Blogging for Business

Author: John Jantsch

If Howard Dean’s failed political campaign accomplished anything, I would say that it brought to the mainstream the use of something called a weblog or “blog” as it known in cyberspace. A blog is really nothing more than a diary uploaded to the Internet and until about the last 12 months was the realm of the individual who saw it as a way to publish there random (and sometimes disturbed) thoughts.

The great thing about weblogs, and the growing set of software that is being created to publish them, is that they are a tremendous business tool. Weblogs allow you to create content and contact…and that is what your clients crave more than anything. I use a program (there is a free trial version) called PMachine to publish my weblog at

This program allows me to simply make many entries and updates and also allows readers to add comments. Better still, now seemingly random articles can be sorted and searched by content or subject. My weblog is more like a content management system and my readers seem to love it. Another great reason to explore the use of weblogs is that search engines seem to love them. Within 30 days of launching my weblog it became the most visited page on my fairly high traffic website. So what is it about blogs that those little spiders love so much?

Here’s a little secret, search engines crave content. Okay so maybe that’s not such a secret but to look at many websites you would think it so. The fact is that too many websites just sit there doing nothing that the search engines admire. Providing content, not to mention fresh content, is one of the toughest chores of anyone who maintains a website. But when it comes to generating traffic it is the most important job. Blogs, by their very nature, are all about content. In a commercial environment every blog entry is fresh content. Get in the habit of making two, three, even four entries a week and you’ve got a content building bonanza on your hands. Everyone knows you need new content to give visitors a reason to come back; blogs just make the task so much easier. Another advantage that blogs seem to currently possess over traditional web pages and sites is lack of competition. While the number of bloggers grows daily, there are still relatively few commercial blog sites. When I created my blog I found that it showed up in the number 3 spot in Google for the term “Marketing Weblog” within about 3 weeks of launch. Not bad considering I did nothing to make it happen.

There are a couple of other things you should do to make your weblog a traffic magnet. They aren’t really that different than tradition SEO tactics but the names and faces are unique to the blogging world. Use targeted keywords in your entry titles No rocket science here but this tip can’t be stated enough. Forget cute…go for titles that fit your targeted keywords and phrases…even if they seem a bit awkward. (You do have targeted keywords and phrases don’t you?)

Register with Blog Search Engines – Search engines that specialize in blogs

Register with Tracking Services – These services note when a blog has been updated and publish an ongoing list. They even keep track of the most updated and most visited weblogs. Plus you get to learn what pinging is.

Trade Some Links You don’t need to get out of control on this one but a few “relevant” swapped links to related blogs can boost your traffic. Syndicate your content This one is way to technical to cover here but do some research on the term RSS and you may discover ways to have your content and entries fed to sites that are hungry for the type of stuff you write. Many of the popular weblog software packages have this capability built right in.

About the author:
John Jantsch is a marketing consultant based in Kansas City, Mo. He writes frequently on real world small business marketing tactics and is the creator of “Duct Tape Marketing” a turn-key small business marketing system. Check out his blog at – get these kinds of killer tips weekly by sending an email to

What Are RSS Feeds?

RSS Feeds

RSS also known as rich site summary or real simply syndication, arrived on the scene a number of years ago, but was only recently embraced by webmasters as a means to effectively syndicate content. RSS Feeds provide webmasters and content providers an avenue to provide concise summaries to prospective readers. Thousands of commercial web sites and blogs now publish content summaries in an RSS feed. Each item in the feed typically contains a headline; article summary and link back to the online article.

Benefit to the Webmaster

As the web has become more crowded webmasters have been striving to provide fresh and up to date content for their website visitors. Many webmasters have discovered they can easily utilize the information in RSS feeds to provide fresh web content.

RSS feeds are composed in XML, which is a very simple markup language. Similar to HTML, XML uses tags to identify fields. Webmasters can easily parse the RSS feed and dynamically create web pages that contain headlines and summaries. The feeds will continuously update, supplying a steady stream of automatically generated fresh content.

RSS allows webmasters to:
1.) Provide fresh and relevant content on their website, which encourages users to return.

2.) Constantly changing content means that search engine spiders will visit more frequently.

3.) Automate content delivery.

The benefits of RSS feeds are not limited to webmasters, surfers too benefit from the technology as well.

Benefit to Web Surfers
The beauty of RSS is that readers can quickly scan headlines (titles) and read articles of interest. Because the information is condensed and provided in a single location users can generally review more information in a shorter time frame. Additional information is only a click away. Best of all readers choose the feeds they wish to see, there is no spam with RSS. If you are not completely thrilled with the content appearing in a feed simply remove it from the newsreader. The technology is a pull technology rather than push technology, meaning the content is not forced on the consumers, who pull the content they want to see.

RSS allows for users to:
1.) Easily locate information.

2.) Read condensced information or ‘soundbytes’ with clearly marked and dated topic material.

3.) Classify and categorize information in an easy to navigate manner.

4.) Maximize their time without having to deal with spam.

RSS feeds can be viewed in a news aggregator or reader, which constantly updates and shows unread feeds. I found the functionality of the newsreaders to be similar to a simple email client. Consumers generally enter the URL of any RSS feeds that interest them. Topics with a common theme can be segregated into related groups.

I highly recommend FeedDemon by BradSoft as a newsreader. FeedDemon is extremely easy to use and allows for quick scanning and indexing of topics. FeedDemon allows users to quickly scan, sort and scroll through headline and article summaries, while viewing the actual content in a split screen web browser.

Finding Topic Specific Relevant Feeds

In order to find feeds that provide niche information users can search Feedster. Feedster is a rapidly growing news search engine that indexes information contained within RSS feeds. Searches for topic specific feeds can be conducted and feeds can be retrieved for syndication.

Benefit to Content Developer

While the benefits to users and webmasters are clear the distribution opportunities made available to content developers should not be overlooked. Information contained in the RSS feed can be easily syndicated, increasing content distribution and reach.

RSS allows for content developers to:
1.) Increase exposure in niche markets.

2.) Communicate with user bases and reach potential customers via an alternate communication method.

3.) Disseminate relevant information.

4.) Define themselves as an industry expert.

5.) Automate content delivery.

RSS has effectively standardized the format for content delivery and has effectively defined the accepted standard for content distribution and syndication. RSS will likely rival email as a means of content distribution in another few years. The shear simplicity makes the technology very appealing.

The distribution potential, while albeit difficult to measure, is still attractive to all parties making the likelihood that RSS popularity will only continue to grow.

RSS Feeds to Try
Feeds exist for almost any topic consider trying these feeds out by entering the url in your feed reader:

Small Business Feed – small business tips and news

Software Marketing Blog Summary – software marketing and online news

SMS, Wireless Messaging Related News. – news related to telecom, wireless industry and NotePage’s software

Free Content Articles – collection of free content articles, updates when new article is released.

Software Marketing News – news related to software conferences, awards, software development and marketing

About the Author:

Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. a company specializing in alphanumeric paging, SMS and wireless messaging software solutions. Other sites by Sharon can be found at , and

What are Blogs?

Having heard the term previously but not having paid much attention most are just to afraid to show their ignorance and ask the question, what is a blog? Lets face it; the term blog does not conjure pleasant images.

Blogs are web logs that are updated regularly, usually on a daily basis. They contain information related to a specific topic. In some cases blogs are used as daily diaries about people’s personal lives, political views, or even as social commentaries. The truth of the matter is that blogs can be shaped into whatever you, the author, want them to be.

Where Did Blogs Come From?

The roots of blogging can be traced back to the mid 1990’s. Who the very first blogger actually was is unclear, as the art of blogging did not really take hold until 1999. The original “weblogs” were link-driven sites with personal commentaries. The very first blogs were human guided Internet web tours. While initially thought of as diaries or online journals, blogs have evolved into the latest fresh web content.

The Future of Blogs

A buzz word in techie circles, “blogging” is the wave of the future. Whether its a fad, or proves to be a new way to communicate with existing and potential customers it deserves at the very least a cursory look.

Why is Blogging Helpful to Businesses or Individuals?

Just as animated .gifs were once cool, blogging is the trendy thing to do. That does not mean that it is not beneficial to businesses. Webmasters struggling to keep fresh, attractive content on their websites to lure visitors back, have found blogs the answer. Content is a necessity for online businesses, both for purposes of being found by search engines but also because it gives visitors a reason to come back.

Now that we have established that blogs are not only trendy but also beneficial to businesses, its important to understand how they can be used to your advantage. We currently manage and update two blogs on a daily basis. The first is our new business blog at:

This professional business blog allows us the opportunity to tell potential, or existing customers industry news, updates, or generally how mobile or paging software can be used in specific situations to alleviate problems. The bottom line is we control the content. Its updated daily, which increases the chances that search engines will spider on a regular basis and it helps with page rank because it’s been submitted to all the blogging directories. Initially started on a whim we’ve found it beneficial to report tips, tricks or make visitors aware of new regulations related to the mobile or paging industry.

The second blog we manage is at:

This blog is less formal and contains marketing tips, or promotional advice for software developers or online marketers. We found that we had overflow from our monthly newsletter. Generating a daily blog would require very little effort and would assist us in creating fresh content which our readers told us was of significant interest.

Blogs & Your Business

The bottom line is you need to determine how a blog will benefit your business, determine a schedule and adhere to it. Let your readers know what to expect and when to expect it. Blogs provide great supplemental content and direct attention to areas of your business that you want to showcase; you direct the content but let your readers guide you.

Creating a Blog

There are numerous online tools that can be used to create a blog. We found that because of security concerns, it would just be best to use a standard html program. In our case we used Dreamweaver and create daily posts. Its really not much more complicated than typing an email. The content is then sent via FTP to a web server. If you want to test the waters there are online web-based tool that helps you publish to the web instantly. The most popular web based tool is likely Blogger

Other Advantages to Blogs

While you may initially create a blog for your existing customers, you may find that you can attract new customers by illustrating your expertise in a specific field. There are numerous websites that act as “blog search engines”, be sure to submit your sites to these websites to increase your exposure. This will also help with your page rank and possibly increase the likelihood you will receive decent ranking with Google. You can also create an RSS feed in order to syndicate blog content and gain additional exposure.

About the Author:

Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. a company specializing in alphanumeric paging, SMS and wireless messaging software solutions. Other sites by Sharon can be found at , and

Super Blogging – 5 Reasons Why Blogging Can Skyrocket Your Profits

– By: Luat Tran Van, 2007-12-06

5 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool

Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one’s opinion on the said page. What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun. As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential. Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

1.Blogging is simple. The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging. No skills are necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse. It’s like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product. If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and advertise.

2. Blogging is authentic. In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoters’ claims. However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising. Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience. You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free. Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free. Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up. Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business.

4. Blogging builds credibility. As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs. As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs. As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.

5. Blogging builds your market. Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts. Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is. But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base. Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:

-By using your e-mail. Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market. In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site. Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site. If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.

-By using subscription. An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite. Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.

-By understanding your readers. Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences. Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared. In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.

-By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc. Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

Give your business a boost by effectively using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

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Adbrite ads on Blogs

I signed up with Adbrite and am sporting Adbrite ads on blogs and my 5 sites.

First go to Adbrite and sign up. You can create Ad Zones. I created a leaderboard ( 720* 90), Custom and Skyscraper ( 160*600 ). They will give you the ad code and you can insert it in your blog templates. Along with Adsense ads, you can insert Adbrite ads. Blogger gives you the option to inserts ads anywhere on the blog. I am getting regular checks from Adbrite.

The Adbrite leaderboard is nice and takes only 720*90 space. You can insert it in between blog posts. If you blog daily and if you post, say, five times, you get five blog pages containing these ads and all these will add to your revenue !

You can go to and sign up. You can get the ad code and you can insert in your blog and web pages.

The best is the large rectangle. Next is the medium rectangle and the Skyscraper. The leaderboard is OK. Use of fonts and colors to match the color or your blog or site pays rich dividends. I am getting regular checks from Google !

Good luck with Adbrite and Adsense ads !

Online cash flow McFarland teen makes money off Google ads

By: Lynn Welch

Chloe Spencer likes the color pink, cats, roller coasters and shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch. And, like many teens, the McFarland High School sophomore has found a way to earn a little cash. She blogs. “Most people earn money by babysitting or working at places like McDonalds,” said Spencer, 16, who has earned up to $1,000 monthly from her site, “I figured if I earned minimum wage I’d have to work 25 to 30 hours a week to make this.” Spencer is among those who have cashed in online, gaining traffic with search engine optimization and site ads via Google’s AdSense. With her dad’s help, Spencer has monetized her site, earning cash that could help her buy a car and attend film school. Chloe’s dad, Stephan Spencer, is founder and president of Netconcepts, a Madison consulting firm specializing in search engine optimization. He writes and speaks on e-marketing topics through various venues, including his own blog, Stephan said he offered his daughter a few hours of advice to help her gain traffic, clicks and corresponding cash flow. “My dad started talking about how you can make money off Google ads,” recalled Chloe of her February 2006 launch. “At the time, I was obsessed with Neopets.” She created a blog appealing to fans of the popular virtual pet site, posting hints and tips on how to beat the game and gain points. She spends several hours a week working on the site. Using tools including Google Suggest and WordTracker, Chloe chose the name of the blog and its categories. It became, “The Ultimate Neopets Cheats Site,” which included the most popular Neopet search terms. Within weeks, the site appeared on page one of a Google search for “neopets cheats.” The site still appears in the top 10 in Google’s search rankings for both Neopets and “neopets cheats.” High rankings help drive traffic to Spencer’s site, which also drives up the profitability of click-throughs on content-relevant Google ads posted there. Chloe earns from 10 cents to a dollar each time a visitor clicks an ad on her site, or an average of about $30 a day. Chloe has also been marketing her site with the help of her dad. This past summer, she spoke at the BlogHer conference in Chicago and her story is featured on a number of Web sites, including Blogger Stories. A recent ABC News report said that Google paid $3.1 billion to Adsense publishers last year. Google reported AdSense earnings of $1.45 billion, 34 percent of total revenues, in the third quarter this year, up 40 percent over the same period last year. Since launching AdSense in 2005, Google has been joined by Yahoo, Microsoft and, soon, MySpace and Facebook in offering site publishers contextual advertising. Income that bloggers gain through these ad serving programs is difficult to gauge, said Vince Rose, who runs ads on, a site he set up with his wife. It all depends on the site traffic, click-through rate and how much advertisers have bid for the keywords.

Rose said the ads on his social networking site for families — intended to share new kid-friendly places to go — do not net a lot of money. The ad funds do help pay for Web hosting. “The trend in general is that there are fewer and fewer barriers to post content online. People can set up a blog without it costing them anything and still try to monetize their site,” Rose wrote in an e-mail. “The investment is just time then. If you’re posting about a topic that is near and dear to your heart then it’s a pretty small investment. Making any money would be icing for doing something you like to do.” Other sites, like Montreal-based Weblo, offer members ad revenue through a number of vehicles, including Facebook profiles and digital assets. “It’s pennies at a time, but it ads up over the month depending on how much time you put into it,” said Andrew Jackson, a Mayville resident and Weblo member.
Jackson stumbled on the site about six months ago, after selling his wellestablished Star Wars Galaxies account for $2,000. Following this, he sought other ways to add value to his online activity. “There are definitely ways out there people can make a few to a pile of bucks online,” he said. Chloe Spencer has launched other sites, a personal blog, and, most recently, a teen quiz site,, offering “fun, girly quizzes” revealing information such
as, “What Clothing Brand Suits You,” and “How Boy Crazy are You?”
By the end of the year, she expects to incorporate ads to the quiz site.

Article Directory:

Lynn Welch is a reporter at The Capital Times.

Is All Fair In Love,War, and Dating Blogs?

By: Joe Davidson

People blog about just about anything these days, from celebrities to restaurants to their painful dayjobs and everything in between. It seems like everyone and their cat (seriously, cats CAN have blogs too), has something to say. Thanks to the internet, and free blog space, everyone is able to broadcast whatever they want to out in the internet universe. Since online dating and social networking are among the most popular uses for the internet, its only natural that dating would become one of the many topics for blogs. But, people aren’t only blogging about their dates, but also integrating blogging into their dating lives.

But what about the privacy issues with people featured in these dating blogs? Is it necessary for authors to disclose that their date could possibly be turned into humorous material to be broadcast all around the internet? Is it unfair to the unsuspecting dates to be taken out simply for the purpose of generating “material”, with no intentions for future meetings?

With few regulations about the material that can or cannot be posted in blogs, it can be difficult to monitor how authors obtain the information they post in their blogs. Since blogs are also highly personal, and often written for and by the public, there’s no reason that someone cannot write about their own experiences, whether they are true or not (that’s called fiction, folks), and regardless of how they got their information. While this freedom is an enormous advantage for writers, and can be used to create a lot of good (think free speech, and enabling people to react to biased sources etc.), there are undoubtedly people who may not think twice about being “ethical journalists”, mostly cause, well, for the most part blog authors not journalists. In the end, this opens up a free-for-all of sorts, that allows people to write about whatever they want, in any way they want, including in dating blogs.

Unfortunately, this may lead to some casualties along the way, in terms of personal embarrassment or privacy in the dating world. But, perhaps blogging is just another part of the risks involved with the modern world of dating. Hopefully the authors of dating blogs will keep privacy issues in mind (aside from just their own),and respect the dignity of the people who agree to go out with them.

Article Directory:

Joe Davidson provides kisscafe with interesting articles about Online dating.

Web Hosting for Blogs

By: Ivan Cuxeva Jr

When it comes to hosting a content management system which makes information dynamically available to readers an appropriate hosting service is required. Most webmasters know the difference between free hosts and paid hosts, basically free hosts are not recommended accounts even if it is for personal web sites because there are several downsides to this particular service.

To name a few: most free hosts do not offer MySQL databases which are key to running all the information required to run a blog, information such as articles, polls, statistics, add ons, template system, etc. are all stored within this database type. Not having this feature available will only leave the option of creating static web sites which are hard to manage after a certain amount of articles or posts.

Another key element free hosts interfere with is: advertisement. Almost all webmasters try to monetize their quality content through ad networks such as Adsense, Commission Junction, etc. or by selling a particular product/service. The problem with free hosts lies in the fact that several, untargeted ads are placed in areas of high visibility within the blog, the most common area is the header. Imagine you run a blog about children’s education and protection against internet predators, what would be the reaction of your readers if they saw a huge 700 x 100 banner at the top of your blog advertising an adult dating service?, wouldn’t you think such advertisements defeat the purpose of your source?, not to even mention the pop ups.

An option to free this disadvantageous service lies in blog platform hosting through the CMS provider, for instance, Blogger (Google owned) and WordPress both offer free hosting services which are ad free, the only downside to this solution is that your visitors will face a lot of trouble to find your site because the URL is not very practical. Most visitors remember a web site by its design but more importantly by its domain. Blogger and WordPress offer a “sub-domain” hosting option which means that your blog web address will look somewhat like “blogger/” (replace blogger or wordpress depending the platform you use).

A good way to approach these problems is by acquiring a paid hosting account which these days are extremely cheap and are well within the budget range of everybody. The most popular solution is virtual hosting, but not all paid virtual hosting providers are right for blogs either. The most important aspects and features you should look for are: one click platform installation, blogging software tech support, platform variety, MySQL database allowance, email accounts, a web server able to run multiple CGI scripts, Perl modules, web management system, FTP, ImageMagick script, etc.

All of these requirements need to be fulfilled in order to successfully run a blog on a server. The best way to decide which service is best, is to look at your platform of choice, go through the system requirements and match it to your service provider. Remember that all blogging applications will require different resources.

Article Directory:

HostingCoupons offers more information about web hosting for blogs. Learn about the reputable hosting companies such as Hostgator and Bluehost, visit us today!

How To Get Better Blog Traffic by Using Comments to Cement Connections

By: MorganLighter

Why don’t I consider leaving comments a traffic method?

Because commenting isn’t meant to generate traffic, it’s more of a

And yes, there are some things we can use to generate traffic, even
though that isn’t their intended purpose, but only when it’s ethical.

Leaving comments for traffic alone isn’t ethical.

You’re trying to take something from a community that worked hard to
get it, instead of getting credit for sharing something with a
community that you belong to, and reciprocating when it’s given to you
– these are two different things.

Think about how you’d feel if someone did that to your blog, everytime
you want to evaluate a traffic method related to blogging. If you
wouldn’t mind and allow it at your blog, then knock yourself out,
because whatever you are doing to others is about to happen to you.

Commenting to get traffic is also inefficient.


Let’s say you leave one comment.

That comment will probably only bring you traffic as long as that post
is new. When it fades into the archives, you won’t get much traffic
from it.

Let’s say it’s a DoFollow comment, and you’re getting link juice. (A
DoFollow comment is one left at the site of a blogger who is purposely
not using the NoFollow attribute.)

Sure, your link will get followed by the search engines, and counted
among the number of links to your site, which may give you a little

But wouldn’t it be better not to have to share that link juice with
the other commenters?

Wouldn’t it better to have a whole post dedicated to your site?

Wouldn’t it be great to get a Permanent link to your site from their
Blogroll, on a page that has more weight than a single post?

Wouldnt it be cool if someone discovered you by your link and then
shared your link with other people?

So how do you get that kind of action?

Let’s look at it logically.

Good Bloggers tend to make posts about…

* Quality tools, content, services, & products that will serve their

* People who are doing innovative, interesting, creative things that
will interest their community,
* Quality tools, content, services, & products that will serve their
community and make them money,
* News of interest to their community that will either save them from
doing a full blog post or help them to do a full blog post,

.. just to name a few.

It follows, then, that if you want a blogger to blog about your site,
to share your site with others, or to add you to their link roll, you
should :

* Make comments that will both help and intrigue the blogger and
his/her community, which make a good introduction to you.
* Form a relationship with that blogger on the basis of what you have
in common that could serve their community.
* Form a relationship with other commenters in that community.

In other words, comment to give, not to get.

If you get the same amount of love back from comments you make, then
great. If you don’t, that’s fine too, at least you got a link, and if
you stick to it, you’ll get that love elsewhere some other day.

Article Directory:

Need more help getting visitors? Get more tips about blogging, social media, and traffic from

Top Ways To Make Money Online Right From Your Home

By: Roger Gradowski

Each day new opportunities are being created on the internet to help people make more money from their homes. Unfortunately the road to internet riches can be a tough and difficult one and it does require energy and effort on your part to make it happen. Here are some simple ways people are earning income from the internet:

Affiliate Programs:

This is most likely the most widely used approach to earn income from the internet as there is little time and money required in order to start. With affiliate marketing you will be selling products or services created by others for a commission on each sale.

The significant advantage to affiliate promotion is that there is no need to invest time and money on producing a product of your own. However choosing a good affiliate program can be a difficult task. It is important to be very picky about the programs you choose and make sure they are reliable and pay well.

There are many affiliate networks out there that can help you to locate quality affiliate programs. Clickbank, Commission Junction, Linkshare and Azoogle are some popular networks that host many great affiliate products.

Clickbank is often the best place to start since you do not need to wait to be approved for each affiliate program. Simply go to the site, join as an affiliate and then pick the program you want to promote and create your links. It is very easy and fast whereas the other networks tend to require you having to create your own related site in order to qualify for their program.

Promotion is the next step once you have found an appropriate affiliate program. It is often the best idea to create a website of your own and learn to take advantage of free search engine traffic. Register a domain name that has the main keyword of the niche you are in, this may help you get better search engine rankings.

As an example, if you are in the ‘internet marketing’ niche then your main keyword might be ‘internet marketing tips’ so get a domain name that has that keyword in it. Add lots of original content articles to your site and at the bottom of each article make affiliate product recommendations.

Writing and submitting articles may be the best way to promote your site. Simply write an article related to your sites topic and submit it to a major article directory like Ezinearticles. This will add credibility in the eyes of your visitors and also your search engine rankings will improve as you get more inbound links.

Making Money With Adsense:

The adsense program has made significant amounts of money for many people on the internet. If you own a website that receives good levels of traffic then all you need to do is put the adsense ads in the right places and with the right appearance to make more money from your site.

A good tip is to make your ads blend in as much as possible with your site so make sure that the links in your ads have the same color as the links on your site. Also ensure that you are placing ads above the fold on your site and also within your content.

Add some ads right in your main content like an article by having the words in the article wrap around the ads. Also avoid the banner format adsense ad since it has been shown to perform the worst. These are some of the tops ways money is being made online so get started today on your path to internet wealth.

Article Directory:

Roger runs several websites. Sbest by our website to learn more about affiliate marketing strategies and the best work at home business opportunity.