – these are the Five Levels of Being. For medicine to be holistic, it should be universally applicable, cover all aspects of health, on all the five levels. Early Indian doctors conceived of Holistic medicine on the basis of the Vedantic Five Sheaths – physical body, vital movements, mental thoughts, intellectual convictions and emotional feelings which cover, as it were, each individual soul.

Holistic Health Concept in the Vedas

There are many mantras in the Vedas where the goal of medicine is described as the removal of the cause of death, conferring of a lengthy span of life, , purification of thoughts and actions, removal of the cause of diseases and ensuring the well-being of body, mind and soul.

Indian Holistic Medicine, Ayurveda, which is called a part of the Vedas, is attributed to the sage Bharadwaja ( 5000 BC ) and originated from Atharva Veda ( ‘ Atharva Vedasu Upanishadsu Pragulpannah ‘ ). It is said that the Greeks acquired a knowledge of Medicine only after the secrets of Atharva Veda were known to them ! Dr Robert Keith Wallace averred “It is appropriate to recognise India as the home of the most profound knowledge and the procedures for the development of Physiology” ! ( The Neurophysiology of Enlightenment ).

This popular & holistic concept of medicare & healthcare was taught even to foreign students in the Universities of Taxila, Nalanda and Varanasi during AD 500-600.

Ayurveda defines health as ‘ Svasthya ‘ ( to be one’s own Divine Self’). It is a state of equilibrium of the three principles of air ( Vata ), bile (Pitta) and phlegm ( Kapha ), along with a contented state of senses, mind and soul.

Health, said Charaka, the famous Ayurveda physician ( A D 500-600 ), is an equipoised state of Body, Mind & Soul. This was to him a state of ‘ease’. Contrary to this was ‘disease’.

Ayurveda advocates the following to maintain health and prevent diseases. A daily routine of rising early, exercises, bathing, oil-massage, gargling and regulated sleep. These must be properly coordinated with the Six Rithus, the changing seasons. A value-based life is advocated as a prime requisite for good health.

The psychological state of the patient is an important factor in diagnosis and treatment & Ayurveda postulates that the ” The doctor who does not find out the inner state of the mind of the patient by the light of his knowledge cannot find out the disease “.

Summing up, we cannot overlook the major factor contributing greatly to holistic health. Righteous Conduct, which is the Ethical Way of Living in Rhythm with Natural Law. This rests on the four important values of

Truth( Affiliation to the Divine Self, honesty, simplicity etc ),

Purity ( which includes a temperate sex-life and the sublimation of sexual energies through divine channels of philanthropy, selfless service, excellence in all activities etc ),

Self-faith ( Faith in one’s own Divine Self, the repository of Absolute Being, Knowledge and Bliss ) &

Fearlessness. ( of even death )

Prakriti Therapy ( Naturopathy )

Naturopathy exists as one of the branches of Holistic Medicine.

Holistic Medicine has 2 aspects –

The Therapeutic Aspect ( Athura Vritta ) &

The Prophylactic Aspect ( Swastha Vritta )

Naturopathy is the Prophylactic or the Preventive System.

It is based on the principle ” Natura Sanat ” ( Nature is the Healer and Doctor). As the human body is composed of the five elements ( Earth, air, water, fire and ether ) so the Five Doctors are the Elemental Five! Fasting is the best medicine ( even diseases like ulcer can be cured by fasting ) and this is known as Ether Therapy ( Akashopasana). Sun bathing is Fire Therapy ( Tejopasana). Using Water as a therapeutic element is Water Therapy ( Jalopasana). Letting the body get fresh unpolluted air is Air Therapy ( Vayu Upasana) and eating pure fruits and vegetables is Earth Therapy ( Prithvi Upasana ) Naturopathy means returning to Nature and living in rhythm with Nature, who is infinite in her wisdom! Even Allopathic scholars have admitted ” Medicus curata, natura Sanat”( The physician only treats but it is Nature that heals ) ! The main cause of all disease is overeating and man is advised to eat only once in a day and fast once in a week !

He who eats once is a great Yogi ( Divine Man )

He who eats twice is a great Bhogi ( sensual gratifier)

He who eats thrice is a great Rogi ( one plagued by illhealth )

He who eats 4 times is a great Drohi ( one who torments all )

The five major planets correspond to the Elemental Five thus

Jupiter Ether
Mars Fire
Saturn Air
Mercury Earth
Venus Water

No wonder in the Pythagorean system, the number five was given such
tremendous importance!

Medical astrologers prescribe Ether Therapy if Jupiter is weak and Fire
Therapy if Mars is weak etc. By means of the Great Art, health can be
restored in the patient !

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The Science of Life – Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Guidelines for Holistic Living

Ayurveda prescribes three major guidelines for Healthy Living. They are Dinacharya, Ritucharya & Brahmacharya


One should get up early in the morning at 0430 AM , the time prescribed for Meditation. After brushing the teeth, one should take an oil bath.

Oil, preferably coconut oil, should be put all over the body and one should relax for 30-60 minutes for the oil to sink in. Oil Bath is known in Ayurveda as Abhyanga. Because of the oil bath, you will get proper sleep. The body becomes fresh. The body is fortified and becomes cool. Oil will take care of all the diseases of the scalp. It will prevent hair loss. The hair becomes blacker and more healthy.
After Abhyanga, one should do exercise. Exercise will increase the digestive capacity and obesity will be controlled. After doing exercise ( Yoga exercises are the best ), one should massage the body mildly. One should not do excess exercise. Excess exercise can result in weakness, thirst, fever and vomiting. Mild massage can destroy phlegm and reduce fat.

Taking oil bath daily increases the digestive fire. It will increase the sexual capacity. More energy and strength will be imparted by an oil bath. Physical weakness will disappear. One should pour only cold water over the head . Hot water bath is ideal for the rest of the body.


Western system of Astrology which follows the Tropical Zodiac identifies four major seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

From March 21 we have the beginning of summer, after the Spring Equinox. From June 21 we have autumn, after the Summer Solstice. From Sept 22 we have Winter, after the Autumnal Equinox and after Dec 22, which is the pagan festival of Winter Solstice, we have Spring

The Indian system of Astrology which follows the Sidereal Zodiac identifies six major seasons known as Rithus. Two months constitute a Rithu. ( Tau Dwau Rithu ).

They are Sisira ( January & February), Vasantha ( March & April), Greeshma ( May & June ), Varsha ( July & August ), Sharath ( September & October ) & Hemantha ( November & December ).
The Three Humurs of Ayurveda are Wind ( Vata ), Bile ( Pitta ) & Phlegm ( Kapha ). Their equilibrium is Health and their disharmony is ill-health.

During Sharath Rithu, Pitta will be more.
During Hemanta Rithu, Kapha will be more.
During Greeshma, Vata will be more.

During Varsha, Vata will be more.

During the hot Greeshma Rithu, one should avoid hard labour which gives a tough time for the body. The ideal foods during Greeshma are Fruit juices, buttermilk, lime juice and these should be taken extensively. Can have cold water bath. Water Melon, plantains, bananas, cucumber, tomatoes, jackfruit and leafy vegetables can be taken in.
Uttarayana ( the Northern Progress of the Sun ) involve the six solar sidereal months from Capricorn to Cancer. During this phase, one should take abundant fruits like pomegranate, water melon, orange, grapes and tender coconut water. This phase is known as Adana Kala because much strength is lost from the body due to the hot season. Plantains and bananas should also be taken in. Rice, wheat, gooseberry ( which is a rich source of Vitamin C ), pineapple, mangoes, cashew, groundnut, carrot, pumpkin,honey, milk and leafy vegetables should also be consumed.

Dakshinayana ( the Southern Progress of the Sun ) involve the six solar sidereal months from Cancer to Capricorn. This phase is known as Visarga Kala , as this is a period which augments physical strength. Bittergourd, gooseberry, chilli, wheat, honey, rice and vegetables can be taken in during this period.


Brahmacharya means to roam in Brahman, the Absolute, to embrace none but Him.
Lustre and virility are all dependent on the seventh Tissue Element, Semen. If there is a weaking of this tissue element, the body loses potency. Hence the need for preserving this vital Tissue Element through proper celibacy.

Havelock Ellis in his “Psychology of Sex ” has demonstrated that preservation of semen can result in increased creativity, high MQ & high IQ.
High Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient are also the boons of Brahmacharya.

Semen consists of the triune properties of Heat ( Tejas ), Light ( Ojas) and Electricity ( Vidyut ). Sublimation of this vital fluid can result in increased longevity. It will fortify the Immune system and body can be saved from wrinkles. Intuition and the discriminative intellect will function more during celibacy. Hence controlled Brahmacharya is a must for Healthy Living.

Pathya – Diet Control

There is a popular saying in Ayurveda that there no cure for 2 types of people. People who observe Pathya ( Diet Control ) and people who do not follow Pathya ! If a man has hyperacidity and do not observe Pathya ( if he takes in spicy, hot foods, alcohol and beverages ), how can he be cured. even with a plethora of medicines ? If the same man follows Pathya ( he avoids spicy foods, alcohol & beverages ), he doesnt need medicines !

Diet Control is all in all
Even for disease chronic, Diet Control can cure
Without Diet Control, useless is the highest Therapy !
Hence the need for Foods Vedic !

For every disease there is Pathya. The Ayurvedic Physician will say dont take such and such food. Foods that are to be avoided in general are spicy foods, alcohol, non veg like beef, eggs and fish, carbonated drinks and processed foods

Fruits and vegetables contain Carotenoids and Bioflavonoids which are cancer preventing or disease preventing. They contain fibres that are vital for the body. The popular notion that eggs are cheap and contain proteins and high calories is a flawed notion. 100 gms of egg contains 13.3 % protein and 137 calories. 100 gms of vegetables contain 25.1% protein and 334 calories !

Why avoid Non Vegetarian Food
Because of the high cholesterol content, non veg food is not okayed by Ayurveda. A 100 gms of Mackerel contains 95 mgs of cholesterol, haddock 65 mg, tuna 63 mg , halibut 50 mg, beef 70 mg, chicken 60 mg and pork 70 mg. And when the comparison is made based on calories, fish ( 50mg/100 calories) is much higher in cholesterol than pork (24mg/100 calories), beef ( 29 mg /100 calories ) or chicken ( 44 mg /100 calories ). Animal protein causes osteoporosis or bone loss. Fish contains neither fibre nor carbohydrate. A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine warned that many fish contain high levels of Mercury, which may increase risk of a heart attack. There is evidence that fish fat ( Omega-3 fat ) will increase a person’s risk of cancer and the risk of metastasis ( spread of cancer to other parts of the body ).

Naturopathy – The Prophylactic Aspect of Ayurveda
Naturopathy or Prakrithi Therapy is the Swastha Vritta ( Prophylactic Aspect ) of the Science of Life.

The Five Great Elements are the Five Doctors ( Annam Brahma ). Food is medicine and medicine is food. By food we mean Naturopathic food, the food that cometh from Nature. The Five Great Elements ( Pancha Maha Bhootas ) are prior to everything. Hence they are known as the Five Great Doctors ( Annam Hi Bhoothanam Jyeshtyam Thasmad Sarvoushadhamuchyathe ).
The Five Great Doctors can cure any disease. Exposure to Sunlight is Thejopasana. The body gets abundance of Vitamin D. Daily at least 10 minutes one should bathe in the Sun.
The Fivefold Worship of Naturopathy

Thejopasana – Sun bathing. Sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin D

Akasopasana – Fasting, the best medicine. During fasting the digestive system gets rest and diseases like ulcer are cured by Fasting.

Jalopasana – Water is a universal medicine. At least 12 glasses of water should be taken in daily and exercises like swimming are excellent.

Vayopasana – Getting fresh air is a must.

Prithyopasana – Fruits and vegetables cometh from Nature and are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. They contain phytochemicals which are cancer or disease preventing.

New Age Dictionary

A Dictionary of New Age Terminology
The concepts and the principles of the New Age are very simple. One World Government, One Currency, One Religion, One God, One Universal Consciousness which all human beings can experience. This Dictionary has been compiled so that all can understand New Age terminology and participate in the Consciousness Revolution !.

Aquarian Age — Based on Astronomical Age Cycles, we are now nearing the end of the Age of Pisces. Evolution goes through cycles corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac, each lasting 2,160 years.( The Precession of the Equinoxes are calculated at 72 years per degree and hence a Zodiac Sign is 30 degrees and an Age Cycle is 72*30 = 2160 years) . Now the Vernal Equinoctial Point is preceding through Pisces and hence is called the Piscean Age. The V E P will be retrograding through Aquarius and this will be the Aquarian Age, which will be characterised by a heightened degree of spiritual or Cosmic Consciousness.

Agent — A person sending a telepathic message to another entity. Telepathy is the art of conversing mentally.

Akashic Record — Indestructible records of every person’s every word, thought, or deed inscribed in the spiritual realms

Alpha — The physical body.
Alchemy – The scientific process by which base metals are transmuted into gold. Divine Alchemy is the process by which base metals ( human beings ) are transmuted into gold ( divine nature )

Alkaline Diet – Diet to neutrallise acidity. The body’s ratio is 80% alkalinity and 20% acidity. Alkaline diet generally refers to fruits and vegetables. Naturopathy recommends a 100 gms fruits and 320 gms vegetables daily diet.

Animism — Anima means Soul and Animism is the conviction that inanimate things (such as plants) possess a soul or spirit.

Anthroposophy — Literally ” Wisdom of Man” , attributed to the German mystic Rudolf Steiner. It instructs that Truth is in every human being, even though hidden or often latent. .

Ascended Masters — Refers to those who have reached the highest level of Cosmic Consciousness & have become guides of the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Ascension of Christ — Referred normally as the Ascension, it indicates the principle that man is divine and symbolises the rise of the Divine Consciousness in mankind, which is occurring now on a grand scale. .

Astral — Astra means star and astral body is the etheric body which survives dealth. The Astral body is connected to the physical body by a Silver Cord, an extended umbilical cord. The Astral Universe is the subtle physical universe, most proximate to the physical universe. )
Astral Body — The etheric body capable of projection from the physical body and which survives death.

Astral Flight — Flight of the Astral body from the physical body during trance, sleep or meditation.

Attunement –It is actually At- One- Ment , union with the Divine. One attains a spiritual consciousness of Being through Meditation referred to variously as Unity Consciousness, Nirvana, Prajna, Samadhi, etc. Various Consciousness techniques are used to cause this Union: Meditation; Guided imagery; Yoga; Hypnosis; Chanting of a Mantra; Ecstatic Dancing; Channeling of spirit guides; New Age music; and Positive Thinking or Alpha Mind techniques.

Aura — The Human Electro Magnetic Field – Radiated glow or halo surrounding living beings which can be photographed by Kirlian Photography.

Avatar — A manifestation of Divinity, of the Absolute and who initiates man into divine principles. Such a one has progressed beyond the need to be reincarnated in another body as there is no further bad karma to work off.

Bhagavad Gita — The Science of the Absolute, the Upanishad sung by the Lord and the scripture on Yoga.

Biofeedback — A technique in which brain waves are monitored to bring normally unconscious, involuntary bodily functions under conscious, voluntary control. Biofeedback can generate altered states of Consciousness.

Blood of Christ — The Life Energy of the Cosmic Christ, this blood flowed from the Cross into the spiritual realms from where the Christ intends to effect the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Bodhisattva — A being having attained Self Actualisation, voluntarily turns back from that state in order to aid humanity in evolving to Godhead.

Brahman – The Absolute, the Infinite. Not an Absolute which is non-relative but an Absolute which takes all relativity in its embrace.

Brahma Jnana – Supreme Knowledge, a confluence of Relative, Absolute & Transcendental Knowledge.

Buddha — Literally The Awakened One, he who has risen from the normal three relative states of Consciousness to the Fourth – Transcendental Consciousness and the Fifth – Cosmic Consciousness.

Chakras — The seven Energy points on the body. Tantra is the discipline which desribes the Seven Dynamoes of Cosmic Energy in the body. The Root Chakra is at tha base of the spine and the Crown Chakra is on top of the skull. Yoga and Meditation are practised through these invisible energy centers and the Kundalini, the coiled feminine serpentine energy, rises to the Crown Chakra and man attains Unity Consciousness.

( 1. The Root Chakra – Containing the Earth Principle – Muladhara

2. The Navel Chakra – Containing the Water Principle _ Manipura

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – Containing the Fire Principle – Swadhishtana

4. The Heart Chakra – Containing the Air Principle – Anahata

5. The Throat Chakra – Containing the Ether Principle – Vishuddha

6. The Eyebrow Chakra – Containing the Mind Principle – Ajna

7. The Crown Chakra – The Thousand Petalled Lotus – Sahasrara )

Chaos Theory – A mathematical theory advanced by Mendelbrot, which sees order in chaos.

Channeling — A New Age term for mediumship or spiritism. With the intention of receiving supranormal information,
the channeled yields control of his/her perceptual and cognitive capacities to a spiritual entity

Clairaudience — Psychic ability to hear mentally without using the ears.

Clairvoyance — Psychic ability to see mentally without using the eyes, beyond ordinary time and space limits; also called “Second Sight.”

Consciousness Revolution — New Age exponents call for a Consciousness Revolution or a spiritual revolution with Life in rhythm with Natural Law. The primary focus of this Unitive Consciousness is oneness with the Divine, with Nature, all mankind, the earth, and with the entire Universe.

Control — The Spirit that sends messages through a medium in trance.

Cosmic Christ — In Gnosticism and other mystic schools of thought, the Christ is considered to be a Universal Spirit or a Cosmic Force, guiding the spiritual evolution of mankind to the ultimate summit of Unity Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness — Literally meaning Universal Consciousness. Becoming one with the Universal Self or Cosmic Mind. .

Cosmic Humanism — Cosmic Humanism views man as having unlimited mental potential due to his innate divinity which can make him rise to the level of the Divine. Quite antithetical to normative humanism which views Man as the measure of all things ( that human conscience is the final Judge ). .

Crystals — Possessing healing powers, crystals are recommended by New Age exponents for the restoration of Universal LIfe Energy in the human body.

Deja Vu — French for reliving again after another incarnation. The doctrine of Metempsychosis or Transmigration of souls is related to this French expression. The feeling that ” I have experienced this event before ” when we encounter an event for the first time.

Discarnate — The soul of a living creature who has died, travelling in the astral realms. .

Downward Pull of the Mind. The mind is pulled towards Subsconscient, viz, the Subconscious Mind. Downward pull happening in the collective mind. Socrates is poisoned. Rimbaud flees to the Abyssinian desert.

Dowser — A sensitive who uses dowsing rods that points to hidden water, oil, buried money, lost articles, or people. Spiritual dowsing is one of the legal domains of study and research in Russia.

Earth Logos — The Spiritual Being who is the ensouling Life of our Planet Earth and this system of philosophy is called Animism. This mighty Being manifests as earth physically.

Energisation – Removing negative energy and imparting Positive Energy. In Geo Biology, there are machines which effectuate this energisation like the Geopathic Stress Reverser.

Eros – Life Instinct, the opposite of Thanatos, the Death Instinct.

Esoteric — The opposite of Exoteric. Meaning the inner. The mystical. The inner meaning of different mystic schools of thought as opposed to the outer intrepretations of different religions. The outer, exoteric interpretations are often dualistic – that Man and God are different. Esoteric meaning is that the Divine is resident in man, referred to as the Kingdom of Heaven, Self and the Divine Spark. .

Esoteric Christianity — A mystical form of Christianity that sees its core truth as identical to the core truth of every other religion (i.e., man is divine). This form of Christianity is same as Aldous Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy.

ESP — Extrasensory perception encompassing paranormal abilities such as foreknowledge, & sychic abilities like telepathy, precognition, retrocognition, clairaudience & clairvoyance.

ESP Cards — A pack of twenty-five cards bearing five symbols, including stars, squares, circles, crosses, and waves.

Exoteric Christianity — Theology , a form of Christianity, identified with historic or orthodox Christianity that New Agers describe as being devoid of all spiritual authenticity.

Fall of Man — Refers to the Fall of Man’s Consciousness, which recognizes the existence of only the material realm. The Christ is believed to have redeemed man in the sense that He enabled man to perceive the Spiritual Reality behind the material world, the Noumena behind the phenomena. .

Free Masonry – A Western mystical school; builders in the Spirit. A royal science and a noble art. It originated from the Vedists of the East and was greatly influenced by Pythagorus. Free Masonry intends to generate perfect Initiates.

Gaia — ( Greek – Gaia – Goddess of the earth). The Gaia Hypothesis was a scientific hypothesis formulated by James Lovelock whereby all living matter on the earth is a single living organism. Humanity is considered the nervous system of the living earth in such a system. .

Geobiology – The biology of the Earth; the theory that certain points of the earth have positive energy as well as negative energy.

Geopathic Stress – Negative energy of the earth which causes cancer and other ailments.

Geopathic Zone – A place full of Negative Energy.

Globalism — The doctrine that the world is a celestial family.with all as brothers and sisters and a New Age term referring to the need for a transformation of the world from the present nation state divisions into a global community.

Gnosticism — A mystical tradition going back to the second century which averrs that salvation comes through intuitive Gnosis ( experiential knowledge of the Self ) or knowledge of one’s innate divinity.

God — Universal Energy. The sum total energy in the Universe is an absolute constant and cannot be created or destroyed. The triune aspects of Being – Immanence, Transcendence and Cosmicity are symbolised by the Trinity, Son ( Tat ), Father ( Sat ) & the Holy Ghost ( Om ).

God Consciousness – A glorified state of Cosmic Consciousness that sees the finest Relative in everything, the 6th state of Consciousness in Transcendental Philosophy. .

Gemology – The science of gems; often Astro Gemology, the science of gems as related to Astrology.

Graphology — The science and the analysis of handwriting. Character analysis and foretelling based on handwriting.

Great Invocation — A classic New Age prayer, invoking the Cosmic Christ on earth, whose presence will usher in an era of Unity Consciousness and Universal brotherhood. This prayer has been translated into over 80 languages.

Group Guru — With Mass Incarnations of the Cosmic Christ happening on a planetary scale, this New Age terms refers to the same idea that the Cosmic Christ is incarnate in all of humanity and all mankind is a single Guru.

Guru — He who destroys the darkness of Ignorance. Gu in Sanskrit means Darkness and Ru menas the destroyer. The term means one who is enlightened and a bona fide Master.

Harmonic Convergence — The assembly of New Age meditators gathered at the same propitious astrological time in different locations to usher in World Peace and One-World government.

Holism — The doctrine which teaches the interrelatedness and interdependence of everything. The principle that All Reality is organically One, the basis of Hinduism and Buddhism, now taught in all colleges and universities in America that followed Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Holistic Health — Holistic health gives priority to the Whole body and not the parts. The body as an inter-related organism. Following the doctrine that the Whole is more important than the parts, its goal is to treat the whole person (Body, Mind, and Self ) as opposed to merely treating a particular sickness. ( vide Sir William Osler ” The patient who has the disease is more important than the disease of the patient ” ). Plato averred that the treatment of the parts should not be attempted without treatment of the entire body. Psycho-physical medicine in direct contrast to physical medicine.

Hologram — Basically a three-dimensional projection resulting from the interaction of laser beams, its image can be reproduced from any one of its many component parts. According to New Age Philosophy, the entire Universe is one Divine Hologram and the Hologram is used to illustrate the oneness of all reality.

Homeopathy — A system of medicine based on the principle of ” Similia Similibus Curanter ” ( Like cures like ) & developed by Samuel Hahnemann.

Human Potential Movement — Man uses only 5% of his mental potential and 100% mental potential can be unfolded by psychotechnologies. A movement with roots in humanistic psychology that stresses man’s essential goodness and the ability of the mind to achieve 100% potential.

I Ching — A mysterious Chinese book, which shows the art of divination, This book is used heavily in Red China.

Inconscient – The Unconscious Mind. According to Freud, the most powerful element of the Mind.

Initiation — This term is generally used in reference to the expansion or transformation of a person’s consciousness. Derived from the Latin ” In ire ” to go within. An Initiate is one whose consciousness has been transformed so that he now perceives the Inner Essence, the noumena behind the phenomena.

Inner Self or Higher Self — Often referred to as the Overself, it refers to the inner divine nature possessed by human beings. All people possess an inner Self, though man lives in ignorance of it. Conscience is Vox Dei, the voice of this inner Self.

Integralism – The philosophy which integrates both Matter and Spirit. Dialectical Integralism, propounded by the philosopher Aurobindo, which unifies Matter and Spirit as the obverse and the reverse of same coin of Being, and emphasises the omnipotence of the Mind-Overmind-Supermind Axis.

Integrator – He who integrates all religions; all philsophies; all civilizations; as they come from One Universal Source.

Interdependence or Interconnectedness — The Universe is the Whole and we are puny parts of that great Whole and all parts of the Universe are interrelated, interdependant and interconnected. New Age terms used to illustrate the oneness and essential unity of everything in the universe.

Intelligence – Invisible Nature. Nature is visible Intelligence. Intelligence is invisible Nature.

Intuition – The Eye of Wisdom, the Third Eye.

Intuitive Reason – There are four faculties of the Intuitive Reason – Revealation ( Ila ), Inspiration ( Saraswathi ), Intuition ( Sarama ) & Illumination.

Jesus — An Avatar who attained a high level of attunement to the Cosmic Christ. This enabled him to become a bodily vehicle for the Christ and declare ” I am divine, the Universal expresses through Me “.

Kabala (Cabbala, Qaballah) — Hebrew mystical lore, rich with mystical experiences of the followers of the Esoteric Kabala.

Karma — Literally meaning Action. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Action & Reaction, the Law of Retributioin is this Grand Law of Causation. Same as ” What ye sow, ye shall reap” of the Bible.

Kirlian Photography –Invented by the Russian electronic engineer, Seymond Kirlian, a photographic process that measures living auras

Kundalini — The elemental serpentine energy of the human body which lies coiled at the base of the spine. Often called as the Serpent Power ( ” The Serpent Power ” by Sir John Woodroffe ) in Tantra & Yoga and as the Golden Serpent in Reiki.

Levitation — Levity was the term coined by the German poet Goethe. The opposite of gravitation. While Newton thought how the apple fell, Goethe thought how the apple got up there.

Macrocosm – The Whole; the Universe

Magic Circle Ring — A psychic protective ring, drawn by occultists to protect them from other psychic attacks.

Mantra — A word or phrase that is to be chanted repetitively in an effort to empty the mind and attain Cosmic Consciousness.

Mass Incarnation — An incarnation of the Cosmic Force in all of humanity. New Age exponents say that this incarnation is presently taking place on a massive planetary scale ( referred to as the Ascension ), like the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ in the body of Jesus 2,000 years ago.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Scale – The Transpersonal Psychology of Maslow lists a hierarchy of human needs. The basic needs are physiological ( food, clothing and shelter ). Next comes the Security Need which is Money. Next comes Social & .Esteem needs. The final Need is Self Actualisation, the Knowledge and Realisation of the Self.
Medium — A psychically sensitive being whose body-mind-intellect-complex is used as a vehicle for communicating with etheric bodies.

Metaphysics — The science of the Self. Beyond Physics. Metaphysics was the study of Time, Space & Causality, the nature of the Universe and Cosmology.

Microcosm – Man. ” Little man’s world “. Man as microcosm, wherein he copies the structure of the great Universe.

Mind – A steady stream of thoughts. In Freud Mind is omnipotent and is a clumsy interlude between Nature’s vast and precise subconscient action and the vaster and infallible superconscient action of the Godhead.
Monism — The mystic tie which connects not only all men into brotherhood but the elements of the Universe into Unity. Reality as a Unified Whole. The Unified Field is the only Reality ( Einstein ). That Unified Field is the Brahman of the Indians and the Tao of the Chinese ( Fritjof Capra ). Everything in the universe is made of the same Universal Substance ( Universal Matter, Universal Energy or Universal Being.). The Same, the Same, friend and foe are of the same Stuff ( Emerson ).

Naturopathy – The prophylactic aspect of Ayurveda, Vedic Holistic Medicine. Nature as the Doctor. The Elemental Five are the Five Doctors. ” Medicus Curata Natura Sanat” – The physician treats but it is Nature that heals.

Negative Energy – GeoBiology ( a combination of Geology and Biology ) points out that some areas of the Earth are infested with Negative Energy.

New Age Movement — An Organization of people, advanced in consciousness and committed to Universal Love, who are convinced the world has entered the Aquarian Age when World Government and World Peace will rule. Among them may be found environmentalists, nuclear-freeze proponents, Marxist-socialist theoreticians, mind-control advocates & bona fide spiritual Masters. .

Nirvana — Liberation from earthly sorrows; Universal Consciousness.
Numerology — The science & analysis of hidden or the vibrational nature of numbers, based on the Pythagorean Law of Vibration.The mystery of the Universe was intercomprehensible to Pythagorus in the notion of the Number.

Om — A word symbolizing Brahman, the Absoulte Self. The three letters A U M representing the 3 relative states of Consciousness, waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep and the last note, the transcendental state.

One Worlders –Those who believe that World Government is the global solution. Those who suggest the abolition of nations, working to hand over power to a single-world government which has the knowledge and expertise to create an ideal society.

Out-of-Body Experience — Referring to the experience when the astral body gets out of the physical during sleep or temporary death.

Overmind – A higher principle than Mind. The Vijnana of the Upanishads. The Rig Veda defines it as an ocean of stable lightnings or an Eye Extended in Heaven.

Pantheism — The doctine of the Immanence of the Divine, the principle that identifies the Divine with the Universe, every particle, tree, table, animal, and person being part of Him. If Being is omnipresent, where is It ? The Universe is He in manifestation. Everything is He.

Paradigm Shift — Refers to a shift in world perspectives. The New Paradigm (new model or form) is Monistic ( All is Unity ), Pantheistic ( All is Divine Substance ) & Holistic ( The Whole is divinley Real ).

Paranormal — Above the normal. Beyond or above normal human powers or senses.

Parapsychology — The art of Biopsychical research.dealing with the energetic and developmental possibilities of living organisms. Using scientific methods, paranormal phenomena is researched.

Percipient — The receipient; the person who receives telepathic messages.

Perennial Philosophy –Philosophia Perennis. Coined by Aldous Huxley that sees all spiritual truth or experience as one and the same. This philosophy proposes that even though the externals of the various religions may differ, the essence or core truth is the same in each.

Phase Transition – A term of Quantum Physics implying transition from Entropy ( Disorder ) to order.

Physiognomy – The Wisdom of the Face. The art of character analysis based on the face.

Precession of the Equinoxes – The Vernal Equinoctial Point retrogrades thorough the Signs of the Zodiac. The precession is 72 years per degree. A Precessional Cycle, therefore, is 360 degrees * 72 years = 25920 years.

Plan, The — A phrase occurring often in the writings of the foundational apostle of the N A M, Alice Bailey, referring to certain preparations in the world for a New Age Movement and a New Age Redeemer. These preparations are carried out by the Masters of the Hierarchy, a group of perfected beings who guide the spiritual evolution of people on earth.

Planetary Citizens — Divine Integrators. A New Age group ready to integrate all and create a Universal Consciousness
Planetization — Integrating the whole planet ( the earth ) into a unified whole. The global solution advocated by New Age philosophers. Bringing all under the umbrella of Universal Brotherhood and Universal Friendship.

Poltergeist — German word for a noisy, mischievous, destructive spirit (a demon).

Positive Energy – GeoBiology ( a combination of Geology and Biology ) points out that some areas of the Earth are infested with Positive Energy.

Prana – Universal Life Energy ; same as Chi in Chinese, Pneuma in Greek and Qi in Japanese.

Prajnana – Experiential Knowledge of the Self, same as Gnosis of the Greeks.

Precognition — Advance knowledge of future events.based on Intuition.

PSI — Term used in place of psychic or paraphysical; ESP.

Psychic Birth — The Second Birth or Birth in Spirit. A quickening of Cosmic Consciousness and power. This new consciousness is one that recognizes oneness with the Divine and the universe.

Psychic Energy — Universal Life Energy which has healing properties and which is heavily used in Reiki and Pranic Therapy. .
Psychic Healer — A person who cures mental or physical illness from the Universal Life Energy emanating through the healer’s hands. ( used in Pranic Therapy ).

Psychotechnologies — Refers to the various approaches or systems aimed at deliberately altering one’s consciousness.

Quantum Medicine – Holistic Medicine ( vide ” Quantum Healing ‘ by Dr Deepak Chopra ). The Medicine which treats not only the parts but the entire body.

Reincarnation — The soul, the immortal spark of the Divine, undergoes a cyclical evolution and passes over from one body to another & the process continues till it achieves Self_Actualisation or Final Emancipation when it merges with the Infinite.

Retrocognition — Cognition of the past events learned via Intuition or psychic vision.

Right Brain Learning — Right Brain is Synthetic and Left Brain is Analytic.The right hemisphere of the brain is the center of intuitive and creative thought & the left is rational and scientific. New Agers have rightly pointed that this system of Right Brain Learning Techniques should be brought into the curriculum. These techniques include Meditation, Yoga, and Guided imagery.

Rolfing — A therapeutic system, by which, energy blockages in the body are removed by the application of deep pressure or massage.

Séance — A group of people who seeks communication with the dead, often relatives or dear ones or famous figures via a medium.

Second Coming of Christ — Related to the New Age concept of the Mass Incarnation. The Second Coming is now occurring in the hearts and minds of people all over the earth as Divine Consciousness. Also known as Ascension.

Self Actualisation – Actualisation of the Absolute Self; same as Unity Consciousness.
Self-Realization — Realization of the Absolute Self, which is the only Reality. Another synonym for God-Realization and the same as Nirvana, Samdhi, Prajna, Unity Consciousness etc. Same as Self Actualisation of Maslow in Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Scale. .

Sensitive — Psychically sensitive. A person who has paranormal powers. A person who demonstrates ESP gifts such as foreknowledge, clairaudience, clairvoyance or precognition.

Shaman — A medicine man with psychic powers, who uses Hypnotherapy, Pranic Therapy, mantras etc to cure patients.

Solar Logos — The Soul of the Solar System. The material solar system is simply a physical manifestation (or body) of this living Intelligence.

Spirit Control — A disembodied spirit who relays messages from dead people to the living through a spiritual medium.

Spiritual – That which is spiritual is natural in its ascent and cause; that which is natural is spiritual in its descent and being.

Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters — Spiritually evolved Masters, having already achieved Self-Actualisation, are now guiding the rest of humanity to this same Goal.

Spiritualist or Spiritist — Person who believes in the ability to contact departed souls through a medium.

Subject — Person used for experiments in ESP studies.

Subconscient – The Subconscious Mind. The seat of all the negative elements in Man. ( Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness & gluttony ).

Sujnana – Knowledge of the Absolute, Philosophic knowledge

Sufism — Islamic Mysticism or the Islamic Yoga. Union with the Divine.

Superconscient – The Superconscious Mind. Our evolutionary future. Above the conscious, the subconscious and the Unconscious. The base of all life.

Supermind – The highest divine principle. In Aurobindo philosophy the principle which connects the Upper and the Lower Hemispheres of the One Existence. The lower Hemisphere is Life, Mind and Matter and the Upper, Being, Knowledge and Bliss or Existence, Consciousness and Beatitude. .

Syncretism — The glorious attempt to combine or unify differing religious systems. New Age exponents averr that all the world religions teach the same core truth: that all human beings possess an inner divinity and Religion is the manifestation of the divinity already in man. All are brethren and all religions are so many radii of one circle, designed to lead man from the circumference and the surface of life to the One Central Light, the Self. .

Synergy — A principle which states that the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Tantra — Derived from two Sanskrit terms ‘ Thanothi ” ( to expand ) and ” Trayathe ” ( to liberate ). Tantra is a similar discipline like Yoga whose aim is Self_Actualisation. The aim of Tantra is the Union of Knower, Knowledge and the Known.

Taoism — A Chinese system of Philosophy that views the universe as engaged in incessant motion and activity. Same as Brahman of the Upanishads. ‘ Duration, then, eternally successive movement and change in Time is the sole Absolute ‘. The universe is intrinsically dynamic & everything is in a state of continual flux This cosmic process is the Tao. Tao is that which is formless, yet the mother of all forms, and that which is timeless, yet prior to all manifestations, and that which does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone.

Tarot Cards — A deck of 78 cards wherein the secrets of the Universe are symbolically depicted.

Telekinesis — The ability to move physical objects by Psychic Energy or by voluntary control ; same as Psychokinesis.

Telepathy — Communication between minds by ESP.

Thanatos – Death Instinct, the destructive urge in Man. Equal to Thamas of Yogic Psychology.

Theosophy One of the forerunners of New Age thought, Theosophy was founded by Helena P. Blavatsky. The term literally means Divine Wisdom. The objectives of Theosophy are to (1) form a universal brotherhood; (2) do comparative study of world Religions, Science, and Philosophy; and (3) investigate the psychic and spiritual powers dormant in man.

Therapeutic Touch — The Touch of the Alternative Medicine Healer. The Universal Life Energy is chanelled for the patient and then the patient is helped to assimilate this energy.

Third Eye — Symbolising Intuition, the Eye of Wisdom, the center of psychic vision. Antinomic Reason is represented by our two eyes and the Third Eye symbolises the Eye of Wisdom. ” The Intuition, sees things by flashes, not as a whole “.

Trance — A psychic state, a possession by Spirit. This is akin to sleep.

Trance Channeler — The new term for trance medium.

Transformation — Both personal and planetary transformation, individual and collective, are advocated by New Age exponents. By increasing Self-Actualisation, personal transformation takes place on an individual level and as more individuals are transformed, society, state and the world becomes transformed into a global brotherhood and world peace reigns supreme. .

Transfiguration – Our human nature, due to divine yogic techniques, becomes transfigured into divine nature. The divine Aurobindo spoke about the Transfiguring Hour or the Hour of God.

Transmutation – The Divine Transmutation of Man, which is the Ultimate principle of Mysticism. Human nature becomes transmuted into divine nature, which is the ultimate divine aim. .

Transcendental Consciousness – The Fourth State of Consciousness, transcending the three relative states of Consciousness, referred to as Tureeya in Yoga. .

UFO — Unidentified flying object; flying saucer.

Ultradien Healing Response – The human body everyday goes through a healing cycle ( round about 90 minutes ) and this is called the U H R.

Unity-in-Diversity Council — A New Age Meta-network of over 100 networks and groups rallying for global cooperation and interdependence, emphasising the Unity beneath the apparent diversity.

Upward Pull of the Mind – The Pull of the Mind towards the Superconscient or the Superconscious Mind.

Vedas — Scriptures which were never written and which were cognised in higher states of Consciousness. Symbolically depicted as ‘ Descendit e caelo ‘ or descended from Heaven. What the Seers hear is only an infinitesimal portion of the Infinite Vedas !

Vedic Foods – Low acidity, low-cholesterol diet based on Naturopathy, the prophylactic aspect of Ayurveda.

Vijnana – Knowledge of the Relative, Scientific knowledge.
Visualization — Another term for Guided Imagery, visualization basically refers to the power of Mind over Matter. Mind is omnipotent and can it bring changes in the material realm. “Mind is a mediator Divinity/ Its powers can undo all Nature’s work ” ( Aurobindo ).

World Goodwill — A New Age group that works for implementing The New Age World Plan.

Yantra – A masterpiece of Manifestation depicted in Silver, copper or gold plate. A sacred syllable or Mantra is inscribed on a silver or gold plate. Believed to have occult powers to ward off evil.

Yin/Yang — The male and female components of the Ultimate. Chinese terms referring to the active and passive principles of the universe or rather Yin refers to the female or [inactive] negative force; Yang to the male or active force. These two polar forces continually interplay with each other. Briefly, it means that good and evil and right and wrong are actually the observe and the reverse of the coin of Life; they simply appear as opposites. Transcend the Opposites or the dualities (seen and unseen, hot and cold, up and down, back and forth, day and night, high and low, etc.), and you can attain Perfection (Nirvana, Samadhi, Prajna, Unity Consciousness etc.).

Yoga — The Science of the Superconscient. The scientia ultima or the Ultimate Science. The method divine of becoming united with the Supreme Being, or with the Universal Self.

Yogi — The initiate in Yoga who strives for Unitive Consciousness, the Seventh State of Consciousness. .

Zodiac — A belt of the Heavens 9 degrees away from the Ecliptic. Referred by Dante as ” the Oblique Line that beareth all planets” . Like fishes swim in a pond, the planets swim in this 18 degree belt. The Zodiac beginning from 0 degree Aries is Tropical and the Zodiac beginning from 0 degree Beta Arietis ( Ashwini ) is Sidereal.

The New Age Movement

The New Age Movement

New Age – A Paradigm Shift to Divine Consciousness & a Universal Philosophy
The New Age Movement (NAM) is a revival of spiritual and divine values and can be called as a Divine Regeneration Movement. New Age Philosophy has conquered the West intellectually and Western culture is currently experiencing a phenomenal shift – sociological, spiritual & ideological. It’s a secular, multi-cultural, multi-religious synthesis, of the Oriental mystical philosophies, mainly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism & Western Occultism, emphasising Holism, the doctrine that Reality is organically One ( now taught in American Universities after Einstein’s Theory of Relativity ).

Behind the evolution of the species, there is an evolution of Consciousness. The aim of Life is Self-Actualisation, to evolve to the level of Unity Consciousness, defined as the 7th state of Consciousness in Transcendental Philosophy.

The social disturbance caused by the Vietnam War, the threat posed by AIDS, the disillusionment with materialistic ideas and the erosion of faith in Morality & Ethics brought a sense of futility & meaninglessness in the Western psyche.The limitations of the Western system of Chemotherapy & adverse side-effects of antibiotics, sedatives and certain other drugs and the disillusionment with the promises of science & technology made millions turn to Oriental philosophies, occult practices & systems of therapy.( Interest in Alternative Medicine developed to such an extent that there are now more than 180 systems of Alternative Medicine.
Exponents of New Age Philosophy in Europe and America include Transcendentalists like Thoreau, Emerson & Walt Whitman, Wordsworth, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), , & Theosophy introduced by Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831- 1891) & Col Olcott & the philosopher, Annie Besant. As the world witnessed a Consciousness Revolution, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga ,Zen, Carlos Castañada, the Beatles, Holistic Medicine ( both Western and Ayurveda ), Tantra, Astrology ( both Western & Vedic ) all became popular .

There are 6 million New Age sites on the Web and the NAM consists of a massive & well organised network consisting of thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and spiritual groups whose goal and purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming Aquarian Age. ( The Age of Aquarius ). In astrological symbolism, Aquarius represents Spirituality and Pisces Rationality. The Piscean Age, an age of Computer and Cybernetics revolution, will be followed by an Age of Consciousness Revolution or a Spiritual Revolution, the Aquarian Age.

Some New Age Organisations are : California New Age Caucus, New World Alliance, World Goodwill, The Church Universal and Triumphant, The Theosophical Society, Amnesty International, Zero Population Growth, the Forum, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, the Club of Rome, Church Universal & Triumphant, Christian Science, and the Unity School of Christianity.

New Age believes in the essential goodness of Man and the Divine Spark in Man and the New Age movement is not a unified cult system of beliefs and practices, even though its roots derive from Vedic Philosophy. There is no central authority, no official leader, no headquarters, nor membership list, but instead is a network of groups working toward World Peace and Universal Love. There are millions of worldwide followers of various New Age practices and the world is moving from Chaos ( Disorder ) to Cosmos ( Order ) ! This is a Phase Transition from Entropy ( Disorder ) to Order !

Significant influence has been gained by NAM affecting almost every area of Occidental culture — Sociology, Psychology, Medicine, the Government, Ecology, Science, Arts, Education, the Business Community, the media, entertainment, sports, and even the Church. Organised spiritual forms such as Christian Science, Unity and even forms of Witchcraft ( from the German ‘ Wicca’ meaning the Wise; Witchcraft means the Craft of the Wise ) are all its expressions. Various Human Potential Seminars, Transcendental Meditation, Zen Meditation and some Alternative Holistic Medicine practices are also its manifold manifestations.

Some popular New Age publications and journals are New Age Journal, the Z Files, Clarity, Body Mind Spirit, Yoga Journal, Gnosis, East West, Noetic Sciences, the Millenium Being and Omega. The new tendency of people now is to view everything from a New Age perspective

The major goal of the New Age Movement is to prepare Man for entering the Aquarian Age and to bring world peace in an already bruised world. “All is wrong with the world” said Shaw & some of the other goals of the NAM are to establish an entirely New World Order in the fields of Economy & Government. The idea of a World Government was proposed by Bernard Shaw earlier and was implemented by Mahesh Yogi and occurs in the writings of the foundational apostle of the New Age Movement, Alice Bailey.

The word ‘Initiation” is derived from the Latin “In ire” to go within and Initiates were termed by the Great Master as the salt of the Earth. The mystic Ward defined Reality as “Within and within and within and within” . Another mystic described it as “It is hidden, it is hidden and it is hidden”. To the mystic, self evolution is the means and only by changing and correcting ourselves can we change others . The primary goals of the movement then, are to prepare the world to receive the Divine Consciousness and to enter the Age of Aquarius, thus establishing the New World Order.

New Age Philosophy believes that human evolution can be accelerated, if not in the entire mass of humanity, at least in suitable individuals. Human nature is perfectible, through an intensive process of purification and Initiation.

The New Age Movement is secular & universally diffused over the earth’s surface & its basic underlying philosophy emphasises Gnosticism and Occultism. (Gnosticism is an ancient philosophy stating that Divine essence is the highest reality, and that the Self of man is actually this Essence. Behind the phenomenal world is the Transcendent Reality which Intuition alone can see ). It bears a remarkable resemblance to the Universal Religion that H.G. Wells predicted would one day take over the world.

The six main characteristics of New Age thinking are: (1) All is Unity; (2) All is Divine (3) Humanity is divine (4) A change in Consciousness; (5) All religions are One; and (6) Cosmic Evolutionary optimism.
Basically Dialectical Integralism, New Age Philosophy unites both Matter and Spirit.

Spirit shall see through Matter’s gaze

Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face !

The 13 main principles of New Age Philosophy are:

(1) One Global Order – One World Governement, One Currency, One Universal Being.

(2) Universal Energy, Universal Matter, Universal Life, Universal Soul As God

(3) An Eternal Universe – Uniform in Space and Unending in Time

(4) Divine practices ( Astrology Yoga & other esoteric arts)

(5) Syncretism ( Unity of all Religions ).

(6) The need for Meditation ( for generating altered states of Consciousness );

(7) Life is Cyclical- Everything is cyclical, subject to the cyclical upheavals of Time.

(8) Holistic Medicine & Vegetarianism (The patient is more important than the Doctor & Alkaline diet)

(9) Pacifism ( Anti-war activities);

(10) Reincarnation; ( The Law of Conservation of Soul )

(11) The Evolution of Man into Divinity; ( The latent Life Force evolving naturally to the Divine )

(12) The Union of Man with the Divine; ( Merger of man into the Infinite )

(13) Matter’s Illusoriness; – Esse est percipii – Perception is Essence; Mind is Substance.

The practices of the New Age are psychic practices like : Astrology, Reiki, Bioenergy, Chi energy, Chakras, Nirvana, Christ- Consciousness,Spiritualism, Native American Spirituality, Prajna, Out-of-body/near- death experiences, Reincarnation, Yoga, Meditation and the occult disciplines, as well as psychotherapeutic techniques and scientific applications of the healing powers of crystals and pyramids.
Some commonly used New Age terms are: Quantum Healing, Transmutation, Transfiguration, Guided Imagery, Reincarnation; Positive Thinking; Human Potential; Holistic; Holographic; Synergistic; Unity; Oneness; Transformation; Awakening; Networking; Communal Sharing; One-world/globalism/new world order (i.e., One language, One Government, One currency, One religion); Cosmic Consciousness; Zodiac, etc.

Some New Age practices are: Transcendental Meditation, Parapsychology, Inner healing; Biofeedback; Yoga; I Ching; Reflexology; Therapeutic Touch; Transpersonal Psychology; Witchcraft; ; Magick; Tai Chi; Shamanism; Hypnotherapy; Acupuncture/Acupressure; Martial arts; Zen; Relaxation; Silva Method (formerly Silva Mind Control); Visualization; etc.
Some prominent New Agers are: Jeremy Rifkin, Norman Cousins, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, John Denver, George Lucas, Norman Lear, Alice Bailey, Alvin Toffler, Dr. Barbara Ray, Benjamin Creme, Levi Dowling, George Trevelyan, Fritjof Capra, Abraham Maslow, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ruth Montgomery, Shirley MacLaine, J.Z. Knight, Marilyn Ferguson and David Spangler.

Soothing audio environments are created by New Age musicians and they believe rightly that Music has psycho-therapeutic properties. ( This concept is derived from the Vedic Philosophy that All music is Samaveda, the 4th Veda of the Indians ). Born of an interest in spirituality and healing in the late 1970s, it is often used as an aid in meditation.

Essentially meditative, New Age Music is soothing to the Soul. Isnt Music defined as the food for the Soul ? Harmonic consonance, uplifting themes, contemplative melodies & nonlinear song forms are the characteristics of New Age music. Even natural sounds or sounds from Nature and traditional electronic instruments are used by New Age musicians. With roots in classical music or Eastern Music, New Age music is often meditative. Prominent New Age musicians include vocalist Liz Story; harpist Andreas Vollenweider, electric violinist Jean-Luc Ponty , electronic-music pioneer Brian Eno, multi-instrumentalist Kitaro & solo-piano artist George Winston.

New Age practices have almost conquered the world. Athletes are using guided imagery. Graduate schools of business are invoking T M, Yoga, and Tarot cards in teaching courses on creativity in business (e.g., Stanford Graduate School of Business). Based upon Astrology, the Science of Time, stock market gurus employ Fibonacci numbers and “Wave Theory” in their forecasting.

We can summarise that the term New Age is an innovative term derived from the mother of all sciences, Astrology, indicating that this earth is undergoing an evolutionary transitional phase from the Piscean Age of Scientism to the Aquarian Age of Divine Wisdome, Cosmic Consciousness , Knowledge and Love.
Since the New Age is a conglomeration of spiritual practices, let us analyse the basic principles of N A M

1. The Divine Source of Authority. New Agers do not claim any source of authority — Only Inspiration by the Divine. By the Divine we mean a principle within, the Divine Spark or the Self and many are there who receive the revealations of the Self within or the intuitive insights of the Self.

2. The Lord. – Since Matter and Energy can neither be created or destroyed and the sum total energy in the Universe is an absolute constant ( Universal Being ), the Lord did not create the world, He became the world. Monism –( “All is Unity” ) averrs that there is only One Essence in the universe, everyone and everything being a part of that essence. The Self is an utter Being and all these are its Becomings. New Agers view God as an Impersonal Life force, Consciousness, or Energy (e.g., the “Star Wars Force”) mainly but they also believe in His personal aspect, as the Ocean ( which is Formless ) can take the form of an iceberg! They averr that every human has a divine spark within him because all created beings are reflections of the Divine Idea. The eternal state is called by various terms among different New Age groups, i.e., God-consciousness, Universal Love, Self-Realization, the I AM, Higher Self, Brahman, Nirvana, etc.

2. The Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness or the Divine Consciousness is what the New Age advocates mean by Christ. . In other words, Christ is a Divine Principle rather than an individual, such as Jesus. This idea of Christ Consciousness asserts that Jesus was only one of the Christs, but that He equipped Himself to receive the Christ Consciousness (i.e., He was a great Master who attained Christ Consciousness), as did other prophets like Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed. New Agers believe Dr Paul Brunton who stated the Jesus spent 18 years in India absorbing Indian Mysticism and that he was initiated into the highest esoteric doctrine.
3. Human Destiny. Man is the measure of all things and is more divine than the animals & hence the salvation of the world depends upon Man. Cleansing the negative elements from the collective subconscient should be the aim of humanity. Once Negativity is cleaned from the collective subconscient, the human positive energy will shine forth and the noble ideals of the New Age will be actualised in an era of Enlightenment. Since man is intrinsically divine and perfect, his only real problem is ignorance of that fact. Gnosis means experiential knowledge and Salvation in the New Age is for man to become enlightened through this Divine Gnosis. New Age groups offer various spiritual techniques to enable individuals, and ultimately the world, to evolve into this Unitive Consciousness . These techniques may include psychotechnologies for attaining altered states of consciousness – Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Zen, Attunement , Channeling (Spirit guides), Psychics, Acupuncture, etc.

4. The Ethical Opposites, Good & Evil – Believing in the Oriental philosophies, New Agers make the distinction between good and evil. All wickedness is weakness and Evil is imperfection. By the method of Trial and Error, we come to know what is good and what is bad for the world and we have to transcend the dualities.
5. Reincarnation. New Agers believe in the ancient Vedic philosophic concept of Reincarnation — that through a long process of rebirths, man can eventually attain Divine perfection. They also teach the Universal Law of Karma –(( The Law of Cause and Effect ( Every effect has a cause ), the Law of Action and Reaction, the Law of Retribution ))- that what a person sows , he shall reap. This is also the doctrine of God’s non-responsibility, that the Self is not responsible and it is the Ego which experiences bitter & sweet mental experiences due to its own Karma.
6.Salvation is Self-Actualisation and Sin is Ignorance – SSome theoreticians taught the concept of Man’s Original Sin. New Age exponents teach the concept of man’s essential goodness. Instead of systems which emphasised the human negative aspect and sin, New Age highlights that every man is essentially divine and it is a sin to call man a sinner ! However, New Agers speak of troublesome desires which are natural impulses which retard human evolution and make the Ego move away from the Self. Sin is merely ignorance of man’s essential divinity. The atrophied spiritual consciousness of the normal man who lives in ignorance of his Divine Self is Sin. Like the Law of Conservation of Energy which states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, the Law of Conservation of Soul states that the Soul can neither be created nor destroyed. Matter exists in 3 states, liquid, gaseous and solid and matter cannot be created or destroyed. Nothing ever begins to be. Similarly Life does not at physical birth begin to be. It merely enters physical conditions and assumes physical guise. It merely undergoes a parallel transformation into conditions which preexisted in other conditions. The Soul is reincarnated in different bodies in a continous succession of lives. The good or bad Karma earned in the present lifetime determines one’s subsequent incarnation. Attaining higher states of Consciousness should be our aim.There are many different paths to the goal of Divine perfection and we should be tolerant of other paths.

The divine Aurobindo predicted that spiritual influences from India will trigger off a global spiritual movement.There will be Mass Incarnations ( many people divinely inspired ) who will work for World Peace and Universal Love !

I saw them cross the twilight of the Age

The massive barrier breakers of this world

The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn

The architects of immortality

Carrying the magic Word, the mystic Fire

Carrying the Dionysian Cup of Joy !

The four systems of Philosophy which triggered the N A M are Hinduism, a product of 5,000 years of development, Buddhism, circa 560 B.C., Taoism, circa 500 B.C & Druidism, circa 300 B.C, the religion of the Celts, which extended upto the Middle Ages.

Pranic Therapy Part VII

Pranic Therapy Part VII

All that is power in the Universe , manifesting as force or attraction – is
but different manifestation of that Unitary power which the Vedists call
Prana. Using this Vital Energy to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This
article is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part VI.

A digression to other forms of Therapy – Gem Therapy & Medical Astrology

Gemstone Therapy

Each gemstone radiates a corresponding Cosmic Color which
are as follows;

Planet Cosmic Colour
Primary Gem Number

Sun Red
Ruby One
Moon Orange
Pearl Two
Jupiter Light Blue
Yellow Three

North Node Ultra Violet
Hessonite Four
Mercury Green
Emerald Five
Venus Indigo
Diamond Six

South Node Infra-Red
Cat’s Eye Seven

Saturn Violet
Blue Eight


Mars Yellow
Coral Nine

More information about Planetary Gemology & a Gem Prescription Report can be
had from

The Human Electro-magnetic Field ( also known as the Auric Field )
has been proved by Kirlian Photography. The part of the body afflicted by
disease will be darkened and a gem therapist gives the much needed
cosmic color ( gemstone ) to redeem the area afflicted by disease.

For furthur information on Planetary Gem Therapy, please visit

Medical Astrology & Pranic Therapy

In the Ayurvedic Model, the planets are classified thus

Jupiter Kapha
Sun Pitta
Moon Vata & Kapha
Mars Pitta
Mercury Pitta, Vata & Kapha
Venus Vata & Kapha
Saturn Vata

The Seven planets correspond to Seven gross elements ( dhatus) thus

Jupiter Fat
Saturn Veins
Mars Bone Marrow
Sun Bones
Moon Blood
Mercury Skin
Venus Seminal Energy

Medical Astrology postulates that a weak planet can bestow disease.
If the sixth house is afflicted, digestive tract disorders are indicated
If the fourth house is afflicted, it clearly means affliction to the heart
( as the heart is the 4th house by correspondence).

Here are the correspondences between the 7 Deadly Sins & the Seven planets

Jupiter – Avarice
Venus – Lust
Mars – Anger
Saturn – Pride
Moon – Jealousy
Mercury – Sloth
Sun – Covetousness

Every man is born with a major flaw. By knowing which planet is afflicted,
the astrologer can discern the Deadly Sin the native is afficted with. If
Jupiter is weak, Avarice will be high in him. If Mars, anger and if Venus,
lust etc. To overcome that vice, intense prayer and meditation is required
and all vices can only be overcome by Grace Divine .

Medical Astrology’s perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

Ist House Head
2nd House Face
Third House Throat
Fourth House Heart
Fifth House Place beneath the heart
Sixth House Stomach
Seventh House Generative Organ
Eighth House Upper Thigh
Ninth House Thigh
Tenth House Knee
Eleventh House Calf
Twelfth House Feet

Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding
part of the body. Rahu – or any other malefic – in the sixth is
indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house affliction
means that the heart is afflicted and first house affliction means that
the head is afflicted.

Medical Astrology can therefore point to disease and using the yogic
technique of Pranic Therapy, the disease can be healed.

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological
Analysis can be had from

Shift of Stand From Head to Heart

Scientific research have accepted “psycho-neuro-immunology – the
impact of mind on the immune system. “Cardiac-neuro-immunology”
is also accepted – ( the impact of heart on the immune system ). The
Both metaphorically and anatomically the centre of our action is the
heart. Our heart is 60 times stronger as an electrical generator
compared to the brain. The heart is the big brother & the brain is
the little brother. As all activities of the mind-body pivot around the
central powerhouse – our heart, we have two different existences,
head-centred & heart-centred. The new science of Cardio-neuro-
immunology postulates that Self-healing requires a cardiocentric
attention.We are judgemental if we live with our head-centred script
On the other hand, if we adopt a heart-centred way of living, we are
incapable of generating any enemy and Love Divine will cure us.

The Internal Healing Power of the body

The human body is remarkable in its own resilience or healing power.

The fiercely competitive world, the tension associated with job & business
and an achievement oriented culture keeps our stress arousal level
abnormally high. This releases chemicals ( toxins ) such as cortisol,
adrenalin & noradrenaline leading to suppression of the immune system
and weakening of the body’s healing power. We have to get away from this
frenzy & vigilance for effectuating healing. This diversion from a stress
aroused state is called altered state. In order to heal better, we should be
able to enter into the altered state.

Altered State

An altered state is a state different form the normal awakened state.
We have three relative states of Consciousness – normal awakened state
( Jagrat ), dreaming state ( Swapna ) & Deep Sleep ( Sushupthi).
Scientifically REM ( rapid eye movement ) is the Dreaming State and
non-REM ( non-rapid eye movement ) is the Deep Sleep state. There
is a higher state which is called the meditative state. It is our common
intuitive experience & logic that restful sleep is conducive to healing.
The interface of entering into sleep is called hypnagogic state .Exiting
from sleep is called hypnapompic state. The twilight state has alpha
theta brain waves compared to beta waves during awakened state.
The meditative state is the same as the twilight state,except that we
enter it and exit from it by choice. The meditative state allows our mind
and body to talk to each other. ( Normal brain activity is marked by Beta
waves of 25 cycles per second where meditative state is characterised
by alpha waves of 8.5 cycles per second ).

In summary, our stressful life-style does not allow us to enter the altered
state of sleep, daydream & meditation, to heal by proper body-mind
communication and so we have to take refuge in Yoga to effectuate

Opening the System to Divine Shakti or the Cosmic Prana

Scientifically, behind the evolution of the species ( material evolution ),
there is an evolution of Consciousness ( spiritual evolution). Our life
has only a symbolic value in the sense that it is good and necessary
as a Becoming; and all Becoming has Being as its goal & fulfillment
and God is the only Being.

Those who find it difficult to follow these techniques can open themselves
to the source of Divine Power through intense prayer. In the Geetha,
the Lord promises that He takes care of the material welfare of the
devotee who depend on Him solely. He also gives the Solemn Assurance
– that by giving up in heart and soul to him, the devotee will overcome all
difficulties by Grace Divine. He also gives the Word of Refuge ( Abhaya
Vachana ) that His devotee shall never perish. By cultivating an attitude of
trust & absolute self-surrender, we can open ourselves to Cosmic Prana,
Absolute self-reliance has been defined as Reliance on the Absolute Self.
When such a divine attitude becomes deeply ingrained in our psyche,
we find that everything in Nature becoming favourable to us and the
process of healing takes place in our psychophysical system. Thousands
of people all over the world have found health, prosperity and peace
through yogic methods. Prayer overcomes the resistance of the ego &
opens the chambers of the unconscious to the inflow of Divine Shakti or
Cosmic Prana. For this, however, prayer must be done with intensity,
sincerity & perseverance. Only through this kind of prayer can we know
how Pranic Healing takes place. The Grace always grants the sincere
prayers !

Summing up, if we remove all mental & physical blocks and open our
channels to the Cosmic Prana, the Universal Stream of Consciousness
pervading the Universe, we can get ourselves healed. Since removing
all blocks is difficult humanly, it is better to request for Divine
Help. By means of the greatest Art that is Bhakthi Yoga, all blocks will
be removed by Grace Divine and the greatest doctor that Nature is will
heal us.

All glory to the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate! How strange is
Thy Grace !

Pranic Therapy VI

Pranic Therapy Part VI

All the four forces in the Universe – weak nuclear force, strong nuclear
force, electricity & magnetism -are but different manifestations of
that Unitary power which the Vedists call Prana. Using this Vital Energy
to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This article is a continuation of the
earlier article Pranic Therapy Part V.

Integral Life & the Universal Stream of Consciousness, Prana

Never in the integral view developed in ancient India was life regarded
as restricted to certain cellular activities. Rather, life is a Universal
stream of Consciousness known as Prana in the Upanishads &
Consciousness- Force ( Chit Shakti ) in the Tantras. Each living being
represents a centre around which Prana moves at different levels known
as sheaths ( koshas). At the core of this multistoreyed personality
structure is the locus of the Self, known as the Atman.The Upanishads
state that just as the spokes of a wheel are fixed at the hub, so also
Prana and all psycho-physical structures are fixed in the Self. The
Self ( Atman ) is the Master Controller of Life that Western science
is seeking. The Vijnanamaya Kosha ( Intellectual Sheath) & the
Anandamaya Kosha ( Bliss Sheath ) are the sheaths where the light
of the Self is experienced.

The unattached Self, exercises its power through the Will ( known
as Dhrti), which in Yogic psychology is regarded as the dynamic aspect of
intelligence. With the help of the pure Will, a Yogi is able to keep all his
sense organs, all activities and mind under control, says the Geetha.
Acquisition of this pure will is the result of a Spiritual Awakening. This
Awakening, which takes place only through prolonged & intense spiritual
struggles, opens the divine door in the heart. This gives the yogi access
to all kosas or the five sheaths. He gains the capacity to open each kosa
to the stream of the Cosmic Prana. The stream of universal life flushes
out impurities & diseases from the personality system and brings in new
vigour and strength.

The world is overcome, aye even here,
By such that fix their faith on Unity
The sinless Brahma ( Absolute ) dwells in Unity,
And they in Brahma ( Absolute )! ( The Song Celestial )

The Cause all Disease – “Fault of Awarenes”

Intense striving alone can pave the way for this kind of yogic self-
mastery. But an inner alertness & some degree of general
supervision over all his activites such as eating, sleeping,exercise,
response to stressful situations etc can be attained by anyone.
It is failure of this inner watchfulness, known as Prajnaparadha or
“Fault of Awareness “, caused by ignorance and negligence that
makes a person yield to evil thoughts and deeds that is the root
cause of all diseases. .

Of the triune attributes of Nature – Rajas, Thamas and Satwa
( humanity, bestiality, divinity ), both Rajas ( humanity ) & Thamas
( bestiality ) are pathogenic. Satwa is non-pathogenic meaning
that living in rhythm with Nature can save us from diseases.

Charaka Samhita, an authentic treaitse on Ayurveda states
“The disturbance of the three humours are caused by Prajnapara-
dha, produced by the distortion of the intellect, will & memory ” .
Some of the aetiological factors are carelessness, lack of alertness,
forgetfulness & misuse of will power.The root cause of most of
the psychosomatic or constitutional disorders is Prajnaparadha,
the misuse of our cognitive and conative faculties. It is our
unconscious way of living, not in conformity with natural law, that
is the primary cause of illness.

Health can be restored by changing our way of living to a Self-
directed style. Hyperacidity, rheumatism, irritable bowel
syndrome and similar disorders are the body’s alarm signals
We can bring about integration of the personality if we extend our
Consciousness into the interior parts of the body & bring these
neglected areas closer to the light of the Self. This integration
fortifies our immune system and restores the coordination,
rhythm and balance in the working of the different organs. This
kind of extension of Consciousness can be done in different ways.

Extension of Consciousness by Meditation

The inner awareness which is the result of absorption in Meditation
can be extended into the affected part of the body through concentrative
visualization. If these meditative techniques are practised for some
days, the process of self-renewal & self-defence gets accelerated
and healing takes place automatically.

The Triune Meditation- ( Physical, Verbal & Mental )

Reverence for preceptors,continence, nonviolence – these constitute
Physical Meditation.

Speaking kind words, adherence to Truth, Self-study – these constitute
Verbal Meditation.

Cheerfulness, humility, silence, purity of heart – these constitute Mental

Maintaining Yin-Yang balance

Everything in Life has opposites, Yin-Yang. (Yin is expansion and Yang
is contraction ). The most common yin-yang imbalance is stress arousal.
Stress arousal increases the adrenaline & cortisol levels which inhibits
the immune system. Stress is misplaced effort & takes away the energy
required for healing.

Ultradian healing response is the second major yin-yang balance. Every
one and a half to 2 hours , our mind-body goes through a period of
daydream or slowing called the ‘Ultradian healing response’. We are
neglecting our healing cycle if we artificially keep perked up with coffee,
cigarettes, alcoholism or workaholism. Daydreaming, meditation &
quiet time allows us to take advantage of this Ultradian healing cycle.

The foundation of Life – The Superconscient

Modern Psychology & Psychoanalysis deals with the Subconscious &
Unconscious. Aurobindo averred that the Superconscient and not the
Subconscient is the foundation of life. The Fourfold Yoga is the science
of the Superconscious Mind. The mind via meditation opens up to the
Superconscient and healing takes up automatically.

Jung spiritualised Psycho-Analysis and was not an atheist like Freud.
Modern psychology is an infant science, rash, fumbling and crude. In
it the universal habit of the human mind, to highlight a half-truth and
generalise it unduly, runs riot here. Freudian psychoanalysis is half-
knowledge & half-knowledge is dangerous & can be an impediment
in the realisation of Absolute Truth. Neither the Subconscious
(which modern psychology highlights) – nor the Unconscious (which
Psychoanalysis highlights) are the important elements.The Supercon-
scious, and not the subconscious ( or the Unconscious ) is the
foundation of Life. The science of the Superconscient is Yoga
( whose Western equivalent is Free Masonry.) The Superconscient
is our evolutionary future as the subconscient was our evolutionary past.


Pranic Therapy Part V

Pranic Therapy Part V

“The Unified Field of Einstein is the Brahman of the Vedists and the Tao
of the Chinese”, says Dr Fritjof Capra in his famous book ” The Tao of
Physics”. The Vedists called this Unitary Power by the name Prana. This
Cosmic Energy can be used to heal and healing via this Cosmic Prana
came to be known as Pranic Therapy.This article is a continuation of the
earlier article Pranic Therapy Part IV.

Attunement to Biorhythms

Along with regulation of food,sleep,exercise and relaxation, the spiritual
aspirant should learn to attune his psychosomatic machine to his own

“Biological clocks ” were discovered in animals in the late 1950s & Bio-
rhytms were understood as a result. When the Moon rose ( which caused
the flow of tide ), mussels & crabs which live on seashores were found to
open their shells or become active even when they were moved to a distant
place. “Circadian rhythms” in the human body were discovered later.

There are daily biorhythms, lunar rhythms and solar rhythms.

Circadian Rhythms

It was found that level of sugar in the blood , body temperature, BP,
production of hormones & enzymes changed according to a cyclic,
regular & recurrent pattern. While some have have 24 or 25 hour
cycles others have 36 or 48 hour cycles. Even emotional sensitivity
& intellectual creativity increase & decrease according to biorhythms,
apart from physiological activities

Lunar Rhythms

In the case of lunar people the 11th day of the lunar month ( Ekadasi)
or the day of the full moon ( Pournami ) or the day of the New Moon
( Amavasi) may act as the pivotal point of change in their biorhythms.
Some people have 28 day cycles irrespective of the movement of the

Solar Rhythms

The Appollonians ( as the solar people are called ) are more sensitive
to changes of solar seasons than the lunarian changes. With the onset
of winter, spring, summer & autumn they may find profound changes
taking place in their physiological processes & mental activity.

The existence of these biorhythms were confirmed by research even
though superficial minds may not be able to detect these biorhythms.
A spiritual aspirant should recognise his biorhythms & adjust his
prayer, meditation & acitivities in accordance with these rhythms.
Minor stomach upsets, pain in joints, disturbed sleep, change of
mood etc are associated with biorhythms & the seeker shoud not
be upset by these minor changes..

Why holistic health practices fail or succeed partially

Main reason for the failure of holisitc health practices is that Prana
or Life Energy does not flow freely within the individual or between
the individual & the universal life, owing to the presence of obstructions
within.These obstructions are caused by Samskaras, psychic memories
or residual traces of our past actions and experiences. Samskaras
are of two kinds, those which only produce memories ( smriti ) of
past experiences and those which produce impulses or drives
to repeat these experiences ( vasanas) . These two are interlinked
to form complex patterns of love, hate, fear etc. It is these complexes
that obstruct the free flow of Life-Energy in us.

Removing Mental Blocks

Many of these complexes are formed in childhood and adolescence.
When unpleasant or traumatic experiences take place, the tendency
of a child or teenager is to repress them. Repression is a form of
pushing the psychic memories into the unconscious regions of the
mind. The growing youth may not be able to recollect those psychic
memories again, but the repressed samskaras lodged in the hidden
recesses of the unconscious go on creating psychological and
psychosomatic problems for him.

All psychosomatic disorders cannot be cured by holistic health tech-
niques unless these repressed complexities are ferreted out and
confronted. The past samskaras should be deactivated. For this
the seeker has to dive deep into his unconscious & encounter the
past experiences and deactivate them.

Most people find it difficult to do it without the active help of a
competent guide. Those who depend on the Ocean of Consciousness
( the Absolute or God ) may , however, find that these inner blocks
are removed by Divine Grace. This is the rationale behind faith healing
& miraculous cures.

Extension of Consciousness

Life,a gift from the Divine, is a great healing power. Nothing ever
begins to be; Substance merely undergoes a parallel transformation
into conditions which pre-existed in other conditions. Life, similarly,
does not begin to be. As Energy, as per the Law of Conservation of
Energy or Matter cannot be created or destroyed, so too is Life Eternal.

At the physical level, the eternal healing power of life manifests itself as

a) Self-renewal
b) The immune system.

For many years it has been known that the body can filter and re-use
its fluids & repair damages to tissues, especially skin and bone, by
growing new cells. Modern Science has shown that self-renewal is
constantly taking place in every part of the body. Almost all the cells in
the body are constantly being replaced by new ones. Somebody said
” I am not the same person I was one year ago”! The entire body gets
renewed in this way every year & this shows that it is never too late
to regain your health. By changing one’s basic attitudes and way of
living, the damage to the body caused by years of misuse & neglect
can be overcome.

One the great marvels of the universe is the human immune system.
Those who are aware of the biochemical processes going on in
the body will agree with Walt Whitman ” To me every hour of the
day & night is an unspeakably perfect miracle”. Dr Walter Cannon
said ” The Wisdom of the body is the most precise of all selective
refinements” !

The Components ( Four Units ) of our Immune System

The fourfold immune system consists of the following units;

1 The granulocyte-macrophage unit

2. The lymphocyte unit

3. The antibody unit

4. The complement unit

The first two are varieties of white blood corpuscles, wherein the last
two are chemicals, proteins. All the four units of our immune system
launch a concerted attack on the invaders as soon as a few bacteria
break into any tissue in the body. ( The antibody unit has been
defined as an army of one million) Western medical science is
wondering who masterminds this attack or who plans these strategies.
Common sense, logic, intuition & experience suggest that somewhere
behind all this there must be a master control. Why do sometimes cells
become malignant and attack neighbouring cells ? Why it goes awry,
sometimes,when our defence units attack innocent cells mistaking them
for enemy microbes ? Western medical science is researching
hard to find answers to these difficult questions.

Pranic Therapy IV

Pranic Therapy Part IV

All the basic forces in the Universe – visible and invisible – are but
different manifestations of that Unitary Power which the Vedists
call Prana. Using this Vital Energy to heal is called Pranic Therapy.
This article is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part

The Ayurvedic Model

The system of Indian Holisitc medicine, Ayurveda postulates a different
view of the human personality. Based on the Sankhya school of Indian
philosophy, Ayurveda conceives life as the interplay of three Life-
principles called humours ( which correspond to the three attributes
of Nature – Sattwa, Rajas and thamas ).These are Vata ( wind), Pitta
( bile) & kapha ( phlegm). In the healthy person these three doshas
are in a state of perfect equilibrium. Illness arises when this balance
is lost. Ayurveda holds that every person has in him a tendency to have
one of the three humours dominate his psychophysical system & this
predominance of one humour makes Ayurveda classify the body under
three types: Vata type, Pitta type & Kapha type. ( This is parallel to the
Vedantic model which classifies individual minds as Sattwa dominant,
Tamas dominant and Rajas dominant ). Taking this predominance of
one of the humours into consideration & identifying the body type,
Ayurvedic doctors prescribe medicine & diet.

Attributes of Nature are these!
Know then that Being and Nature both
Hath no beginning; that all qualities
Are Nature-born!

2. Regulation of Food, Sleep and Exercise

” Food is medicine; Medicine is food ” said Hippocrates. “Food is
Brahman. Food was verily born before all creatures: therefore it is
called the medicine for all” declares the Upanishads. By stating that
food is the root cause of all ills & illnesses Vedanta have formulated
one of the foundational principles of holistic health. At least half the
ailments of man can be traced directly or indirectly to the problems
of food.

Regulation of food is not easy, because it is an addiction like alcohol.
Problems like obesity,higher cholesterol level & irritable bowel syndrome
crop up if food is not controlled. By controlling food, the whole body
comes under control. “When taste is conquered everything is conquered “
averrs Vedanta. What really matters is not how much we eat but how
much of what we eat is transformed into bioenergy & the building
materials of life. Sir William Osler pointed out many years ago ” Only
a small percentage of what we eat nourishes us; the balance goes to
waste and loss of energy”.

In holistic health, food should be revered & a proper attitude towards
food should be developed. ” Be thankful for all food, for food is
Brahman ” said Vivekananda.

Six hours have been prescribed for all even though requirement of
sleep varies from person to person

Research studies have indicated that even moderate levels of exercise
bolster the immune system.

No amount of sleep is sufficient for unwinding the mind for it is always
tense state under the stressful conditions of modern life. Antidotes to
stress include yogic techniques like Meditation, prayer, cultivation
of the Witness attitude & practice of absolute self-surrender to the Divine,
which enable us to avoid a lot of unnecessary stress.

Acid-Alkaline Balance – Key Indicator of Health

Foods either leave an acid ash or an alkaline ash. Maximum health is in
an alkaline body. The average 20th century diet, stress, pace,
lifestyle & environment produce far more acid than is healthy. The human
body is alkaline by design & acidic by function, which means that your
body’s health is dependent upon it being alkaline.

The original source of stress is known as a stressor. Most of the stressors
in todays’ society ( cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress itself, bad diet,
coffee, sodas, pharmaceuticals) all produce an acid state in the body.
All cancerous states are acid states of long duration.

Research indicates that 90% of our general population is far too acidic,
which leads to a variety of negative health effects. Over time, being
acidic is the main cause of degenerative diseases & aging. If you have
an acidic body, you become energyless, exhausted physically & mentally
and you lose the radiance and shine of skin & hair.

Grains,sugar, dairy, animal or vegetarian protein & oils yield an acid
ash while fruits, sea vegetables, vegetables quality water & herbs
yield an alkaline ash You should consume 20% of your food daily,
by weight from the acid ash-forming foods & 80% , from the
alkaline ash-forming foods.

pH ( standing for ‘potential of Hydrogen’ ) is a measure of the relative
acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The scale of pH ranges from 1 to 14.
14 is totally alkaline and zero is acidic. The middle of this line is 7,
neutral. Quality water has a Ph of 7 and you should maintain this level.

It is ideal to incorporate 2 glasses of lime juice along with the 8-12
glasses of water which is taken daily . A diet of 80% alkaline ash
foods is ideal. We have to maintain this ratio – 80 % alkalinity & 20%
acidity for optimum health.

The effects of having an alkaline body

1) we are calm & collected
2) we have high energy level
3) our sleep patterns are deep
4) we have less colds and flus than normal
5) the immune system is fortified
6) the body has good absorption/assimilation/digestion.

Yoga Physical Exercises for Relaxation

Doing nothing or simply lying down is not relaxation. The muscles when
stretched bring in relaxation as it frees them from the tense condition.
Some of the yogic Asanas are highly effective because they can relax
the muscles.

There will be focal point in the body which reflects the mental tension
which one finds oneself in. That focal point of mental tension should
be identified and you can choose that type of yogic exercise which
will relax the muscles & tendons of the specific focal point of tension
in you.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

Regulation of Breath

“Breathlessness is deathlessness ” averrs Yoga. Regulation of breath gives
tremendous relaxation.Pranayama, without the help of a bona fide Master,
can lead to serious complications. What is needed is the practice of
breathing deeply ( as deeply as possible ) through both the nostrils & then
slowly breathing out ( without breath retention ). This kind of regulated
deep breathing can be done at any time, even in your office.

Psychosomatic pain can be alleviated by these simple yogic techniques
more effectively than allopathic pills or tablets. Here we employ the
internal pharmacy of Skill power in lieu of the external pharmacy of Pill

Pranic Therapy Part III

Pranic Therapy Part III

The Universal Stream of Consciousness known as Qi ( pronounced Chee)
in Chinese & Ki in Japanese is known as the Cosmic Prana in Sanskrit.
Healing using this Life-force Energy is called Pranic Therapy. This article
is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part II.

There are 2 types of seekers in the Path Celestial, those who aspire for
liberation and ordinary mundane seekers.

Liberation is defined as a yearning for Eternal Life and the first group
has an intense yearning for the Life Divine. Conferred with changeless
faith and indomitable will, they keep up relentless struggle and get
glimpses of Transcendental Consciousness. They have the Goal of
Self-Actualisation fixed in their minds & mental problems & physical
ailments do not deter them.

But My mahatmas, those of noble souls,
Who tread the Path Celestial, worship Me
Unendingly they keep their yearning for Me ! ( The Song Celestial )

All the great mystics of all civilizations belonged to this group.

He still adheres to the high and difficult road
That sole leads to Eternity’s peaks!

But this group, unfortunately is a minority.

The majority of spiritual seekers belong to the second group. These
people have true aspiration but it is either not intense enough or is
not supported by a strong will to undergo prolonged inner struggles
or to bear the resultant physical or mental reactions. Many of them
do not have any hope of realising the Self in this life, & so they are
unwilling to sacrifice health or peace of mind for such an elusive
and distant goal. The outer instruments for mortal man are not
fit to endure the severe rigours of this spiritual journey or face its
subtle & and formidable dangers. Self Actualisation can only come
from immense Grace Divine.

Ordinary mundane people find it difficult to make spiritual progress
their sole concern in life although they may have committed themselves
to it in a general way. For them, an integral scheme of life in which the
considerations of health & secular values receive as much attention
as spiritual orientation is what is needed. This present article is meant
for such seekers.

The Self as the basis of all Love

Why do we collect wealth ? For whose sake is wealth loved ? It is for
the sake of the Self. Why do we love our wife & children ? For whose
sake is the wife & children loved? It is for the sake of the Self.
Everything in the universe – husband,wife,children, everything – is loved
for the sake of oneself. The Self, when known, everything is known.
What do we mean by oneself here ? Vedanta speaks of two selves
in man – a lower self and a higher Self. The lower self, regarded as
the false self, is the sum total of one’s instincts, drives & impulses.
The higher Self refers to the pure Atman which is regarded as the true
nature of man. Vedanta states that the lower self, if left uncontrolled,
will act as one’s own enemy, and, if purified & controlled, will act as
one’s own friend. When the lower self is purified by yogic techniques
& attuned to the higher Self, self-hate disappears & love for the higher
Self dawns.

He sees indeed who sees in all alike,
The living lordly Self, Self supreme
Imperishable amidst the perishing ( The Song Celestial )

When this divine love blossoms in one’s bosom,one’s attitude towards
his body changes. He now begins to love his body as an instrument for the
manifestation of the Divine Self. Vedic Scriptures speak of the body
as ” the temple of the His great transparent mirror, Self”. As a matter of
fact, Vedic temples are modelled after the pattern of the human organism.

Symbolism behind Vedic temples

Man has three bodies – physical, astral & causal. The outer wall of the
Vedic temple represents the physical body of man. The inner wall
represents the astral body and the innermost wall represents the
Causal body. Deep within these three bodies is the Self, the Atman
who is represented by the Deity ! The word temple is derived from
the Latin word tempulum, a place where Law and Justice can be
administered. The principle behind the temple, is Know Thyself !

Am I a god, then? Yes
In these pure features I behold
Creative Nature to soul unfold ( Goethe )

The body is given prime importance in Vedic ritualistic worship
known as Puja. Apart from ritualistic worship, service is divine &
regarded as a form of worship known as Yajna. Vedic Scriptures
enjoin five types of service known as Pancha-Mahayajna; service
to the gods, service to sages, service to manes, service to human
beings, service to animals. The ancient Law-giver Manu has given
the injunction to divinize the body through these five practices.
(” Through the repeated practice of these five great yajnas, the
human body gets divinized”.)

“The human body is the greatest instrument for Self-Actualisation “,
said the famous Sanskrit poet Kalidasa. Maintaining the divine status
of the body is not easy.It should be kept as clean, healthy & we should
not allow any kind of physical or mental indulgence to defile its sanctity
& harmony. (“Chastity is the flowering in man ” said Thoreau and
continence has been prescribed for spiritual progress). That is to say,
change in attitude towards the body brings with it a new responsibility
for one’s own health. Surprising indeed is the fact that many people
think that restoring health and curing diseases are solely the
responsibility of the medical profession. In the holistic health system,
responsibility for falling ill & getting well both rest primarily with
the patient. The doctor only assists in curing himself. As Albert
Schweitzer said ” All healing is Self-healing “.

Holistic medicine postulates that the responsibility for healthcare rests
in the patient’s hands because that is where the knowledge and control
of the variables lie ( diet,stress,exercise,genetics,emotion & medication).

1. Knowledge of the Psychosomatic Machine

If the patient is aware of the disease and its aetiology, about his body’s
immune power and if he can bear physical pain temporarily, with a stoic
calmness, he can avoid a lot of unnecessary medication.

In the Holistic Model, the cause of any disease is understood in terms of
the whole person and not in terms of a particular organ or tissue. As Sir
William Osler put it, it is more import to know the patient who has the
disease than the disease of the patient. Plato remarked that ” the treatment
of the parts should not be attempted without treatment of the entirety”
The one person who knows about the patient more than anybody else
is the patient himself.

Compliments should go to Western Science which has discovered
a lot of knowledge by research & which is the result of the painstaking
labour of thousands of dedicated scientists for more than 200 years.
This accumulated treasure is humanity’s precious heritage and only
charlatans will ignore or undervalue it. It is imperative that
every educated person should have a basic knowledge of human
anatomy & physiology, and also of Western psychology. However this
research is analytical and incomplete.

A Holistic Model was developed by the Sages of India 2500 years ago.

The Five Levels of Being – The Yogic Model

These are the five concentric sheaths enveloping the Self, the Divine
Spark in man !

1. Physical Sheath ( Annamaya Kosha )
2. Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha )
3. Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha )
4. Intellectual Sheath ( Vijnanamaya Kosha )
5. Bliss Sheath ( Anandamaya Kosha )

Disease is the imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence –
physical, vital & mental.

The microcosm & the macrocosm are are in unbroken communion
with each other & are structured on the same pattern. At the
level of the physical sheath, food, water & oxygen enter the microcosm
and Co2, waste products etc return to the macrocosm. This is true of
other sheaths also. The individual cannot exist independent of the
cosmos. The interdependence of the Microcosm & the Macrocosm
is known in Classical Philosophy as the Bio-Cosmic tieup. If the
exchange between the physical sheath and the physical world
around it is defective, the body will become ill, and death
will result if it is stopped altogether.

The Tantric Model

A different but parallel model of human personality was developed by the
Tantras. Whereas the Upanishads speak of Five Sheaths or Koshas,
the Tantras speak of six chakras. These Chakras are ( in ascending order)

1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of
consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model.
In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three
chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the
higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher
chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When
the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from
the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ),
man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from