Blog Your Way to Success – What a “Blog” is?

Article by Pavel Lenshin

Internet enterpreneur, marketer and writer

Blog is a short of “weB LOG” or a method of storing any kind
of information online. Such organized informational posting
and archiving was named “Blog”.By the form Blog represents
an updated web-site of current and archived posts. A
dead-simple concept turned out to be extremely powerful in
terms of satisfaction of Internet community needs.

People online look for fresh, relevant information on a
certain topic and this is where Blogs come into arena and
win that battle for a visitors’ attention hands-down.

They give you exactly what you need – targeted, updated
information on any given topic, with an access to archive,
search functions and even some sort of interactive
experience as you can usually read comments of other
visitors and participate in a small discussion like on a
message board.

Why Blog can be just the perfect solution you have been
looking for and how it can solve massive publishing problems
at once. Here is why Blog can be your website and
money-making system in one:

1. Blog is a simple CMS (Content Management System). It
helps you solve hundreds of little hassles webmasters were
forced to waste months before in order to solve each of them
such as means of easy creating new pages with automatic
cross-linking and archiving functions, installing visitor
feedback script, managing and updating navigational menu,
republishing RSS feeds and creating own feed and so on.

2. Built-in promotion. RSS feed is also a great viral
marketing tool by itself. You don’t have to stuff your head
with “how-to-make-my-content-viral” problems any
“traditional” website webmaster faces.

As a Blog publisher you use the same RSS feed as a way of
syndicating your Blog content for any other websites. What
they need is adding your RSS feed to their Feed rendering
software. The technology is highly popular, so you will not
have any problems with that.

Just add your RSS feed to a number of Blog Directories, ping
(notify) Blog servers each time you make a new post (a
common built-in feature for almost all Blogs) and in 90%
case it will be enough to start your marketing ball rolling
plus reassure fast search engine indexing.

3. Built in RSS (Atom) feeds are considered by many to be
the ideal solution for all SPAM and filters problems of
“traditional” email marketers.

RSS feeds are updated automatically as soon as you make a
new post to your Blog. No more troubles with managing “email
lists”, subscribers, unsubscribers, email filters, HTML
forms, SPAM complaints, follow-ups and so on and so forth.
Forget about it. RSS will help you do everything, including
follow-ups and even email courses publishing.

The difference, and many consider it to be the true benefit,
is that RSS uses so-called “pull” method of delivering a
message. Unlike “traditional” email, you don’t have to send
(push) anything to anybody. When you publish a new post,
your RSS feed updates automatically, pings syndicating
websites with a new Blog post and notifies (or not) your RSS
subscribers about your new post, so they can load (pull) it
and read.

That is how RSS solves SPAM emails and SPAM filters problems
with one stone. Your subscribers just don’t receive anything
to be complained or worried about. They just personally
subscribe to your RSS feed (no one can subscribe for them)
with their special RSS reader program (RSS aggregator,
available free everywhere on the net). Then they
periodically and mostly automatically load your new Blog
posts. If they don’t like it, they just remove your RSS feed
from their RSS feed aggregator software and that’s all.
Unlike email you cannot “push” your post to their RSS soft
without their wish. Depending on set options, they need to
manually, semi-automatically or automatically load your Blog
post themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against email. Quite the
contrary, at some point, when you feel that you have a lot
of spare time because of advantages that RSS brings, I
strongly advise you to add email marketing to your arsenal.
It does help you out in some special occasions. It is just
you won’t rely on email as the only money-making resource
and will use it professionally as a great add-on instrument,
limiting its possible negative effects.

From what you can see, blogs are perfect and simple software
machines to run and maintain your informational business.
They proved their efficiency in small niche markets as well
as multilevel blog systems generating stable income for
their glad owners. You can be one of them.

Pavel Lenshin is an Internet entrepreneur. Discover how to
use blogging for deep and fast website indexing and maximum
profits by reading the $47 “Blog N Ping” online tutorial at
ebooks/blog-n-ping-tutorial/”> for Free.

Article Source :

7 Tips to Building Your Blog’s Readership

By Mike Seddon

Attracting traffic to a blog or a web site is challenging enough. So from the very beginning, when you start to see visitors coming to read your blog, be sure that they feel comfortable to stick around. And there are a number of ways you can help them to do just that.

Here are seven vital ingredients for building a successful blog with a loyal following.

1. Publish Regularly.

As your readers become familiar with the frequency of your posts, it will influence their visiting behavior. If your readers know that you post fresh content every day, they will probably come every day to read it. If they know you post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, that’s when they will come.

2. Stay on Topic.

Stick to your niche. If your blog doesn’t have a niche, give it one. Readers like blog’s that are focused on a particular theme or topic. If you have no theme and just post about anything, then readers are less likely to become passionate about your blog and will probably move on to somewhere else.

3. Use Meaningful Titles in Posts.

This not only announces clearly what the post is about, but it will help people navigate your blog and also influence your ranking with search engines.

4. Interact With Your Readers.

Think of your blog like a conversation. You post. Readers comment. Be active and be positive as you interact and converse with your readers.

5. Highlight Your Best Posts.

Don’t let your best posts get lost in your archives. It’s always a good idea to link to your best posts from a ‘best posts’ category on the main page.

6. Provide Good Navigation to Popular Pages

If you help people find the key pages within your blog, their visit will be a much more enjoyable experience.

7. Avoid Not Posting for Extended Periods.

If someone visits your blog and discovers that the last post was three weeks ago, they will probably be disappointed. If you don’t post, people may give you the benefit of the doubt and come back on a few days to check, but you better believe they will lose interest quickly if you fall out of your regular schedule and stop posting.

There you have it. Seven little tips that will make a big difference to your blog’s readership. It’s not rocket science. It’s just using some common sense when posting and interacting with your readers.

Mike Seddon is a writer, entrepreneur, and webmaster. He is the author of the popular e-book, ‘How to Build a Money Making Blog’, available from

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3 More Reasons To Read Other Niche Blog

Written by Ramkarthik from Blogging Tune on December 8, 2007 | 3 Comments

Sara wrote a few days ago the three great reasons to read other niche blogs. The post was a good one and covered these three points:

To Increase Your Knowledge
Improve Your Writing
New Tactics And Methods

I started to think on why I read other niche blogs and came up with the following reasons:

1. Become A Freelance Writer

Having knowledge in other niche will help you a lot. You can do freelance writing on that topic if you have good knowledge about it. I read technology blogs everyday and this has helped me in gaining good idea about the niche. Though I don’t do freelance writing on that topic, I do guest posts in blogs with high traffic which has in turn got new readers for my blog and also familiarity. There are many bloggers who are interested in two or more niche. So why not get new readers by writing guest posts for other niche blogs?

2. Write A Guide On That Niche Topic

Indeed you can write posts of other niche on your blog if it very in depth. If you write short posts about other niche in your blog, then your subscribers might unsubscribe. But if you write an in-depth article or a guide on other niche topic, you will not lose your existing readers. If your blog is about blogging, you can write a guide to SEO and your blog readers might also be pleased to read it. There may be many bloggers who have interest in both SEO and blogging and those people will also subscribe to your blog by arriving to your article through social sites or other blogs.

3. Get New Contacts

By not just reading but by commenting in other niche blogs, you can get new contacts who might turn to be a great help for you in the future. You might get him/her to write a guest post in your blog and you can post in his/her blog. If you help them, then they might help you in return. I have had friends who have helped me in return for a backlink in my blog for certain time period. And when it comes to other niche blogs, your tough works might get simple. Say you are an SEO blogger and you have a got a web design blog friend by reading his/her blog, then you can get a custom design for your blog in exchange for a SEO analysis of his/her blog.

Start reading other niche blogs now and get more things done for you easily. Do you read other niche blogs? Do you have any good friends who have helped you at the time of need? Please share it in the comments.

Posted by Ramkarthik from Blogging Tune | Filed Under Blogging

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Do You Have an Emergency Contact for Your Blog?

Written by Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs on December 9, 2007 | 3 Comments

This week at Performancing, I asked “What will happen to your blogs if something happens to you?” Stuff happens and we need to be prepared. While I won’t rehash the whole piece, I will ask another question. “Who will you entrust your blog to if something happens?” For some the answer is simple, while others have to think long and hard of someone they can trust to see out their visions.

Who Shares Your Vision?

If you care about what happens to your blog in the event of illness…or worse, you’ll want to seriously consider your replacement. When I was getting my blogging affairs in order a couple of months ago, I wondered how many people I knew who would continue to keep Freelance Writing Jobs going as the active writers’ community it is today if I found myself in the hospital or bedridden. I came up with two people, both regular contributors. They both know how I feel about FWJ and also have the same passion for writing, community building and blogging. I also gave my passwords to my oldest sister who I knew could convey to my readers what happened, and how much my blogs meant to me, if it came to that.

Get Your Affairs in Order

It may sound silly to worry about something like this, but all business owners take the necessary precautions, and blogging is my business. Besides, blogging is my life. Do I want to see my blogs:

Languish in cyberspace, collecting dust like an old car in someone’s garage?
In the hands of someone who is only interested in making money, and cares nothing about my community?
Run by someone who knows nothing about writing?
If I was no longer of this world, I’d want my family to sell my blogs, but hopefully to someone equally as passionate. I have a list of bloggers to approach first.

If you haven’t already, I recommend you:

Prepare your blog for any eventuality. Store all of your passwords and logins on a disc and put them in a fireproof box or safe deposit box.
Advise a trusted family member of what you would like done in your absence.
Appoint a guardian for your blog until you’re ready to take over again, or your family is ready to sell or pass on the torch

Knowing a trusted colleague or relative will handle things in my absence gives me peace of mind. Who will take care of your blogs if something happens to you?

Posted by Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs

Article Source :

Articles Build Blog Readership

By Wayne Hurlbert

Writing internet articles is a powerful way to add visitor traffic to your blog.

Articles provide tremendous personal and professional benefits as well.

Articles are in demand all over the internet. Many traditional websites want them for additional content, and will seek out the services of a good writer.

If you know your subject matter, you will have no shortage of takers for your writing efforts.

All you have to do is be on topic. In fact, if you want to write articles on almost any subject under the rainbow, all you have to do is contact several of the webmasters in your topic area. They will gladly place your articles prominently on their websites.

The great thing about the articles, is they are usually on subjects, that you write about all the time anyway. You don’t need to do extra research, as you already have the knowledge required to a great job, right at your fingertips.

When a website owner publishes your article on the website, be certain to get a live link back to your site. Most website owners will be more than happy to have you provide a brief biography of you, a photograph of your smiling face, and information about your blog and your business.

As you place a number of articles on several websites, you will accomplish more than one goal.

You will obviously receive a few more visitors to your blog, as a result of your incoming link. The extra traffic will be from people who are already interested in your blog’s subject matter.

You will establish yourself as an expert in your field, and other people will call upon your ideas and information. The recognition of others, who are interested in the same topics and site themes as yourself, could lead to some paying business in other ways.

The writing credits help to build a writing portfolio, that will serve you well, in the employment market. A series of published articles provides added power to your resume. In a highly competitive job market, the publication history could tip the balance in your favour.

You can also land freelance writing jobs on traditional websites. The ability to write interesting copy, on any topic, is a skill that is constantly in high demand.

Copywriting for sales and marketing, in particular, have an almost unlimited market. Every internet e-commerce website owner, or at least all of the ones that I know, want to increase their overall sales and profits.

If you can write sales and marketing copy, that will increase their sales numbers, you will never be short of writing assignments. You might even have to raise your writing fees.

Your blog will move higher in the search engine rankings. Google in particular, values theme and topic related incoming links. MSN Search and Yahoo also give high marks to incoming links, but to a slightly lesser degree than Google.

In any case, your blog will move higher in the search rankings for your most important keywords, as a result of those links. The end result of higher search engine placement is more visitor traffic for your blog.

Writing articles helps your blog in more ways than one.

It’s time to add article writing and sales copywriting to your list of accomplishments.

Your business and your blog will benefit greatly.

About the Author: Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

How To Build Traffic To Your Blog

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

With the growing interest in blogging as a means of online promotion and branding, a lot of marketers are starting blogs to promote their opinions, products, books and services.

But a blog is like a website. “Write and they will come” isn’t exactly a magic formula to bring in traffic by the boatload.

If you need to promote your website in order to build traffic to it, you need to promote your blog as well.

Here are some ways you can become a well-read and influential blogger.

1. Write Posts That People Will Want To Read

This should be common sense, but many marketers tend to forget that their readers are real people and that you need to use the principles of online copywriting to make your headlines and copy interesting to your readers.

If you write posts that people enjoy reading, they will reward you by returning to your blog regularly.

Make your posts conversational, pithy and topical. Keep them short and stick to one topic per post.

Write often and regularly so that both readers and search engines visit your blog more often.

2. Optimize Your Posts for Search Engines

I cover this topic in detail in my article on “Search Engine Optimization For Blogs”

But here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice.

Make sure your blog URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for
Use your primary keywords in the title of your post
Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post
Use your keywords in the anchor text of links in the body of your posts
3. Submit Your Blog and RSS Feed To Directories

If you publish a blog you should submit your blog and RSS feed to big directories like Yahoo and Dmoz, as well as the numerous blog directories and search engines.

Here is the best list I’ve found of places to submit your feed or blog, compiled by Luigi Canali De Rossi, who writes under the pseudonym Robin Good.

Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites

Another list of sites to submit your Blog

4. Ping The Blog Services

There are a number of services designed specifically for tracking and connecting blogs. By sending a small ping to each service you let them know you’ve updated your blog so they can come check you out.

Bookmark the Ping-O-Matic ping results page so you can visit it and quickly ping a number of services with a single click.

5. Build Links To Your Blog
I recommend the methods here as the best ways to get links pointing to your blog.

Link to your blog from each page on your main website
Trackback to other blogs in your posts
Post legitimate comments on other blogs with related topics
Offer to exchange links with other similarly themed blogs and websites
6. Edit Your Blog Posts Into Articles

One of the best methods for promoting your website is to write articles and submit them to article directories.

The suggestion for extending this to edit your blog posts into articles and submit them to directories came from the coach at “Explode Blog Traffic” who also has other noteworthy suggestions at his blog.

You’ll find an extensive list of article directories here

7. Create Buzz About Your Blog

Creating a buzz about your blog posts and topic in the local and online media will give your marketing a viral component.

Create a controversy around your blog or it’s topic.
Distribute bumper stickers or other merchandise with your blog’s URL and tagline.
Write a press release about something newsworthy and tie it in with your blog topic.

8. Capture Subscribers By Email

It may seem strange for a blogger to send out updates by email, but email is still the #1 choice of most people who want to receive news and information.

Using a free service like Bloglet to manage your subscriptions is easy and it allows your subscribers to manage all their subscriptions from one interface.

However, if you want more control over your list and don’t mind mailing out the updates yourself, you can use an autoresponder system to capture and follow-up with subscribers.

RSS Responder is a new script that allows you to keep in touch and follow-up with your subscribers without the hassle of email.

These tips should give you a good start to building your blog traffic.

Priya Shah is CEO of the blog publishing firm, Connect10. Subscribe to her free Marketing With Blogs email course. Request the whitepaper Boost Your Search Engine Visibility With Blogs And RSS here.

This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

How to Explode Blog Traffic

by The Coach

Rule #1. Write an article on “how to explode blog traffic!!!”

Rule #2. Read on

To be very frank there are quite a bit of so called tried and tested ways to increase you blog traffic, but these merely focus on increasing hits on your blog, but do not focus on the main reason why you want more traffic viz. to read what you write and keep coming back for more.

Sites such as do deliver on their hits, but sadly most of these hits stay for a maximum of 30 secs only, after which they click on the next blog to increase their traffic. That brings us back to the topic, What can really be done? Is there a way out? How do i make myself heard above the din?

Well, here are some tips for starters.

1. Write. Write stuff. Write stuff people like to read.Most often blogs end up being abused by people who think the world is waiting to know what happens to them every second (I don’t deny them this right…they have it!), however the same thing can be presented in a way that forces the reader to continue reading. Simple check! read as though you didn’t write it. Funny? worth posting? go ahead post.

2. Make friends. I don’t mean going around shaking hands with people and expect a sudden spurt in your traffic, instead post reciprocal links on your blog. Yes people do read others links and if you are there, people will visit your blog. Its an easy way to piggyback on some good blogs.

3. Articles!!!! Take some of your posts, tweak them a bit, add a snazzy caption and Presto! you have your own article ready. Now take that article and post it all around you (on the net please….i don’t expect people to walk around with faces stuck with paper muffling away….thish is smy aaarticle!). There are quite a list of websites that do this.

4. Check your Site title and description (I think this should have come in second in order….lets just forget the order for now)Get a cool title something that makes people go, “oooohh thats hhhhhhooooootttttttt” (if not that much atleast…….a “i think this might be interesting”). And remember to give a matching description (the funnier the better). This will also help you get better results on search engines.

5. Submit to Blog Search engines. Most people search for blogs not on the major search engines, but on blog search engines. So make sure your blog has been submitted to these engines. The more the merrier. Search on google for blog search engines and submit your blog to all of these.

6. PHOTOS ROCK!!!! Face it, most people do search blogs to see something interesting and what best but a photo to give them a 24million color view of something. Yes photos rock, and they do bring in traffic. It kinda gives a coolness to your site. Its like wearing colors while everyone else is in uniform. Most blogging providers support photoblogging, but if you need a place to host photos is a place as good as any.

7. Get original! Showing others content may bring people to your site, but it would not make them stay. all they would say is . ….”another smartass trying to keep his blog updated by somebody else’s work”. So keep the blog original with what you would like to say.

8. Publicize!!! I am not talking about banner exchanges ( not only do give free advertising on your site, you also have to put up with ugly graphics that can be out of place on your beautiful site.) Think up creative ways. Get a bumper sticker on your car, your boss’s car, your company delivery truck…the works. Another easier option, get it on your company’s email signature or atleast on yours.

9. Evangelize!!! No i am not a religious nut and i’m not expecting you to be one. Write stuff that would make people go on and talk about you without you threatening them or paying them. And refer to “the blog” in common discussions, parties etc…. wherever you find people.

10. Ok so you got so far…….on more important thing. Don’t expect to find any of the above on my blog, the only reason being, i don’t need to explode my blog traffic !!!!

About the Author
The Coach, Bangkok, Thailand
yourcoach @
For everything blog, your expert…. The Coach. Apart from being an avid blogger and a SEO expert, the author is focussed on helping others gain from the common pool of knowledge. more at

Article Marketing For Bloggers –

By Christopher Knight

Bloggers blog. That’s what they do. A blog is short for ‘weblog’ and it’s really an online journal that can be updated easily and frequently without any knowledge of HTML code.

Traditionally, article marketing has been used by authors who are promoting their books or information products. Lately, I’ve noticed a growing trend of bloggers using article marketing to grow the traffic to their blog and you should too.

Three reasons why it makes sense for bloggers to engage in article marketing:

1) You’ve already got a lot of content produced in each of your blog posts. 200 words should be your floor for each article that you produce. In some cases, you already have enough words per post to create 10-50 articles instantly. If you don’t, then stitch posts together of a similar theme until you have 200+ word articles to put into article marketing distribution.

2) A blogger has the same traffic building problems that any typical website has, and therefore article marketing can help your blog in the same ways it can help a non-blog website.

Benefits include qualified traffic coming to your site year round, quality backlinks being built without any messy recip-linking campaigns, and you’re expanding your reach to other experts that might not otherwise have found your blog.

3) Bloggers by nature are more Internet savvy than your typical author. With this said, most bloggers already understand how to create revenue with pay per click (PPC) advertising programs.

As such, you already know how to produce keyword intelligent titles for their articles. This guarantees maximum traffic impact for each of your articles.

If you are already a blogger and are new to article marketing, here’s how you get started:

1) Produce a cache of 10-25+ articles from your existing blog content.

2) Submit them to the major article directories and any that are niche-relevant to your field of expertise. You may also wish to submit them to ezine publishers directly from your niche.

3) Rinse and repeat until you have 250-1,000+ articles in distribution this year. Hire a college student or editor if you don’t have time to get this strategy into practice as it’ll be well worth it.

4) Watch your traffic counter slowly rise, day by day as your articles work hard for you delivering qualified traffic to your website year round.

Article Marketing as a strategy will not break your traffic counter on your first month of investing in this strategy… but, I guarantee if you engage in this strategy, your blog will grow in traffic and popularity beyond the traffic you were already creating by simply blogging.

You knows, you might even increase your sales, land a new job, or improve your rank in the search engines as a side-benefit from your article marketing strategy.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic directory. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links in tact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

How To Profit From Your Home Business Blog

By Ian Canaway

A blog is a simple tool which all affiliate marketers should be utilising to explode their affiliate sales.

I set up my blog in about 15 minutes at it’s a completely free service, and it’s really easy to set-up. I followed directions on an excellent article on getting a new website listed in Google in 48hrs check it out here,. I just followed the advice in the article and got started with no problems in no time.

I’ve been doing a lot of research with regards to blogging and came across a case of a 19 year old kid who was making something ridiculous like $50,000 a year with a blog on mobile phones, from his bedroom! So clearly there is a good earning potential through blogs, but they do take time to grow and build up a readership. Treat your blog as a marathon not a sprint, because it will take time.

Blogs provide a very simple, quick and easy means to add fresh content to your website. As I’m sure you’ve heard many times over ‘content is king’ in the search engines eyes and if you can provide high quality, regularly updated content your website should benefit with regards to your search engine ranking.

By providing fresh, high quality relevant content you will gain an increase of both first time visitors and repeat visitors, they will come back to check out your new content. Providing it’s interesting, relevant and useful to them. You will begin to build relationships with your readers, increasing your credibility and building their trust in you.

These repeat visitors will be exposed to your messages more and begin to trust you and your recommendations. This in turn will fuel sales and referrals. Just make sure you don’t recommend a product you haven’t tried because if it is bad you will lose all credibility!

Never recommend something you haven’t tried and tested your self.

You want to send traffic directly to your blog, do it through multi-dimensional strategies. Have a subscriber box for your newsletter to build your list from your blog. Use it as an exit pop-up from your main site or thank you page for new subscribers, directing them to relevant content immediately. As once your prospects have got to know you through the blog they are much more likely to explore your website and check out whatever you are offering.

Whenever you sign-up for an affiliate program or buy a product, review it in your blog and be brutally honest, your readers will love you for it. Take a completely unbiased view point and talk about both the positives and negatives of each product. In essence you are providing more of an insight into the product than the sales page itself, almost a sample, this will help convert those prospects that are ‘sitting on the fence’ so to speak. Obviously when you review your affiliate products, make sure that you use your affiliate links.

It has been shown that prospects are 7-10 times more likely to buy from a blog recommendation than from other sources!

Other ways that you can generate extra income through your blog are through the Google ad sense program, selling banner/link space as your traffic increases or as I mentioned earlier by adding you own opt-in sign up form to which you send your newsletter or other targeted offers.

Your blog can be syndicated using RSS, which I won’t go into here, that’s another article. But savvy webmasters can use your blog content on their web pages. This benefits them as they have regularly updated fresh content for their website and benefits you through increased exposure and free targeted traffic.

Be passionate about your blog, love your blog. If you do not then it will become obvious through your posts and you are unlikely to be anywhere near as successful as you could be.

Add to your blog regularly provide good quality content and reviews and you will be on your way to blogging success.

“A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one at all would find fault with what he has done”. — Cardinal Newman

Get that blog started today!

Copyright © Ian Canaway

Ian Canaway is a home business entrepreneur and the owner of and also a home business based blog providing high quality information and resources. Check us out Now!

Blogging for Dollars

By S. Housley

Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest game show or some new drinking game, but it’s the latest craze to hit the Internet.

Bloggers began blogging for a number of reasons, but as the blog movement has increased in popularity, they have found ways to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

Whether a blogger’s focus is to communicate with customers or just to have fun, they have begun looking at ways to earn revenue from their blogs. The most popular ways for bloggers to earn some added cash for their pet projects are:

Google Adsense in Blogs
Google AdSense allows webmasters to dynamically serve content-relevant advertisements in blogs. If the visitor clicks one of the AdSense ads served to the blog, the website owner is credited for the referral.

Webmasters need only to insert a Google-generated java script into the blog or blog template. Google’s spider parses the AdServing blog and serves ads that relate to the blog’s content. Google uses a combination of keyword matching and context analysis to determine what ads should be served.

Affiliate Programs (Product Endorsements)
Affiliate Programs work when an affiliate web site receives income for generating sales, leads, or traffic to a merchant website. Generally, bloggers will mention or endorse specific products and if site visitors purchase the product, bloggers will receive a portion of the sale.

Product Promotion
Businesses use blogs to detail how specific features or product add-ons can increase functionality and save time. Content-rich product promotion will help with search engine placement.

Banner Ads
While less popular than in the past, websites with high traffic levels can still earn decent revenue by selling banner space.

As the Internet evolves bloggers will continue to seek out ways to monetize their opinions and thoughts. Daily journals and online blogs have become more than just a communication means to many.

About the Author:

Sharon Housley manages marketing for the NotePage and FeedForAll product lines. Other sites by Sharon can be found at , and