Make Money Online

– By: Dmitrijs23 Kononovs32, 2008-03-18

Social Network

One of the most crucial inventions of the 20th century was undoubtedly the internet technology. Ever since its application in praxis, the internet technology has created a kind of revolution all through. It has remodeled the definition of so many aspects of life itself. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to comment that the phenomenon of globalization itself is largely, if not wholly, a result of internet applications. So overwhelming is its presence and impact on human life in the 21st century that we can barely think of anything that is totally independent of internet applications. A great instance in this regard would be the internet sites for social network.

A social network site does exactly what the name itself suggests. These sites build social network online. That means people share their interests and several kinds of activities through these sites. Exploring a social network site also enables one to explore the interests of other people. Needless to say, this comparatively new phenomenon has become immensely popular ever since its inception and the popularity of the various sites that deal in such social network service are ever on an increase.

In most cases the social network sites are structured into several ways that the users can employ to interact with each other. Go to any such site. As you get yourself registered, you will find that there are several options like messaging, chat, voice chat, discussion groups, sharing of files, e-mailing system, and so on. There are so many sites that revolve round this aspect of social network. Some of the most popular social network sites are MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, Bebo, and Friendstar. Each of these sites comes up with their own ways of classifying the services. For instance there are often categories such as the former classmates, etc. where you may search for the friends whom you last met during your school or college days. There are other similar kinds of categories that make your task of search quite easy.

There are several business applications of the social network sites as well. The fact that such sites connect so many people all across the globe against almost no cost attracts several small business enterprises or the entrepreneurs. A social network site can indeed go a long way in helping such people in extending their base of contacts. The companies that sell several products and services too are drawn towards the social network sites. These sites prove to be great tools for management of relationship with the customers on a direct basis. Needless to say, the popularity of the sites of social network also attracts several business enterprises to campaign with their ads.

It may sound a bit idealistic; but it’s a fact that the sites for social network are often employed with the purpose of realizing some social good. There are the places like the that provide great platform to people who love thinking and here they can communicate with like minded people so that their positive energy finds a successful vent. Thus, there is a multitude of ways in which the social network sites prove to be unique and add a humane touch to the internet applications.

Dmitrijs Kononovs is author of this article on Futurama Benders Big Score Review. Find more information about Make Money On Blogs here

Video Reviews: A Look At Web Video and Video Blogging

– By: Noel Swanson, 2008-03-18

Video is a very influential way to get you message across. Since video activates and uses the most dominate of our senses, we are more than likely to remember the message that is being displayed to us. And it is with this knowledge that many people begin to market their web videos in order to get their message across.

Today, the use of web video is extremely prominent, and it seems that everyone from internet marketers to the mother of two living down the street is taking advantage of the power of web video. The reason why so many people are beginning to adopt video as a means to divulging information is because it is a easy, and extremely effective way to connect with their audience on an intimate level.

It’s unsure to say where the future of web video is going to take us however there are several things that are for certain. Web video isn’t going to go anywhere, and the use of video to obtain information is going to grow stronger throughout the next several years.

On video blogging

So you’ve decided to give your fingers a rest and put your best face forward. You want to get involved in video blogging, and why not, it is a great way to connect with your audience and provide them with interesting information in half the time it would normally take them to read it. However, when you have decided to make a video blog, there are several things that you must remember. These tips will allow you to have a video blog that individuals actually want to see, and it will keep your blog interesting and informative.

With video blogging, you have to talk about a story that is interesting. Even if your story is just about what happened to you at the grocery store today, make sure that you have a beginning, middle and end. However, again if you feel your story would take longer than the suggested amount of time, either don’t talk about it or make it into a multi-post story. Many video bloggers will not only write about their story, but they will also include a video that helps describe the story.

One would think that many people wouldn’t want to publish their faces across the Internet for anyone to view however this presumed paranoia is nothing more than that, presumed. Many people find that expressing their feelings about a certain situation, or explaining a solution to a problem, is much easier and faster than simply typing it out. With video blogs, you are able to connect with your audience in an extremely intimate way.

However, no matter why you decide to watch or make a video blog, there is one thing that everyone has in common. We live in a society that is predominately standoffish and distant, however, with the power of web video, and video blogging, individuals are able to connect with their fellow man, without actually seeing them.

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Simple steps to writing a blog

– By: Akhil Shahani, 2008-03-15

As an entrepreneur who has seen his share of success, you probably have a wealth of wisdom founded on practical experience. If you’ve wanted to share your thoughts with others with similar interests, but didn’t have the time or inclination to author a bestselling book, writing a blog is just the thing for you. Indeed, most CEOs are taking to it in a big way. Why not join the gang?

The most important criterion while writing a blog is to do it with passion. The second is to ensure that the content is of high quality. Also remember that getting and holding the readers’ attention immediately is particularly important in blogging. Why? Because there are millions of blogs out there on the internet and there has to be a good reason for someone to stop at your site and stay. Here are some of them:

o Write on a subject that’s close to your heart – For a businessperson that could be technology, employee motivation, business ethics or something else. This topic will be your theme and the more passionate you are about it, the better your writing will be. People read blogs because they are interested in the personal opinions of people like themselves, and therefore, cold, clinical writing won’t hold water.

o Be conversational – Writing a blog is not the same as crafting an academic treatise, so complex, elaborate text is out. Imagine you are talking to a group of friends. Write in a friendly way – do not talk down to them and keep up a conversational tone at all times. That way, you’ll encourage your readers to write back, and that is the true measure of your blog’s success.

o Credit your sources – Never use someone else’s content without giving them due credit. Always acknowledge your sources and link to them; use quotation marks when you write something that is not in your own words and if you want to post a few paragraphs from another site, please ask for permission first. This is not just basic courtesy but will also ensure that you stay out of potential trouble for copyright violation.

o Think before you post – Content is king in a blog. So write thoughtfully and knowledgeably on your chosen subject. Do not rant and rave and make your readers run for cover! Another important point to remember is to stick to your topic; do not digress too much from your intended purpose. You will quickly lose readers if you do.

o Link to interesting stories – If you talk about something interesting that you found online, provide a link to it. Nothing is more annoying to a reader than having to search for a way to get to something on the Net. Be sure to link to articles, books, products, other sites and anything else you mention in your blog.

o Respond to comments – Always, always remember to respond to readers’ comments. Nothing drives away a reader faster than not having his or her comment answered. It also implies that you are a serious blogger and care about what your readers think.

o Write concisely – Give the maximum amount of information using the optimum number of words. An introduction of 250-300 words is usually adequate. Clear, concise writing laced with appropriate humor is sure to win you a big fan following.

o Use catchy titles – The headline should draw the reader in. When writing a blog, take care to use descriptive phrases that reveal the purpose of the article. A reader typically decides whether to continue reading the post or not, by looking at the title of the blog entry. Tell as much of the story as you can in the headline.

o Post regularly – You need to write frequently and regularly to keep your blog fresh and in your readers’ minds. The blogs that attract the most readers are the ones with constant and consistent updates.

o Write effectively – Use bulleted points to draw attention. Insert sub headings and keep the sentences and headlines short and to the point. Use the “inverse pyramid” structure – mention the core ideas first and fill in the details in later paragraphs. The first two sentences should be enough for the readers to decide if they want to continue reading.

o Edit your post – Review your content before posting. Proof-read for typos and glaring grammatical errors. This is also a good time to take an objective look at your writing to ensure that you don’t have something offensive or incorrect in it.

The Web has a way of changing things as we know them. Now, you can have thousands of people read what you have to say on any topic. So, find that passion of yours and start blogging – who knows where it may lead? To a published book, perhaps!

Hi, I’m Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to work smart, check out Smart Entrepreneur . It’s full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully.

Write a blog – it’s easy

– By: Akhil Shahani, 2008-03-15

Now that you have decided to write a blog for your business, what is the next step for you? How do you go about creating that blog? We’ve put together a list of 5 tips to help you on your way:

1. Know your audience – Who are the people that you are targeting? As with any strategy for a good business, it is critical that you identify your niche audience. Answering this question will help you write a blog that will keep the readers interested.

2. Locate your blog – Choose a good site where you want to blog. There are different blog sites available on the internet, some of which are free and allow you to start blogging immediately. If you want to register your own domain name and run your blog on your own server, you will need to install server side blog software. Many web hosts offer an automatic installer that will get your site up and running quickly. Once you have selected the site where you want your blog located, register yourself to create an account. Create a unique title for your blog and provide a brief description that will let others know what it is all about.

3. Choose a template – Most blog sites give you different options for your blog design. Choose one that matches your taste and is in keeping with the theme. Most of them also let you customize it with your own html code, but if that is not your cup of tea, leave it alone – most templates are pretty good. Make sure that the template that you choose reflects the kind of business that you are running – go in for a professional look with corporate colors.

4. Write effectively – Write a blog in such a way that it will be read, time and again. Remember, blogging is all about content. If your content isn’t interesting or relevant to your target audience, there will be no readers for your blog. Keep it brief and adopt a friendly, conversational tone

5. Update regularly – You might think it’s easy to write a blog – well, you’re both right and wrong. Setting one up is simple, but maintaining it on a long term basis is something else altogether. Post messages often and your audience will keep coming back for more. Regular updates to the content on your blog increases your visibility on search engines. Add more information, tips and commentary and invite comments and feedback. Do your best to post at least two or three times a week to keep your visitors interested and coming back for more

To increase the effectiveness of your blog, you could also add on extras:

o Add counters to keep track of visitors to your blog.

o Offer the ability to subscribe to your blog and get posts by e-mail.

o Promote your blog by adding a link to your blog in your email signatures.

o Add advertisements to your blog to earn residual money.

Blogging is here to stay, so go ahead, hop on the bandwagon!

Hi, I’m Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to work smart, check out Smart Entreerneur . It’s full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully.

The Story of Nano, The Pepols Car.

. – By: Tata Nano, 2008-03-03

The Dream of Ratan Tata come’s true.Thepeoples car has finally been shown to public for the first time at the Auto Expo in New Delhi. Developed by Tata Motors with a target price of $2,500,the sweet name of this small car is “TATA NANO” the NANO has 624cc engine run’s with gasoline, which has mounted under the rear seat, the SWEET SMALLY has four people to seat.

The NANO has Three Levels, The standard, and The next two are luxury set, the standard level IS a non A/C, and the rest two luxury has A/C. The interior includes non-reclining seating for four, an a dashboard with speedometer, fuel gauge and oil light


The car costs only $2,500, gets 50 miles per gallon and it is thecheapest car evrer had in india, but what maks it so cheap?
The NANO’s has a height of about 5ft(1.6m), the widht of nano is 1.5m(5ft app.)and the lenght is about 3.1m(10ft app.) this makes it small. The frunt mudgade of nano is made of Plastic and adhesive, there is no air conditioning in the syandard modal. the nano is mounted with 624cc two-cylinder engine. This 624cc in boot gives car a max spped of 60-70 km/h and at a min of 43 mph. It’s the product of five years of R&D, with about 500 designers from all over world.

The Making Of TATA NANO

The Father driving the scooter, The child standing in the fount of the scooter and the wife holding a small baby and seating at the back seat, this make Ratan Tata to think about the safe mass transport for a family. This give raise to new ideas about making a four wheeler with a scooter parts, this give birth to the dream car of India The NANO.

NANO never meant to be a Rs1-lakh car, the circumstances made it happend. One fine day Mr.Ratan Tata was interviewed by the Financial Times (British Paper) at Ganeva, Mr.Ratan was talking about the Nano as a low-cost car, It would cost about Rs1 Lakh. The Next day the Financial Times has printed in the headlines that TATA is going to produce a Rs100,000 car. Mr.Ratan wanted to clarify that it was not the exactly what he had said, it would be around that figer. But Ratan TATA take that as a target, this is the cost story of the Rs1-lakh car.
Thanks to Financial Times for the new’s because IF not the NANO would be about Rs2 to 3 Lakh’s car :-). This had proven to everyone that “if you really set yourself to doing something, you actually can do it.”
The Alluring Beauty of Nano
Ratan Tata announced his ambition of producing thehref=””>one-lakh car-Nano . This is just a more expensive two-wheeler, with the four-wheeler comfort; the safest mass transport for a family in all weather and luxury too. Comming to the beauty of nano it is excellent, with alloy wheels, Scoop trim strip stylish decals, comfortable interior seating’s and a dream dash board. check out this fables, alluring beauty of nano to know more.. click Here..

Article Source : Tata Nano

Three dimensional Star of David

– By: Ken Wilson, 2008-03-03

Everyone knows the ancient story about that little guy that defeated the giant with a single stone throw from his slingshot. That little guy’s name was David, the son of a servant, who later became king of Israel, and by many he was called a righteous king.

The memory of King David is still honored in present times. If you don’t know how, you should take the time and look at the flag of Israel, because it has the Star of David symbol on it. This symbol is also used to depict Judaism and Jewish people in general.

This symbol consists of a hexagram, and is also known under the name of the Shield of David. A pendant shaped in such a manner is widely recognized as a symbol of protection. The fact of the matter is that a lot of ancient symbols have gained significance in one way or another. The Merkaba is also a shape that is believed to have some sort of special powers.

The Merkaba is a three dimensional representation of the Star of David. By analyzing the two symbols geometrically, we observe that the second consists of two triangles one pointing up and one down. The three dimensional representation of a triangle is a tetrahedron. Hence two tetrahedra, one pointing up and the other one down form the star tetrahedron, a.k.a. Merkaba.

Casting aside the scientific approach, these symbols are believed to have a great effect on their wearers. While the Star of David has protective properties, the Merkaba is a known symbol for healing, as well as protection. The power of the symbols lies in your beliefs, so there is no room for skeptics.

The star tetrahedron, among Kabalistic believers, is a symbol that holds great powers. In order for anyone to understand the true nature of those powers, we must first become familiarized with the energy flows within our bodies.

The most important energy flows, also known as Prana, run through the center of our body. From there it makes its way to the outer Chakras, and further on into every cell of our body. There are many Prana fields surrounding our body, and they change their color according to our state of mind.

All Prana fields form the Merkaba. Using ancient Prana breathing techniques, one can manipulate those fields, creating an enormous 17 meter energy field. This is a great tool to find self balance and numerous other benefits that come with it.

The uses of this symbol are numerous. One of the most important benefits is the ability to feel unconditional love. Through this we connect with our higher selves and thus reach another level of spiritual growth, something many strive to achieve. Another aid that comes through unconditional love is healing powers, which implies healing ourselves as well as others around us.

If you are interested in benefiting from all the power of this symbol, you should consider purchasing jewelry shaped in this manner. One of the most reliable websites where you can find jewelry of the highest quality shaped like the Merkaba or other powerful symbols is at

While there are many skeptics in this world who say that believing in symbols like the Merkabais a waste of time, you shouldn’t worry about what they have to say. Beliefs are very important for anyone, because the paths of our lives are determined by them.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Three dimensional Star of David

– By: Ken Wilson, 2008-03-03

Everyone knows the ancient story about that little guy that defeated the giant with a single stone throw from his slingshot. That little guy’s name was David, the son of a servant, who later became king of Israel, and by many he was called a righteous king.

The memory of King David is still honored in present times. If you don’t know how, you should take the time and look at the flag of Israel, because it has the Star of David symbol on it. This symbol is also used to depict Judaism and Jewish people in general.

This symbol consists of a hexagram, and is also known under the name of the Shield of David. A pendant shaped in such a manner is widely recognized as a symbol of protection. The fact of the matter is that a lot of ancient symbols have gained significance in one way or another. The Merkaba is also a shape that is believed to have some sort of special powers.

The Merkaba is a three dimensional representation of the Star of David. By analyzing the two symbols geometrically, we observe that the second consists of two triangles one pointing up and one down. The three dimensional representation of a triangle is a tetrahedron. Hence two tetrahedra, one pointing up and the other one down form the star tetrahedron, a.k.a. Merkaba.

Casting aside the scientific approach, these symbols are believed to have a great effect on their wearers. While the Star of David has protective properties, the Merkaba is a known symbol for healing, as well as protection. The power of the symbols lies in your beliefs, so there is no room for skeptics.

The star tetrahedron, among Kabalistic believers, is a symbol that holds great powers. In order for anyone to understand the true nature of those powers, we must first become familiarized with the energy flows within our bodies.

The most important energy flows, also known as Prana, run through the center of our body. From there it makes its way to the outer Chakras, and further on into every cell of our body. There are many Prana fields surrounding our body, and they change their color according to our state of mind.

All Prana fields form the Merkaba. Using ancient Prana breathing techniques, one can manipulate those fields, creating an enormous 17 meter energy field. This is a great tool to find self balance and numerous other benefits that come with it.

The uses of this symbol are numerous. One of the most important benefits is the ability to feel unconditional love. Through this we connect with our higher selves and thus reach another level of spiritual growth, something many strive to achieve. Another aid that comes through unconditional love is healing powers, which implies healing ourselves as well as others around us.

If you are interested in benefiting from all the power of this symbol, you should consider purchasing jewelry shaped in this manner. One of the most reliable websites where you can find jewelry of the highest quality shaped like the Merkaba or other powerful symbols is at

While there are many skeptics in this world who say that believing in symbols like the Merkabais a waste of time, you shouldn’t worry about what they have to say. Beliefs are very important for anyone, because the paths of our lives are determined by them.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Three dimensional Star of David

– By: Ken Wilson, 2008-03-03

Everyone knows the ancient story about that little guy that defeated the giant with a single stone throw from his slingshot. That little guy’s name was David, the son of a servant, who later became king of Israel, and by many he was called a righteous king.

The memory of King David is still honored in present times. If you don’t know how, you should take the time and look at the flag of Israel, because it has the Star of David symbol on it. This symbol is also used to depict Judaism and Jewish people in general.

This symbol consists of a hexagram, and is also known under the name of the Shield of David. A pendant shaped in such a manner is widely recognized as a symbol of protection. The fact of the matter is that a lot of ancient symbols have gained significance in one way or another. The Merkaba is also a shape that is believed to have some sort of special powers.

The Merkaba is a three dimensional representation of the Star of David. By analyzing the two symbols geometrically, we observe that the second consists of two triangles one pointing up and one down. The three dimensional representation of a triangle is a tetrahedron. Hence two tetrahedra, one pointing up and the other one down form the star tetrahedron, a.k.a. Merkaba.

Casting aside the scientific approach, these symbols are believed to have a great effect on their wearers. While the Star of David has protective properties, the Merkaba is a known symbol for healing, as well as protection. The power of the symbols lies in your beliefs, so there is no room for skeptics.

The star tetrahedron, among Kabalistic believers, is a symbol that holds great powers. In order for anyone to understand the true nature of those powers, we must first become familiarized with the energy flows within our bodies.

The most important energy flows, also known as Prana, run through the center of our body. From there it makes its way to the outer Chakras, and further on into every cell of our body. There are many Prana fields surrounding our body, and they change their color according to our state of mind.

All Prana fields form the Merkaba. Using ancient Prana breathing techniques, one can manipulate those fields, creating an enormous 17 meter energy field. This is a great tool to find self balance and numerous other benefits that come with it.

The uses of this symbol are numerous. One of the most important benefits is the ability to feel unconditional love. Through this we connect with our higher selves and thus reach another level of spiritual growth, something many strive to achieve. Another aid that comes through unconditional love is healing powers, which implies healing ourselves as well as others around us.

If you are interested in benefiting from all the power of this symbol, you should consider purchasing jewelry shaped in this manner. One of the most reliable websites where you can find jewelry of the highest quality shaped like the Merkaba or other powerful symbols is at

While there are many skeptics in this world who say that believing in symbols like the Merkabais a waste of time, you shouldn’t worry about what they have to say. Beliefs are very important for anyone, because the paths of our lives are determined by them.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Three dimensional Star of David

– By: Ken Wilson, 2008-03-03

Everyone knows the ancient story about that little guy that defeated the giant with a single stone throw from his slingshot. That little guy’s name was David, the son of a servant, who later became king of Israel, and by many he was called a righteous king.

The memory of King David is still honored in present times. If you don’t know how, you should take the time and look at the flag of Israel, because it has the Star of David symbol on it. This symbol is also used to depict Judaism and Jewish people in general.

This symbol consists of a hexagram, and is also known under the name of the Shield of David. A pendant shaped in such a manner is widely recognized as a symbol of protection. The fact of the matter is that a lot of ancient symbols have gained significance in one way or another. The Merkaba is also a shape that is believed to have some sort of special powers.

The Merkaba is a three dimensional representation of the Star of David. By analyzing the two symbols geometrically, we observe that the second consists of two triangles one pointing up and one down. The three dimensional representation of a triangle is a tetrahedron. Hence two tetrahedra, one pointing up and the other one down form the star tetrahedron, a.k.a. Merkaba.

Casting aside the scientific approach, these symbols are believed to have a great effect on their wearers. While the Star of David has protective properties, the Merkaba is a known symbol for healing, as well as protection. The power of the symbols lies in your beliefs, so there is no room for skeptics.

The star tetrahedron, among Kabalistic believers, is a symbol that holds great powers. In order for anyone to understand the true nature of those powers, we must first become familiarized with the energy flows within our bodies.

The most important energy flows, also known as Prana, run through the center of our body. From there it makes its way to the outer Chakras, and further on into every cell of our body. There are many Prana fields surrounding our body, and they change their color according to our state of mind.

All Prana fields form the Merkaba. Using ancient Prana breathing techniques, one can manipulate those fields, creating an enormous 17 meter energy field. This is a great tool to find self balance and numerous other benefits that come with it.

The uses of this symbol are numerous. One of the most important benefits is the ability to feel unconditional love. Through this we connect with our higher selves and thus reach another level of spiritual growth, something many strive to achieve. Another aid that comes through unconditional love is healing powers, which implies healing ourselves as well as others around us.

If you are interested in benefiting from all the power of this symbol, you should consider purchasing jewelry shaped in this manner. One of the most reliable websites where you can find jewelry of the highest quality shaped like the Merkaba or other powerful symbols is at

While there are many skeptics in this world who say that believing in symbols like the Merkabais a waste of time, you shouldn’t worry about what they have to say. Beliefs are very important for anyone, because the paths of our lives are determined by them.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Back to the Basics (Human Needs)

– By: Darryl Tan, 2008-02-25

Sex is one of our basic needs according to Abraham Maslow who is a renowned psychologist. This theory is called “The Heirarchy of Needs”. This theory basically has 5 stages. Everyones starts from stage 1, which is the Physio needs. After all the needs have been fulfilled, we move up to the second stage. At any point of the later stages for instance, we get sexual urges, we will come back to stage 1 to fulfill that need. Otherwise we will not perform effectively on the higher stages.

1. Biological and Physiological needs – air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

2. Safety needs – protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.

3. Belongingness and Love needs – work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.

4. Esteem needs – self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.

5. Self-Actualization needs – realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Ok so our main concern here is Sex. It is evident that a bad sex life could lead to a bad relationship and marriage. There are many things that contribute to a bad sex life for instance; either partner is not getting enough, men orgasm too quickly etc. It is also a fact that women takes a longer time to reach an orgasm and most men do not have the stamina
to hold until that happens. Of course we could use other parts of our body to help women reach orgasms, but wouldnt it be a bliss if it happens through intercourse?

For anyone who is concerned of their sexual stamina, please visit my blog at to learn effective methods of improving your sexual stamina.

The Power of Three Shall Rule in time to come. Our Actual World

Article Source : Article Wisdom