Quantum Mysticism

Gary Zukav in his book ” The Dancing Wu Li Masters” dealt with Quantum Mysticism, that the world of the New Phyics, validated mystic truths. ( www.zukav.com )

So did Fritjof Capra in his book ” The Tao of Physics “.

Earlier the Indian sages,Vivekananda and Aurobindo had predicted that as modern science progresses, the Indian philosophic truths will only be confirmed.

Dr Chopra in his book ” Quantum Healing ” also dealt with Quantum Mysticism.

The entire approach of SCI & TM is that all eternal truths are verified by Quantum Physics, verified by scientific research and verified by personal experience.

Forever Newly Created Reality !

Gary Zukav says in his magnum opus, the Dancing Wu Li Masters, that in the realm of particle physics, forever newly created realities are formed !

For instance, when a pi meson interacts with a proton, a neutral meson is produced. ( Meson – medium weight particle ) and a Lamda particle

Pi + p = K + L

Also formed is a pi meson and a proton !

Pi + p = K + L + Pi + p

So in the subatomic realm, newly created realities are formed.

Particle Physics explains this formation of Pi meson and proton from the interaction, as products of Kinetic Energy !

The subatomic world is characterised by an continual process of creation, transformation and annhihilation of particles, where mass is converted into energy and energy is converted into mass. Newly created realities are formed.

The quantum physicists have reached the mystics who proclaimed that all this is the Cosmic Dance, the dance of subatomic matter, symbolised in Eastern Literature as the Dance of Lord Shiva, the lord of the dancers worshipped by the Indians !

The Transcendental Truth

Kurt Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem in Maths points out that Reality cannot be represented by any finite, symoblic structure and that it is transcendental ! Truth goes beyond the finite to Infinitude ! He has reached across the ages to the Seer Poets who proclaimed that the Infinite Reality can be experienced as I AM THAT !

Don’t live a little, live on fire

Erase the Ego

Buddha and Sankara thought the world to be false and miserable and escape from it was the only wisdom. But then the world is Self, the world is God, the world is Bliss, prajna prasrutha purani , Omnipotent Wisdom became this world. It is our wrong relationship with the Divine in the world which is the misery and our perception of the world through the mentalised ego which is the suffering !

When the Mirror views its own image
This Universe becomes visible !
True vision is not in thee
Infested as thou art with the negative elements !
Hence, Erase the Ego !

Once the Ego is erased, the world will be seen in its Reality !

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Go beyond Symbolism & experience the Self !

The Three ideas of Reason in Kant are

The Relative Universe
The Relative Ego
The Relative Supreme

They are known as the Three Perpetual Symbols in Aurobindo. They exist as Symbols in the Universal Mind.

At the subatomic level, the invisible realm, many things are happening. The Electron is both a particle and a wave. Matter, at its subtlest level, is the Vaccum State.

The best use one can get from symbols is a description of Reality, maximal and incomplete. Symbols and experience are part of Eastern Mysticism. One should go beyond symbols into the realm of experience.

Consciousness is like a mirror and it is filled with the perceptions of the outer world and never experiences its true nature. Go beyond Symbolisms and experience the Self !

Blog Submission Centers, another promotional list

Here like Article Submission Centers, we are giving a directory of Blog Submission Centers. You can submit your blogs to these blog and feed directories, to get tons of traffic


Source : http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/blogsubmissioncenters.asp

Bell’s Theorem of Interconnectedness

Bell’s Theorem in Physics maintains that separate parts are interconnected at a fundamental level. This is what Eastern Mysticism has been talking about for centuries.

We are all puny parts of the Great Whole. We appear as separate parts of the Whole, but are interconnected at a fundamental, subtle level.

It is like the Ocean. We are the waves , we belong to the Ocean. Our basic substance is One and we are all interconnected !

Glory to Quantum Physics for discovering eternal Truths !

Express yourself freely through blogs

– By: Clint Jhonson, 2008-01-19

In the past, whenever people wanted to talk about the latest news or share their thoughts, they had to do it in the community where they lived, with their neighbors and friends. If you really wanted to make your point of view known, you could write a letter to the local newspaper, but nobody guaranteed they would publish it. Today, people’s access to information has become unlimited, thanks to the expansion of modern technology and the Internet. People can now express their opinions in their blogs, where everyone can read them. If you want to protest against an unfair war, to warn the others about the dangers of eating unhealthy food or to promote an event, blogging is the most efficient way. You have total freedom as nobody decides what to write in your blog except yourself.

For the people who read them, blogs are a way of entertainment or a source of information. For the people who write them, blogs are ways of sharing their ideas with others. Blogging helps to connect people, to make them exchange information and opinions and get to know each other. Even if you haven’t started blogging for the purpose of meeting new people, you will soon realize that you have made new friends. Reading somebody’s blog can help you know that person better than you know most people around you. This may seem a paradox, but think about it. You can see a person every day, work in the same office, talk about work-related issues, but have no idea about that person’s personal life or life concepts. On the other hand, you can read somebody’s stories and feel close to that person even if you haven’t actually met in real life.

Blogs allow you to maintain a close relationship with a person that lives in another part of the world. In the same time, blogging gives you the possibility to develop your written communication skills. Some people who started as bloggers wrote books based on their blogs and became famous. Of course, we can’t all be writers, but by putting our thoughts to paper (a figure of speech, as a blog is written on the computer) we can think more clearly. Blogging helps you structure your way of thinking.

Whether you are in favor of blogs or against them, you can’t deny that they have become an important part of the modern society. In fact, blogging has caused a revolution of information. The information is no longer under the monopoly of television and newspapers, which can sometimes send deliberately distorted messages. Thanks to the wide network of blogs, information is spread in the shortest time. Sometimes news is published on somebody’s blog before the television finds out about it.

A successful blog is a blog written with sincerity and attention to the information’s accuracy. Don’t write about a rumor on your blog unless you are sure it is true. Avoid criticizing other persons on your blog (even if they deserve it). Although you feel protected by the anonymity of the blog, don’t forget that many bloggers have been sued by the persons they had insulted. Besides, nobody is really interested in how much you hate your boss.

Blogs give us the possibility to express our point of view, without the worry of being censored. Blogging can also help us get in contact with new people and new ideas. You will make new friends who share your opinions and views on life.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

The blogging community – new friends and a lot of fun

– By: Clint Jhonson, 2008-01-19

Have you ever felt that your ideas are worth sharing with others? Do you dream of a place where you can endlessly talk to other people about your favorite subjects? Then you are ready to be part of the blogging community. By creating your personal blog, you will be able to write your thoughts where others can see it. What to write about? The answer is simple: whatever you fancy. The latest concert of your favorite band, the adventures of the last holiday, your views on politics, the protection of environment or globalization, in short, anything that interests you and you think that others will also be interested about. Blogs have been created by people who described themselves as “escribitionists”, people who had something to say to the world. Anyone can write in a blog; there are no special skills required. Thousands of people have their own blogs. Chances are that at least a person from your family or circle of friends has one.

But the blogging community means more than writing down your impressions and views. It is a real “community”, where you get feedback from people who read your blog and you can also leave comments on their blogs. If you are looking for new friends, interesting people with whom you share the same views on life, then you can find them in the blogging community. You will have the opportunity to talk to people that you couldn’t have met in the real life, to enlarge your perspective and discuss about topics that you are interested in. Blogs are an important news source, as sometimes some new information is known in the blogging community before it makes it into television and newspapers. For example, you may find out about the next concert of your idol from a blog long before you see the advertisements on TV.

Besides making new friends, blogs can help you keep in touch with the friends you already have. If your friends live in another town, country or even on a different continent, don’t let distance stay in the way of your communication. You can use the blog as a diary, to write accounts of the most interesting things that happened to you during the last days, week or month. This way, your friends will stay up to date with your latest “adventures”. If you have heard a good joke or the latest gossip about a celebrity that you would like to share with the others from the blogging community, feel free to write it on your blog.

Many people became famous through their blogs; some of them published books or were invited at television shows. Therefore, if you feel creative, don’t hesitate to join the blogging community. Maybe you will become an opinion former with thousands of people reading your blog. In order to have a successful blog, you need imagination, originality and you must always be informed (before others) about the latest important events. Having a blog is similar to writing your own newspaper. While the content of the blog is important, it is the style that makes the difference. Of course, you are unlikely to attract many readers on your blog if you write about a boring day at work or what you had for breakfast, but if you do it in a funny, entertaining way, then people will enjoy read it, nonetheless. Many bloggers feel that the blogs have changed their life. It is a nice feeling to know that people are looking forward to read your latest blog entry, but that is not all. Writing in a blog can help you learn how to structure your ideas, how to defend your point of view and bring arguments to sustain it.

Blogs are a popular way of making your thoughts and impressions known to the world. By being part of the blogging community, you will meet interesting people with whom you can chat about your hobbies or any subject that interests you.

Article Source Article Wisdom

Blogging – the best way to make your voice heard to the world

– By: Clint Jhonson, 2008-01-19

If you need to hear the latest news, you turn on the radio or the TV, or you read the newspaper, right? A new form of mass media has emerged in the recent years: blogging. Yes, blogs have become widely accepted as a news source which is sometimes more credible or accurate then the “old media”. Some of the bloggers are also journalists, but most of them are just ordinary people who want to express their opinions. Nobody can deny the important role of the blogging community in opinion forming. The best thing about blogging is that anyone who has something to say can do it. You don’t need to be a famous writer or journalist in order to become part of the blogging community.

Modern technology is said to have made people more distant and communication more superficial. In the same time, it is also modern technology that brings people together. The Internet is the fastest and easiest way to communicate with faraway friends and relatives, but also to make new friends. The blogging community is no exception. Here you can meet people of all ages and nationalities, who are united by their desire to share ideas and thoughts. Blogging is not a monologue, but a dialogue with other people, as bloggers can leave comments on each other’s pages.

Maybe you think that nobody would be interested in reading your opinions, but give it a try. You will see that you don’t need to be Shakespeare or Hemingway in order to produce an original piece of writing that other people will enjoy reading. Blogging can improve your self-confidence and your written communication skills. People who write blogs are more organized and are always informed about the latest news. If you are a shy person, the positive feeling of belonging into the blogging community will give you the courage to freely express your opinions, not only on your personal blog but also in real life.

If you have friends living in distant towns, you can find out what’s new about them by reading their blog. Blogging can also be used as a form of protest against different forms of injustice. Many people who have been disappointed by a certain company’s products or services write their negative experiences on the personal blogs, in order to warn other customers against that company.

All in all, the blogging community is a place where you can meet new friends and keep in touch with friends living abroad. You don’t have to write in your blog every day. In fact, the key of success in blogging is to write only when you have something to say. This way, you will avoid being boring. However, don’t worry too much about the popularity of your blog, as the purpose of blogging is, after all, to have fun and meet interesting people. Even if you won’t get famous, your circle of friends will grow.

The blogging community is looking forward to new members who want to make their voice heard and also make new friends. Blogging can help you discover your unknown writing talents. Maybe you won’t get as famous as to appear on television, but it will be fun to share your thoughts with your friends.

Article Source : www.articlewisdom.com