Definitions of some Vedic terms

Astrology is based on the Platonic Imitation Theory that the Earth
is an exact replica of Heaven. “As Above So Below” – was the form-
ula summed up by Hermes Trismegistes. We find that the pauper of
today is the prince of tomorrow and the prince of today is the
pauper of tomorrow. What is the base of all this ?

Astrology – the Science of Time – is the only science that has the
answer as it deals with natural causes and the corresponding cele-
stial causes. Since everything happens by Cause we can infer that
everything happense by two types of causes – natural & celestial.
We know the natural causes which has determined the present events.
This heavenly science deals with the celestial causes which has de-
termined the present events. Divine Providence coincides completely
with natural causes.

The Law of Correspondences of classical philosophy states that
everything on earth is an exact copy of that which is structured
in Heaven. Astrologers therefore analyse the heavenly archetype
( the horoscope ) to understand the earthly reflection.


LMT – Local Mean Time after the longitudinal correction is applied.

Nirayana – Sidereal viz based on the constellation of fixed stars.

Sayana – Tropical viz based on the Signs of the Zodiac.

Rasi – Zodiacal Sign . There are 12 signs of the Zodiac from Aries
to Pisces . 30 degrees of arc.

Sphutam – Celestial longitudes of planets.

Nakshatra – Star or asterism. There are 27 asterisms or stars which
tenant the Zodiac

Zodiac – A belt of the heavens 9 degrees to either sides of the

Eclipitic – The real path of the earth round the Sun.

Pada – Quarter of a star or asterism. A star is divided into 4
quarters or 4 padas.

Lord – Lord of the star. All stars have lords. For instance Alpha
Arietis or Aswathi is owned by Ketu. Revathi or Zeta Piscium is
owned by Mercury.

Ayanamsa – Precessional Distance. It was observed that the Tropi-
cal Zodiac precedes 1 degree in every 72 years. It takes 25920
years to precede 360 degrees and this is called the precession of
the Equinoxes.

Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa – The Indian Govt adopted this Ayanamsa for
all astronomical calculations. ( There are other Ayanamsas formulated
by scholars.)

Ahargana – No of days elapsed from the beginning of Kali Era which
started from 3102 BC as per the Hindu Calender.

Thithi – Lunation . When the Moon is within 12 degrees from the Sun
it is the First Lunation or Prathama. When Moon is within 24 degrees
from the Sun it is the Second Lunation or Dwitheeya.

Thriteeya – Third Lunation
Chathurthi – Fourth Lunation
Panchami – Fifth Lunation
Shasthi – Sixth Lunation
Sapthami – Seventh Lunation
Ashtami – Eighth Lunation
Navami – Ninth Lunation
Dasami – Tenth Lunation
Ekadasi – Eleventh Lunation
Dwadasi – Twelvth Lunation
Thrayodasi – Thirteenth Lunation
Chaturdasi – Fourteenth Lunation
Pournami – Full Moon. Moon 180 degrees from the Sun
Amavasya – New Moon. Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun.

Nithya Yoga – There are 27 Nithya Yogas. Period during which the
joint motion in longitude of Sun and Moon amounts to 13 degree 20
minutes of arc.

Shukla Paksha – Bright Fortnight – 15 days after the New Moon.
Krishna Paksha – Dark Fortnight – 15 days after the Full Moon.

Dasa – Period of Directional Influence. Saturn’s period is 19
years Jupiter’s 16, Mars 7, Moon 10 Sun 6 Venus 20 Rahu 18 Ketu 7.
When a person is born he is born in a certain star. It is ruled
by a planet. This planet is ruling at the time of birth. Say
a child is born in a star called Zeta Piscium or Revathi. Its
lord is Mercury and Mercury Dasa will be ruling at the time of
birth. After 17 years it will be replaced by Ketu Dasa for 7
years and after 7 years Venus dasa for 20 years.

KETU – Moon’s Descending Node . Caput Draconis.

RAHU – Moon’s Ascending Node . Cauda Draconis.

Ashtavarga – Benefic points of planets in a Rasi or Zodiacal

Sarvashtavarga – Total benefic points in the 12 signs.

Rasi Chart – Map of the heavens at the time of birth.

Navamsa Chart – 1/9th division of the Rasi Chart.

Bhava Chart – Chart based on the Ascending Degree. ex – Suppose
the ascending degree of a man is 20th degree of Cancer. This point
is taken as the mid-point of Bhava and 15 degrees to either side
is taken as the Ascendant House. So the Ascendant house or the
First House is from 5th degree of Cancer to the 5th degree of Leo.

LAGNA – Ascendant – The Eastern Horizon of the place. The Sign
rising at the eastern horizon. For instance if the date of birth
is say 05th JAN the sign rising at the Eastern Horizon at the time
of Sunrise is Sagittarius. This is known as Sagittarius Ascendant
or Dhanus Lagna.

GUL – Gulika a satellite of Saturn.

Bhava Sphutam – Longitudes of Houses ( Bhavas ).

Arambha _ Starting Point
Madhya – Mid-point
Anthya – End-point

Ayana – Solstice . There are 2 two types of Ayanas _ Uttarayana
and Dakshinayana ( Northern progress of the Sun and Southern
progress of the Sun). When the declination of the Sun is North
– Uttarayana. When the declination of the Sun is south – Dakshi-

Rithu – 2 months. There are 6 Rithus in a Year.

Chandra Vela Chandra Kriya and Chandra Avasthas – Subtle States
of the Moon.

Saptha Varga – Points attained by planets.
Subha Varga – Benefic Points.
Papa Varga – Malefic Points.

Drekkana – Decanate . 10 degrees of a Sign.
Hora – 1 hour. 15 degrees of a Sign.
Sapthamsa – 1/7th Division of a Sign.
Dwadasamsa – 1/12th division of a Sign.
Trimsamasa – 1/30th division of a Sign.

Apahara or Bhukthi – Sub -period of a planet. In a ruling Dasa
there will be sub-periods of other planets.

How to Boost Your Adsense CTR

By: moonswamp

Traffic and CTR, these two just like ” King ” and ” Queen “, both important! But everyone know, increasing traffic is a longtime work, you should work hard on it constantly, more unique contents, more backlinks, more exposed…, So if you want to inrease your adsense revenue of your exsiting traffic, try increasing CTR!

How to increase your CTR?

First of all: The Right Adspaces!
What is the ” Right Adspaces “, a right adspace is a position where you can extract maximum profit out of it, also we can say it’s a position where our visitors normally have a look at!

And now you should get an idea: how to find out and which part of your sites your visitors click on! Of course you can play the vistor’s role and image your clicking behaviour, but this just your action, not others! So, if you want to figure out what other vistors do, you need ” heatmap ” service! Just do a search in Google and you can find out there quit a few companies provid this service, some are free! Just sign up one and put the scripts they provided to your sites, and you can get a detail of your visitor’s activites on your site pages, also you can get an advice on where to place your ads!

Here 3 tips below can help you better increase your CTR:

1. Keywords URL
Use Keyword in your URL: you can use this trick to better target your ads! Google agree you to use keywords in your URL, but you should use the target keywords! Of course you’ll keep the keywords targeted for your site!:)

You can Achieve this by appending your URLs with ?k 1 = keyword1&k2=keyword2 .

URL before:
URL before: money

2. Colors
This Colors inclue two sections: site color and ads color!

How to choose the color for your websites? The only one thing you should know is that vistors will stick arround the sites using lighter background a longer time than those darker and shiny colors!

And the Ads link color: Blue is always the first, cos a ” blue colored” text is always a link has already in our brain for a long time! So white or lighter background + blue colored ads = profit!

But this is just a common style, you should test this to make it work for you better~!

3. Image
Images normally catch the attention, So it’s very important to insert images arround your ads smartly~

Not only images, you can use everything that will catch visitor’s eyes, a from, a quoteblock…!

After of all, these tricks are just some tricks, you can use them to increase your adsense revenue of your exsiting traffic, but the traffic is always the King, so if your want make more and more money, you should increase more and more traffic for your sites!~

Good Luck!

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You can get more adsense secrets in my Make Money Blog, or you can post your ads in Free Advertising Forum

Google Adsense – How I actually did it.

By: Rehan Frelani

I have tried almost all work at home based business in the internet.Maybe,I could have left some along the way.Anyway…whenever I received some emails form someone who you really does not know,out from nowhere,sent you an email..”Earn $2000 with in your pyjamas”..what do you think I will do?..Grab my wallet and presto,the magic card…Credit Card.With this “Magic Card”,you can do wonders.Yes, you will get anything you want.(Forget about the end of the month bills).Well with this card in my hand,I quickly entered the digits and relevant info for my card and “Enter”…you are directed to the “Thank You Page” and if you can’t get what you have bought,read your email..everything about your purchase is there.

But Wait..did I say..I get what I have bought.Yes,to some extend,you have bought something that is actually a “Scam” from some Con Artist.

All the description about the products seems to be out of this world.You can really earn “Extra Money” without doing anything and its on Autopilot.Well,at least I can remember some of the usual “promises” that this sellers are giving us.They are very good at words and most of the product description are actually very convincing.

After months of hard labour trying to figure out how actually I can make money by buying or ordering all these stuff from the internet,In which I could not get even $50 Dollar for any of the Work at Home Program I have try.But some programs do have results but it will take a lot of time.Along the way ,doing my usual research in the internet ,I stumble upon the famous “Google Adsense”.Google is part of our daily lives,but yet,we could not even see the potential of its Gold Mine.

Adsense is actually simple and it truly gives you “Extra Money” for your hard work.Adsense gives you value for money and a great investment.There are lots of Guru who can teach you on how to Earn Money using Google Adsense.There are some Gurus who actually explained and teach you the actual potential of Adsense in which Google has never release to the public.Softwares that can really help in making your Adsense sites in the top ranking.

Adsense is very simple,you only need to have a site…any site that you might have think or Commercial.Once you have the site,you can Register for Adsense and start earning money.There are ebooks that sells online ,stating that you need to tweek your adsense code so as to have the Click Thru Rate (CTR) high and if you have a good PR ranking,most probably you will also have high traffic for your site.The more traffic,the more CTR you will be expecting.Your site should be content rich and keyword rich according to your site content.

Adsense however,does not allow yourself to click the Ads or Google can penalise you and banned you from using Adsense.It will be a lost of the Gold Mine.I strongly suggest,you do not try clicking your own ads.

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For more info,Visit his site

What is Google Adsense and How can I earn an income from it?

By: Steve Daniels

Google AdSense is the way forward for webmasters! Webmasters
all over the world are earning an income, and in some cases a
HUGE income from AdSense.

Let me get down to explaining how AdSense works and the basics
of what you should know before starting out. Google AdSense in a
nutshell is being payed to have adverts on your website.
However, you are only paid when the adverts is clicked. So who
pays me? Well Google is advertising through your website on
behalf of other businesses who in return get new customers.
Google receives money from these businesses, takes a percentage
out for themselves and gives the rest to you.

How much will i be paid per click? Well, this varies depending
on the advert clicked. Adverts on webpages are automatically
made to relate to the webpages content and if the contents
‘keyword’ is valuable then you will be paid more per click.

How do i know if AdSense is right for me? Well, only you can
judge this really, but take into considoration these things: How
many visitors your website gets daily? What type of adverts will
be shown on your page? (Relating to expensive or cheap keywords
from your content) Will enough people stop, look and click on
the adverts on your type of webpage? How much money are you
planning on making? (Allot of people only want enough to pay off
their hosting bills, some people are living a life of luxury
because they are making so much money from AdSense)

Can anyone apply to AdSense? Google has some terms and
conditions such as no pronographic websites, no weapon websites,
no drug websites and no gambling websites. Google will also
review your website before you are an AdSense member. If you are
rejected then look at what they have criticized about your site
and try to fix it.

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Want to find out more about Google AdSense? Then check out my website: Google AdSense guides and tips. You will find there free tools, websites and marketing tips. Here we will help you succeed!

The Simple Method Of Making Money With Adsense

By: Bob Collins

Making money with Adsense is getting well known by people wanting to make money with their own website. Many people are now realizing that good money is being made from earning a few dollars per click by displaying Adsense ads on their website.

Displaying Adsense ads on your site is a speedy way of displaying ads and earning fast cash. Ads placed on your site will compliment it’s content so they can enhance your visitors experience. Not only will your sites content be enhanced, but you will be earning a monthly residual income from each click on an ad.

Clearly, making money with Adsense could be the answer to making money online. I will elaborate more on some of the ways you could be making money with Adsense.

There’s not much involved in getting Adsense put on your site. After being approved for an account, you paste some code on your site. That’s all you have to do! It’s that fast and easy to display ads and make money. Google will see the content on your site and place ads relevant to that. Then you earn a commission each time someone clicks on one of the ads!

Can you think of a more simple and speedy process of making money? And that’s not all. Adsense is not only fast and easy for you, your visitors will appreciate the complimentary ads too.

After you place the code on your web page, Google will crawl your site to find out the content so they can place the most relevant ads on your site. These ads will be related to what your visitors are searching for and each time someone clicks on an ad you will get paid and you will be making money with Adsense.

Adsense ads will also enhance your page content because the ads will offer your visitors more content and also an interactive addition to your website. This could be a welcome addition to a webpage.

After you get your Adsense site up, it basically runs on autopilot. This makes it a perfect residual income business. Some people build site after site until they have a good solid residual income coming in. It could be a lot of work to build that many sites. You could pay someone to do it for you, which could get expensive, or you could use a specially designed software that was made for that purpose. Any way you go, you ought to be making money with Adsense.

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Begin building your Adsense empire now! Get a FREE Download of this custom designed, niche Adsense website creation software and start making money with Adsense now! Get your software at
This article is available as a unique content article with free reprint rights.

Accidental AdSense Discovery

By: Carson Danfield

If you’ve been using AdSense on your websites for any length of time, you know how frustrating it can be if the AdSense ads don’t closely match the content of your pages. With mismatched ads, your visitors aren’t very likely to click on the ads and there goes your AdSense income.

I’ve been building AdSense sites for a while and usually don’t have much trouble with the ads matching the content. However, not too long ago, as I was building a new page, I just couldn’t get the proper AdSense ads to show up. The subject of the page was related to financial issues, but the AdSense ads were about camping equipment!

As I read the content of the page, there was no doubt about the subject matter. I had my best keywords in the page title, in the meta tags, in the headline tags, in the image alt tags and I had a generous sprinkling of the keywords dispersed throughout the page content.

I refreshed the page several times, hoping that the ads would change to the proper subject. But each refresh of the page only brought more ads for camping equipment.

I have built thousands of AdSense pages before and I never ran into this problem. I did everything I knew about in trying to optimize the page for my financial keywords, but nothing seemed to work. I tried increasing the keyword density, but I still saw ads for camping equipment.

If you refer to Google’s AdSense tutorials, you’ll see that they do have some special codes that you can insert into the HTML code of your webpage to inform Google of the content area they should use for determining which ads to display. Google supposedly reads the content between these tags and ignores anything else. I put the special codes on my page, expecting that finally I’d get the correct ads. I refreshed the page and guess what – more camping ads!

At this point, I was running out of ideas. I had done everything that made sense, but no matter what I changed, I just couldn’t get the right ads. I decided to walk away for a while. Maybe Google needed more time to accurately judge the content in order to make the correct decision about the ads.

I got side-tracked with other matters, so I ignored the new webpage for about a week. I decided to check the ads, since surely Google would have them right by now. I opened the page and – you guessed it – more camping ads!

By this time, I was near the end of my patience and I was getting desperate. I decided that I would grossly overload my new page with the financial keywords in an effort to find the problem. I made a copy of my page and put it in a different directory on the server, just so I wouldn’t lose my original page.

After making the copy, I opened it in my web browser and much to my surprise, I was seeing the proper AdSense ads! I didn’t make any changes to the content of the page – none at all. This page was an exact duplicate of the one that kept showing the camping ads. The only difference was the location. The duplicate page was placed in a temporary directory for testing. I used one of my keywords for the name of the directory and that made all the difference with the topic of the AdSense ads that Google displayed.

I did a little more experimentation to see what I could learn. I stayed with the new page, the one that was showing the proper ads and made a few changes. First, I removed the special Google HTML codes. I refreshed the page and the right ads were still showing up. Next, I started removing some of the keywords. I was still getting the right ads. I experimented with all the aspects of the page, even the page title. No matter which items I changed, I was still getting the correct ads. After exhaustive experimentation, I determined that although keyword density, page title, headline tags and image alt tags are important, the directory name where the webpage resides seems to have the most impact on the topic of the AdSense ads that Google displays.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, where you just can’t get the right AdSense ads, Change The Directory Name!

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Carson Danfield is a successful ‘Under the Radar’ internet entrepreneur and can show you the ‘Right Way’ to do things.
If you’d like to learn Strategies That Can Escalate Your CTR By As Much As 800% be sure to look at AdSense Domination Secrets

Promoting your blog with little budget

By: Robert Thomson

Before your start thinking how to promote your weblog and how much you going to spend on it. First think about what is your blog value, and what is the key content that attracts visitors. Is the topic of discussion hot?

Make your blog useful, and with good content that user are looking for. Once you got your blog setup and filled with good contents and photos or video clips. Its time to get serious into business, lets get some money out of it.

Get yourself a google adsense account, and paste some adsense ads into your blog. When user clicking on those ads you are making cash. And this is point number one.

Point number two, your website need to have alternative income likes amazon links, or commission junction products links etc. And these affiliate links can generate you some income as well. Make sure the product you promoting is relevant to your website.

And once your cash machine is setup, its time to promote it and get more visitor and convert them into cash. If your new web hosting is offering you ads credits like ixwebhosting is offering $50 dollars google adsense credits. You can make good use of it. Use the free credits and get hundreds of user to your website. And these user will convert into cash later on. Another good option is look for cheaper web hosting, and this will cut down your initial cost. For blog hosting, I highly recommend hostican hosting, and you can get a $50 hostican coupon at And your just save $50 dollars from your web hosting, plus $50 at marketing credits from google.

Use social bookmarking to promote your blog. If you having a good blog, and want to let others to know about it, you can sign up to few social bookmarketing site, and get people to vote your blog post. And the more vote you getting, the better ranking you are getting, the more people recommend it to others. And this means user bring other user to visit your blog. And it’s a free traffic. What you got to do is just build good content and a good blog.

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More details about Hostican & Hostican Coupons.

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks…

By: Pat Watt

Every single website and its owner have the opportunity to make some great money by displaying Google Adsense ads on it. Although many webmasters are making a nice income with these ads, many aren’t.

Many people say that all you have to do is put up a website and you’ll be making over $100 a day with Google Adsense. It does sound simple and it is, but you will need to optimize your site so that you do generate more and more clicks on the ads that are sitting on your site.

The first thing that you need to do is to Place the Google Adsense ads in the right spot of the page. This will determine how much money you will make each day. It is very important that you place the ad at the top of the page (above the fold) on your website in order to get the most clicks. What this really means is that you will want to place the Adsense code that Google gives you high enough on the page so that your visitors do not have to scroll down to see the Google ads. If you choose to have the ads right at the top above everything else then do that. By placing the Google Adsense ads at the top of your website above the fold, there is a greater chance that people will click on the ad, which will help your site generate a higher click through rate also known as CTR. The reason for this is because the majority of your visitors will not scroll down the page and look at it. A lot of the time, people look over the top part of the page without worrying about scrolling down. The way you blend the ads with the rest of your page can determine if the ad is visually appealing or not. It is very crucial to make the Google Adsense ads look like your site and not another ad. You can do this by making the font and color of the ad’s text similar to the rest of the page. I also recommend that you blend the background of the ad with the background of your page. It should basically have the same color.

Google gives you the option to go into your account and customize your ads in different fonts and colors. This will help you blend the ads to your site. Make sure that you don’t use the banner ads on your site because this will decrease your click through rate.

People who visit your website usually try to avoid any banner and picture ads that they see. If you want to increase your click through rate, you will want to add text ads. Google gives you that option so use it.

Here are some other small tips to increase your Adsense income:
1. Google has confirmed that using the 336×280 rectangle ad block size does have the highest click through rate. Using this ad size will increase your click through rate and the income that you generate.

2. Using a blue underline for the links can also improve your click through rate. This allows the ads to actually stand out and look clickable.
If you follow the advice given above, you can improve your CTR and make more money with Google Adsense.

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Pat Watt is the owner of . Her website is geared for people who are interested in finding an online work at home opportunity or finding the perfect home based business.

Business Blogs – A Revenue Earner

By: John Mathews

How about starting a business blog and making money from it. Business blogs cater to the specific niche of business it targets. For example if you are financial wizard and have knowledge of investing in shares, why not start a blog about investing in shares? And if you are fond of books why not write book reviews and make some money out of it. Here’s how you go ahead.

Get a blog first

You will need a blog to start in the first place. Blogger and WordPress are two blog service providers who would give you a blog for free. There’s an easy signup process that can give you a brand new blog within minutes. All you have to do is give your email address, enter a password, choose a display name, and do word verification in Blogger to get a blog. Blogger is quite popular and has interfaces for language blogging also.

On WordPress the process of getting a blog is similar. Enter a username, password, email address, and accept the terms and conditions to begin blogging on WordPress. WordPress also gives you the option of creating just an identity without opting for a blog.

Focus on the theme of your business

Focus on the theme of the business you will be writing about on your blog. If it is books you are writing about, write all you know about them, review books by your favorite authors, and interview them if possible.

If it is about the stock market, write about the companies that ar doing well and are worth investing. Copy and paste the company’s share movements (there’s no ban on copying charts, as far as we know). Make your analysis in-depth and incisive and your readers would love it.

Similarly, if your blog is about technology, subscribe to the RSS of all popular technology blogs and sites and embed them on your blog. Your readers would love to visit your blog again if you have a variety of information related to the theme of the blog.

How to make money

Now the vital question: How do I make money from my business blog. Have patience, this is not a get rich overnight business. Making money from business blogs takes time and hard work, so proceed slowly one step at a time.

You can join Google adsense advertising program which is simple enough to implement. Go to the above link and create an account if you don’t have one already. Go to the Adsense Setup section and choose between Adsense for Content and Adsense for Referrals. In Adsense for Content you can generate the code for the ads you would like to feature on your blog. This can be copied and pasted on your blog. In Adsense for Referrals also you can generate code which you can copy and paste on the blog.

Monitor the adsense program closely and see which keywords are working for your blog. This you can do by checking how many dollars are accumulating in your account by clicking on the Account tab.


G2bux has a free blogging interface that rewards you for posting blogs on them. The rewards are in G2points, which when accumulated can be exchanged for cash. What is really exciting about this program is the fact that you can slowly accumulate points by contributing a few blogs a day and steadily building up your points. You can even Digg your blogposts and submit it to Stumble Upon – two review sites.

Linkshare is an advertising program in which you as a publisher can publish advertisements of several advertisers such as Western Union, Ebay, Amazon, etc. It works on the basis of click through from your blog to their pages that feature the product/service that is being sold. You have to first apply for participating in an advertising program, consent of which is with the advertiser. Linkshare has functionality to apply to multiple advertising programs and once you are approved as a publisher of the ads of a particular company, you can go ahead and feature their advertisements on your blog.

Business blogging is the sure way to grow your income through blogging. Many people are making a living out of it, so can you.

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John P Matthew is a business writer, blogger and web content writer. He finds working on online media challenging and has contributed his writing to various online forums. He is one of the founding members of two writing-related message boards Caferati and Shakespeare and Company. At present he is with To get more details, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. John P Matthew can be contacted at

By: Lee Coppin

With the news full of problems being experienced by social networking sites are we seeing the beginning of the end for Blogs and Social networking. My Space have just closed 29,000 profiles of know child offenders and Facebook’s owner is in court fighting to stop a rival closing him down.

Can it be that the bubble is about burst and we are all about to see the fallout of closer regulation on line relating to the freedom of content and speech for our online world?

The massive growth of blogging and social networking has been possible due to the ability of users to practise freedom of speech at the speed of typing. In a flash we can update our blogs and profiles online with little or no thought.

I am a blog author and as such I am concerned that there will be a slow creep of offical regulations and rules which determine the content and its tone. Bad press is just the catalyst the control freaks need to get their teeth in to the Blogosphere.

We all have a moral and social responsibility to manage or little bits of internet real estate in an acceptable way. Too often I see people online who forget that it is the World Wide Web and post stuff that they would not be happy for there mom to see.

I am not sure where all this will end but are we about to see another dot com crash and the fall incomes from online businesses through our own greed and miss management of the power of the internet.

These small events can become major issues online in a matter of hours. This can result in the world we live in looking very different over night. It is up to us bloggers to show we can be trusted.

I doubt my small voice will be heard over the top of all the others who are shouting in the blogosphere. All I can hope for is the big boys and girls out there set the right example and promote professional blogging and shun those who abuse the power.

This just could be a flash in the pan but that was said about blogs and social networking in the past and look at what they have become. Lets not give the powers that be an excuse to meddle in the blogosphere.

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Lee Coppin publishes the Make Money Blogging 101 blog Carnival full of great posts and tips for bloggers Get you copy of the amazingBlog Profits Blueprint Free Know!
Click here to get your own unique version of this article.